God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1438, Luochuan's new habit

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I heard Luochuan said that I want to start shooting a movie, everyone in the hall began to be busy.

Anyway, Luochuan does not know that they can be prepared.

But at least it looks busy, everyone is busy with their own things.

Luochuan is idle, and the sure is coming to the frost next to it.

Frosting saw the magical mobile phone after seeing Luochuan, with a doubtful look in the red eyes.

"Do you know him?" Luochuan refers to the dream length of not far away.

Although the dream is just coming, there is no such thing as a little, and he is talking to Gu Yunxi and others tell his wonderful past.

The audience listened very serious, the dream grew, and the sound is painted, and when there is a burst of exclaims.

Luochuan feels that the dream is very empty. When a swim poet should be quite good.

The frost is slightly frowned, retrieving the memory of the incomplete memory in the mind, and the sound is not too big: "I can't remember ... Some familiar, it seems to be played ..."

The frost shakes his head, she can give the answer to Luochuan.

Luochuan took the glacial head, nodded: "I almost understand why the dream grows when you see you."

For the real strength of the frost, he did not understand how much, it was very powerful, and the first few of the quotation ranking mode can be played.

Moreover, the frost also controls the strong blood color energy, plus the problem on the soul now, and the strength is definitely a lot.

However, she seems to be in accordance with the realm of Tianshal, the peak of the compassion is much more powerful.

Obviously, the dream of the dream should be seen by the frost to leave a psychological shadow, so there will be such a reaction when seeing her.

Yes, ten eight nine is like this.

Luochuan feels that he guesses the truth of things.

"Boss, why do you want to touch my head?" The frost is not hiding in your head, but it is not conquered after it is awkward.

Luochuan quickly took the hand back, and since the coffee shop in St. Nia in a few days ago, it seems to be inexplicably out of this habit.

"Cough, there is nothing." Luochuan coughed, not preparing to talk about this strange topic.

However, it's coming back, the snowy silver of the frost is like a soft satin. When you sway, it also reflects a faint shin, and it is very good.

When walking, when you come to the hall, it is such a scene.

And there is not much difference in the past.

In addition to more middle-aged uncle don't know.

"Which of this uncle?" The step is coming to the poetry.

"Dream." Stephen is a laughing.

"Ha? Which of the dream is it?" The step is scratched by the song, he really didn't hear it.

As the son of the Sky of the Star Imperial Town, the son of the sky, the walk from the song from small to the big, in addition to cultivation, cultural knowledge is naturally not falling.

The teacher of Guang Professor could not be ten, and the stick also discounted dozens of dozens.

The physical strength of the cultivator is much stronger than ordinary people, so it is much more resistant, and this is also equivalent to the fight against the body.

It's all two things.

Well, you have two ombays.

The steps from the songs have also learned about all kinds of historical legends in the Tianyi continent, something such as the peak existence.

However, he has never heard of the name of the Dream.

"Dream is long, you have never heard of normal." Stephen smiled after the expression of the song, "But he and Yuan Bo are the practice of the peak of the peak, two or friends."

The steps have been thinking about two seconds, then smiled and greeted: "Dream predecessors are good at noon, I am Yuan Gui's apprentice walking."

At this time, the dream is talking to everyone with his brilliant deeds, and it is far away from the Song's face and is exciting.

"Step by the song, I listened to Yuan Gui, I did accept such an apprentice, I met my elders for the first time, I should send something ... Wait."

Said that the dream is getting up in the spatial ring, and I look at it while looking.

"Your strength is too weak. Many things I have collected are not used, I have to find it ... What do you want?"

"This is very embarrassed ..." The step is soft and cough. "You look at it, it is best to be the functionality."

He has already had a weapon, which is the red job purchased at the origin mall at the end of the original mall.

After so long, the Lingjing is still half.

This Lingjing is of course he earned, the leisure model of the Trial Tower of the Trial Tower, has a lot of spectacular places.

It is relatively speaking, there are many ways to earn a Lingjing.

For example, the materials on a variety of Warcraft, can improve the items such as the physical ability, each can sell a lot of Lingjing.

"Functional?" Dreams looked at the hills in the space ring into a meditation, this range can be big.

Dreams have quickly concluded.

Forget it, tangled this.

Give more points to make him play with it, it is not a precious thing.

A space ring is floating, and there is a ten-way quirky items.

Dreams have not much more, after all, when you have a step, you can't use it.

"Then." Dream is empty to deliver a space ring to the song.

"Thank you for your predecessors!" The step is not polite, and the surprise is asking.

At the same time, I don't forget to explore the items in the space ring ... and then I can't open it.

"This is the obstacle I set up. Waiting for your strength, you can break it, a total of ten layers." The dream said with a smile.

Step from the song: "...... Dream is really thought - well."

"What is the predecessor, listening to more people." The dream is empty, "said my dream uncle."

"Amount, Dream Uncle." The step of the song grabs the hair.

"Well, listening to yourself." The dream nodded with satisfaction.

Luochuan has a probably understanding of the character of dream growth, first of all, there are many words, this is obvious, and no one can talk.

Then the image of the old good man, of course, this is just looking, laughing in the next day, treat others is very kind.

However, if you can't enhance it ...

Not dead, you have to be less.

There is a bit of belly, it is not always what it is often.

After all, people who can come to the peak in the cultivation world of the strong, certainly no simple.

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