God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1437 and Good Friendship

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It turns out that no matter what is started, you must first figure it out.

Here, I will give a few unstent eggs for dreams.

"The cultivators of the disorder of the city are basically the same." Xie Meng dance, who was talking with the dream length, finally found the opportunity to open, and retrapened the topic of the run.

At the same time, I still feel a little in my heart. It seems that this dream of the dream is still a little longer, as always ... a good talk.

Well, good talks ...

Ok, it is actually a word.

Xie Meng dance is really not understanding, why do you have a dream of the peak practitioner, how can you get how much?

Non-Xie Dream dance, others also want to understand.

Obviously and Yuan return is a friend, why is the difference between the two people?

"He said?" Gu Yunxiao was so burst into a big pawn, and now I still feel that my ear has a speech.

"Amount, it seems to have been experienced." Jiang Yunyi screamed to clarify the current situation, but it is also a bit fainting.

Other people's reaction is basically less than the two.

"However, I have no habit of causing, I gave them a few nightmares, I took them away." The dream is looking like the old good people.

"What is the core of my nightmare?" Xuancha rare.

"Simple is the core of spiritual strength, there is no substantial harm, the specific effect is to make a nightmare when they sleep." The dream smiles, "said that it is another way to be an alternative. Let's have a lot of things that can be enhanced, and according to the setting of the magical mobile phone novels, this is not the original grandfather of the opportunity? "

"The core of the nightmare, listening to the nightmare space is a bit similar." The green eyes of the green, and the eyes of dreams changed.

The surface looks like an old good person, but it is just this.

It is possible to have a self-cultivation of the peak of the respect.

"Oh, the dream of the dream can be really interested." Xie Dream dance, said that this is not as good as it is. "

"The city of chaos, I remember there is a city owner?" The dream is very empty.

"The monks of the city are also here." Xie Meng Dance pointed to see the glacial mobile phone on the sofa not far away.

Although the environment in the hall is noisy, the frost is not affected, and it is still immersed in his own world.

Luochuan noticed that the dream length saw the frost and then consciously made a tribute.

Um ... I don't know what he has experienced.

The frost is observed, and looked up at him and then continued to watch the magical phone.

The voice of the faint landlord came.

"Amount, the memory of the city owner has a problem, and may not remember the previous thing." Xie Meng dance explained.

"Don't remember it, don't remember it ... cough, I don't mean, I just want to say ... I don't want to say anything." Dream growth feels a little explanation, and the sure is no longer explained.

"Dream is here to come here?" Xie Meng dance is a bit curious.

"Of course, in order to find the boss, the boss said to give the role in the movie, the boss?" Dream Changshi airved in Luochuan in the sofa inquiry.

Luochuan nodded.

"You and the boss know?" Gu Yunyi can not remember that the origin store has such a customer.

"Say you may not believe that I am a customer yesterday, as for how it became, this thing said that he said that he didn't control himself.

"Said that the length of the party will stay again later." Luochuan stood up from the sofa, stretched a lazy waist, "Time is almost, people have arrived, the movie also didn't shoot?"

Everyone replied with voice.

"Of course!"


"Do you want to pay for a holiday ..."

Ok, it is not the same.

Summer is already led the waiter of the Snow Feng Pavilion to take a small house, which is the moon of the movie.

Tang Yi is also over because it is nothing.

In fact, I came to Qichuan for so long, Luochuan didn't see what Tang Yi had anything, and every day, in addition to playing magic phones, it is gone.

It's better than him!

When you leave the song and Jiang Shengshi have been eating lunch to return to the snow, the inexplicable excitement feels gradually.

In fact, the two were all spotted, but the perception of the feeling, it did not help itself.

So in this excitement, everyone has a minimum of three big bowls.

If the physical fitness of the cultivator is put, they can come back to a problem.

Now that two are very doubts, special doubts.

"Why?" The story is whispering from the song, recalling the experience of just now.

"I said that you are all the way, I am not annoying?" Jiang Shengshi asked with a little impatient.

"You are not confused?" The step is left behind, "I woke up after the next night, I am going to have a lunch, and I am not awake, it is not right, it is excited, then lasts for so long, obviously abnormal!"

"Of course I know is not normal." Jiang Shengjing spreads his hands, "then, what do you want to say?"

"Cause!" The step of walking into the song, the brain, the brain, may be a bit less normal, may be excited, "You are not curious to be like this?"

"Curious, but have any negative impact on you?" Jiang Shengshi asked.

"Amount, this is not." The step away from the song, not to mention negative impact, now he only feels that you have a spirit.

Originally, even if you sleep in the morning, you will feel the head is groggy. After all, the strength of the two is far less than that of the degree of sleep.

And don't forget the impact of habits.

Two days before the demon purple smoke, because of the demon purple moon, the card did not sleep, but the next day, it was yawn, not to Tiolcho, staying up late, you must double the time in the morning.

Therefore, from another perspective, although the level of the realm is indeed affecting daily life, it is not decisive.

"So you tangled this?" Jiang Shengjing accelerated, he had noticed the lively scene in the hall, "Anyway, there is nothing wrong with you, and the boss is here, do you worry that someone will harm you?"

The step is hidden, then smiled and grasped the hair: "I am curious, curious, not as you said ... Waiting so fast, wait for me ..."

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