God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1441 What is the world?

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"Oh, yes, this is fake." Dreamway did not have a whitious look, "Haha, I almost forgot this is just something in the movie, is the boss really encountered?"

For the identity of Luochuan, he or less understands, you can write such a story, it is very likely to see it.

Others have also been interested, looking forward to the next discourse in Luochuan.

"I didn't have encountered." Luochuan shook his head, then the voice is turned, "but the world in the void is endless, maybe there is really a world that is said."

"Void? What is that?" Dream is empty, he still heard this name for the first time.

"Well ... Simple is the origin of all things." Luochuan thought about it, "The world is born in the void, the void represents absolute, including any possibility and impossible."

Anyway, it is so that this means that Luochuan explains in a simple language.

"Have you understood it?" The step of hiding the song, and now the two spirits thieves, there is no sleep idea, and the sorrow is coming.

"I didn't understand." Jiang Shengshi shook his head, he is also a mist.

"This void is so powerful." Gu Yunxi whispered.

Unknown, this should be that everyone listened to Luochuan's true portrayal, although they didn't understand, but it was very powerful.

"Vault ..." There is no more words in the world.

"In addition, I said the world and you think may not be the same concept." Luochuan looked at the dream length, "What is the world you think?"

"World? Tianyi mainland is not a world, oh, but also have to add a sea area." Dream gender said.

The Tianli mainland is vast, he has never dared to say that he really knows how to truly understand it.

Moreover, there are countless secrets from the ancient regions, and the ancient remains of the ancient times from time to time ...

Luochuan did not directly refute the dream of the dream, but a question: "Do you know the stars in the night sky?"

"Stars?" Dream is doubtful, "" The boss said what this do? "

Luochuan took the chair and sat down: "In fact, every star, all the 'world' in your eyes."

Dream is empty, thinking about this shocking message.

As for other customers, there is no much reaction to this, after all, before Luochuan has given them the concept of cosmine.

It is no long time when the moon is coming to the originator.

"Dream Uncle said that you may not believe in it, in fact, the world we are in a circle." The step is separated by the song.

"Very big probability is round, I didn't have verified." Luochuan is still very rigorous, "After all, the world in the void is endless, what is possible."

Anvilia stared at Luochuan, did not speak, I don't know what to think.

"How did I suddenly feel that I am so ignorant?" The dream is quiet, so soon adjust the mood, "What is the world saying?"

"How to say, the collection system of self-contouring the information." Luochuan thought about it.

This time, no light dream is empty, others are also stupid.

"The boss said?"

"I do not know."

"Good and deep words ..."

Everyone whispered, I didn't understand what Luochuan said.

"It's hard to explain it with a simple discourse. As long as it is what you can see, the mountain river, the sky is included in the world, this is the universe." Luochuan feels that this is difficult to explain. Clear, "Forget it, have the opportunity to say, now continue to shoot movies."

"The habit is good, the boss is always like this, do things all with your own interests." The step is separated from the song and the dream. "

"In fact, I also understand the meaning of the boss ..." Dream growth nodded, and finally decided no longer tangled, "Forget it, this thing is not tangled, even if the boss said what the universe said. Is there a great relationship with us? Anyway, in my eyes, the world is still a Tianli continent, and the world in the eyes may be just a small city. "

Anvilia heard him at the words of the dream length.

I found that Atri Ya's eyes were observed, and the dream length thought of thinking about it, and suddenly showed an amazing expression: "Is your monk member?"

He also saw news about the dragon's appearance on the magical mobile phone, not only a picture, and a detailed introduction.

Anvilia nodded: "Well."

"It seems that there is not much difference." Dream is empty, "said that the legendary Dragon is very horror, indifferent proud, look like a fake, say it back, Tianyi mainland except for you Is there any other dragon? I don't think about it. I really want to know the life of the dragon. "

Whenever the dream length can open the box, Anvilia can only smile and nod, not politely, and nod: "Oh, have the opportunity to tell you in the future, have a chance after the future ..."

The movie is the most troublesome is that the venue transform, a film naturally needs to be viewed in different places, and the preparation during this period needs to spend a lot of time.

Fortunately, there are summer priests, Luochuan Director does not need to care about these things.

"Where is it going? Do you do it?" Dream is curiously asked curiously.

The dragon set is running, he is not anxious to leave, anyway, there is no matter, the sure is followed by Luochuan. They continue to shoot next.

Maybe you can help what is helpful.

"Continue shooting, time is still early, can't you end now?" Stepped away from the song.

"It is also." Dream is nodded, "So this is to take other places?"

"Well." The step suddenly came out of the song, "Right, Uncle did not have a movie's script? If you want to see, you will go directly to you."

Dream growth is also involved in the shooting of the movie, although it is just a running dragon, but what is it also showing it in it?

"The script boss has given me, just haven't come to see." The dream smiled and smiled, and there was no shelf, "but the rough story is almost guess."

There is no addition to the event of death notes as the core, mainly shows the collisions between two different ideas.

The month is undoubtedly justice, I want to build an ideal world, what is the root of the process, regardless of the matter.

L is equivalent to the legal party, and the secular natural cannot be actually active, and everything is going to follow the law.

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