God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1440 of the whole staff

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The next plot is simple.

Jiang Yunshi and Irena have said a few words, the display on the table brightened.

In the world set by the movie, this convenient display device has entered thousands of households to play various programs.

"The audience is sorry to interrupt the show. The World Security will live broadcast to the whole world. I am a dream length, code L, accept the entrusted to help investigate the cyclist Killer, this is the biggest murder case in history, the main case of the case It is an extremely naive and self-sin ... "

Play a live broadcast on the screen, the dream length is seriously reading the speech of the front suspended in the air.

It looks like a straight look at the shooting screen of the magical phone.

This is also something wrong, after all, the dream can have never seen the script, and can only use this way.

"Ha! Nice?" I heard the evaluation of my dreams, Jiang Yunxiao couldn't help but laugh, "it is indeed."

"I have committed that the base will be returned to the case."

"Waiting for it." Jiang Yun smiled softly.

"Kira, I don't see your thoughts, your action is very naive, you are a sinner that is not allowed, you are more bad than the criminals you sanctions ..." Dream Changshang continued to read.

The death of Irenena's intention has finished eating fruit, and the sight is moving on the screen on the screen.

At this time, Jiang Yunshu has gradually disappeared, she holds the chin, suddenly laughing: "Don't you be a childish?"

Said to open the drawer of the desk, put it out of the black cover of the black cover, open it on the desktop, and you can see the name on the front page.

"Waiting for me to give the world a good show." Jiang Yun smiled slightly, picking up a pen next to it.

"But I know that many people support Kira, Kira refers to the skyline ..."

Jiang Yunshu put down, looked down, the line of sight was in the live broadcast: "I really want to continue playing for a while, l."

According to the settings in the script, the lens should be switched, and the screens of other places are also displayed, but it is obviously not possible when shooting.

The transformation of these scenes is implemented through post clips.

"If the private sentence is abused, the civilized society will degrade into the world ..."

When it comes to this, the face of dreams suddenly has changed, which suddenly covered his chest, and it seems to suffer from huge pain.

The entire live broadcast was suddenly chaos, and the staff hurriedly, but it didn't help but

"Forty seconds."

Jiang Yunxiao took a notebook, which seems to have just made a slightly short thing, the fact is true.

She took a few books from the bag and prepared to write today's homework.

"Month, are you not only a guilty person?" Irine next to Alina asked.

The movement of Jiang Yunshi turned into a book slightly, did not answer Inenena's problem.

Inena didn't care about it, just issued a few quirky laughter.

The screen on the screen suddenly has changed, and a L-shaped icon has appeared, and the sound that deliberately modified also sounds.

"I really can't think of it. Kilra, you don't have to kill them directly. Listen to Kelra, you have been killing the death row that is originally sentenced to be sentenced, I have never been known by the people, I used him to do my Armed, I am still alive, try to kill me ... Oh, how do you can't kill me? For Kira, I also master another intelligence, you are now in the Star Empire. This program is a synchronous play in the world, in fact, just in Qichuan ... "

There is no expression in the side of the river, quietly look at the icon on the screen, the paint black pupil is like a pool of water.

L The inferior to the incident occurred from what happened, and finally ended with a sentence: "I am justice."

"Justice? I am just just!" Jiang Youshang has standed up. "I saved the weak, I am the god of the new world, it is sinful to violate my will!"

The Death of Irene's intentry touched his chin, with a funny smile on his face: "Killing people in the name of justice, human beings are really interesting ..."

"This L is not a good person, he should guess Kelra to kill people through the long phase and name of the person, and finally let others confirm this guess." Gu Yunxi stunned.

"Because two of them make this matter as a game." Xie Dance smiled, "a game with justice as a name."

In the chaotic city, she had seen the weak meat of the cultivation in the cultivation world, saying that the story in the honest film is a little small.

Kill a few ordinary people, but also the people who will die, as for such a big way?

This is the difference between the two world concepts.

Luochuan did not think about forcing the concept of Tiangui continent into the kind of it well, and it was natural.

He is a Pu Tong's shop owner, can't manage so much.

Moving a movie is just an interest, and the system released is completed, as for the spiritual kernel ...

To be honest, he really didn't think so much when he started.

Because I feel very interesting, I decided to take this.

"The boss is so powerful! It is actually sorry for someone." The demon shouted.

I am not, I don't, don't say it.

Luochuan is not available: "Maybe."

If it is refuted, it seems a bit of a little, if it is agreeable, it is a bit strange, anyway, it will be appreciated.

The demon purple smoke looks at Luochuan's expression, and I understand what he meant, can't help but laugh.

"How is the boss? I know that the name and look can kill others completely unfair! Even the peak of the respect is not possible to master this power, but said that it is back, there is really there in the world. It can control any people who live to die. Just write to the name to easily kill, the strength is unable to resist. "The dream is clearly entered the state of excitement," causal! This is definitely involved in causality, law level attack ... "

The shooting of the splings is almost here. Everyone in the room listened to the dream long and empty, and the face did not know what to say.

"That is only fictional, for the item that is fictitious for the movie plot." Luochuan felt that he did not stop, the dream length air energy was not angry.

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