God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1442 Board

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The law is still just right, this is almost the problem of death notes, this movie wants to explore.

Obviously it can be seen.

Although it has passed a large number of magical changes in Luochuan, the core of the movie has never changed.

As long as there is a civilized place, there is legal existence.

However, as long as it is something created by humans, then there will be a loophole, and there is naturally there is something that cannot be handled.

So the difference occurs at this time.

In the end, the law allows criminals to continue to be happy, or to fulfill the justice in their minds.

In the Tianzi continent, this problem is very solved.

Ha, law?

Here, the strength is the world, when the strength is strong enough, then I am the law!

But because this movie is coming out of Luochuan, then everything is different.

Customers have to think about this problem.

At the same time, I guess the intention of Luochuan.

The boss is open for such a long time, followed by everyone equals, no matter what kind of person comes to the originator, it is ordinary customers.

And it is prohibited from fighting the rules, but also let the origin stores and even nine city have become a rare peaceful location.

Yes, the boss may be to create an equal peaceful society.

What a long ideal!

Thinking of this, they looked at Luochuan's eyes changing, containing a silky premise, awe.

It is a boss!

They still think about how to improve their strength, the boss has planned to change the world.

"How do I feel that they look at my eyes weird?" Luochuan noticed the customer's gaze, whisper and demon purple smoke.

Now they are hugely on the streets throughout the snow, and there is a sun that is inclined to fall, so that the snow on both sides will shine.

"I think they should guess the use of the boss to shoot a deeper level." The demon purple smoke wants to say.

"Ha? Deeper intention?" Luochuan face doubts.

"Boss shooting this movie is actually to let customers think about the current situation of Tianyi mainland. The existence of cultivators can only look up for ordinary people, because so unusual law is no longer applicable, Tianyi mainland has also become chaotic, but if everyone is equal, all places are like the origin stores, and they want to come another scene. "

Luochuan's mood is somewhat subtle.

What ghosts, he decided to shoot movies, you can't think so much!

At that time, I feel that I am too boring in the store. I just want to find an excuse and demon purple smoke.

The film is only by way.

As for deciding to shoot death notes are just a heartbroken tide.

How can I rise in the eyes of these customers in the demon purple smoke?

Can you still make it a little more?

"Boss, I am not right?"

Luochuan looked at the purple pupil of the demon purple smoke, this girl's face was full of "fast boasting me".

Luochuan is a bit helplessly nod. He thinks that if you want to make a real idea, you should completely collapse - it is also almost the same: "For the collision of the opposite, two different ideas."

The demon purple smoke suddenly revealed.

This girl is really awkward, and Luochuan has appeared such an idea.

"That boss, do you think is a matter of justice or a rule is more important?" "The demon purple smoke wants to listen to Luochuan's" creator "on this.

However, still don't stay in Luochuan, the demon purple smoke uses the finger to give his answer for him: "I think the boss must feel the rules."

"Why do you say this?" Luochuan is interested.

"The rules of the boss have set so many customers need to comply with the best proof?" The demon purple smoke said.

Luochuan: "..."

This is true, he can't completely find the reasons for refuting.

"The rule is the rule, in fact, in my opinion, it is more important." Luochuan finally decided to refute.

The demon purple smoke blinks, waiting for the next words of Luochuan.

Luochuan did not sell Guan Chi, continue to say: "The law created by human beings will have a loophole if it is improved. It is impossible to trial all things fairly and fair, so it is more powerful at this time. Strength appears, instead of exercising the judgment of the trial. "

"So the boss thinks that the month is correct?"

"The premise is that people who have this power remain initial."

The month in the original movie is just only killed by death notes, but after l, it is threatened, others have entered his hunting list.

Especially in the end, through the death of poetry, the suspects of the poetry are passed, so that the team to join the L, it can be said that it is completely black.

To tell the truth, this turn is a bit inexplicable.

However, this version of Luochuan took a reasonable explanation after his own revision.

All in all, it is difficult to maintain the life and death of others, it is difficult to maintain the original idea. It is basically impossible to do not expand.

This is like those emperors in the history of China.

Many of them are in the first few years of encouraging temptations. For the development of the country, they will gradually fall, and they will enhance their pleasure.

How many can you always have?

Everyone understands, but what is the way to control yourself?

This is the case.

"In fact, I feel that the most critical is not this." The demon purple smoke sighs, "mainly is that the month is suddenly death notes, this is like ordinary people asking, the power of the respect, while controlling the power It will also be affected by the power, so the rumors of the Square say that ordinary people have accepted the inheritance of the ancient inheritance because of the falling cliff. "

"Well ... I think you seem to speak me in a concealed man." Luochuan still remembers that he has asked these.

The demon purple smoke can not help but laugh: "How can it, the boss, you think more."

"I do not believe."

"Really, I didn't lie to you."

"I will believe in you."

The demon purple smoke can't hold it in Luochuan: "If you are booked, if I am so angry, I am angry."

Luochuan pays back from time to two people from time to time when the customer is walking, and the sound coughs: "It's good, don't say this, how does your scarf look a bit more eye?"

The demon purple smoke is still the previous white skirt, the only difference is a white scarf, and there is a feeling of a neighbor girl in the dust.

"It's the old boss, you sent me." The demon smile smiled.

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