God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1444 Ordinary Boss

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"Minister, has confirmed, live L avatars in the program is dead."

"What about death?"

"The same cases are the same as the previous cases."

"It's really l, I found clues so soon, I determined the position of the Kelra."

"... In order to investigate the life of the criminal, what is the difference between L's practices and Kelra?"


As Luochuan's voice sounded, everyone in the office hall has given him the attention of the question.

"Yes, I will here today." Luochuan nodded.

"Call, finally ended." Summer is not sitting on the chair next to it.

Five times, this foot foot was taken five times.

When I came, I was sunny in the afternoon, and now I am full of sunset.

Just a short one more than a minute, the sky knows that Luochuan is because what to repeat so many times.

In the face of inquiry, there is only one sentence in Luochuan - "I don't feel".

Summer Yu feels that he is going crazy.

I don't feel it means. Can you tell me?

It is better than the beginning of more than 20 times, and it is also possible to accept the category.

The dream grows at this time: "Do you usually make a movie?"

Five times, I have been repeating for so long, he is uncomfortable next to it!

"This is still good, you don't know the dream, you don't know, the first day we have just repeated more than 20 times!"

Dreams have fallen into silence, and finally laughed: "It seems that I am involved in the paragraph."

He is now full of fun, so it is good to shoot once, do not need to waste too much time here.

After the shooting, everyone didn't continue to stay here, as for the hand to others, I will do it.

"Since there is nothing, I will go first." Dreamway is running out, you will prepare for a good thing and Luochuan.

"Walk?" Asked in Luochuan.

"Go to the city." The dream said with a smile. "I am not just here, Yuan returns to the guest at night, it must not miss, say that you may not believe, don't look at Yuan Gui strength, it is similar to me." However, his character is very small, once there is once ... "

I saw the dream of the dream, and there was a way to open the words. Luochuan couldn't help but interrupted his words: "Now time is not too early, we will go back to have dinner."

"Also, time is indeed too early." Dream is nodded, is preparing to leave, suddenly thinking about what turned around and looking into the song.

"What's wrong?" The step is unclear.

"Nothing." The dream shook his head, "it is Yuan returned to you when you go back."

"Master thinks me?" When you step away from the song, he opened his eyes.

When Yuan returns a bad apprentice, it is relatively busy every day, but this is nothing to do with the song.

The key is that the food will be the first to taste the taste.

Even if each food is eating a bite, Yuan returns to the small shop, it is almost the end of the business hours.

Usually, Yuan returns to the cultivation of the song.

"Almost." Dreamway smiled, "According to his words, it is mainly Yuan Zeng small store to be very busy, I want you to go back to help."

Step from the song: "..."

It is indeed thinking about him, it is a bit less than he thinks.

"Then I will go first."

Dreams are no longer wasting time, riding over the front, and a dark crack appeared.

He nodded against Luochuan, and then walked into the spatial channel of the temporary creation, the crack also disappeared.

For the practice of the peak of the respect, it is very simple to carry out space.

Through space transfer from Qichuan to Jiuxiang, you will be almost in the convenience store in the eyes of ordinary people.

"The boss wants to eat this evening?" The demon smoke and Luochuan side shoulder.

Since the relationship between the two is charting, she is more along with Luochuan than the past.

"Go back to the snow." Luochuan stretched a lazy waist, "I don't want to meet the second dream."

Even if the dream has left, now he still feels faintly talking about the words.

It is too much.

The demon purple smoke "" smiled: "The boss really feel so easy to encounter the practitioners of the peak of the respect?"

"It's not easy, you see that we will have a dream length in Qichuan. This probability is low enough." Luochuan explained the facts.

"That's because the Dream is coming soon." The demon purple smoke has a white eye, "the boss saw more in the originator, so I felt that the respect of the respect is not worth money."

"Perhaps." Luochuan thought later.

"In the Tianshal China, the most spirituality is always the strong and power in the peak, so most of them are all these people." The demon purple smoke said, "Just like Qichuan's Those cultivators, although they are equivalent to the star empire, but there is no chance to come to the origin store. "

"I just know." Luochuan looked up to the sky, the blue night was gradually spreading from the distance. "There is a chance to become a place in the world, and I am a general shop owner. I have never thought that everyone knows the origin store. "

"Ordinary shop boss ..." The demon salastic smile, "The boss always likes to call himself."

"It's ordinary, I have never thinking about what kind of place I have." Luochuan laughed.

The two are quietly walking quietly, and the street light is bright, and the trees on both sides have left the trees in the snow in the light of the light.

I hope to the distance, the sunset has fallen, only the remaining squatting red gain remains on the horizon, and the high and low construction has also become a silhouette of black.

A few blurred stars embellished in the clear and high night sky, a very bright moon is quietly rising.

"Seeing that this planet has only one satellite." Luochuan whispered.

"Satellite?" The demon purple smoke heard the words of Luochuan and got to ask him. "What do you mean?"

"It is equivalent to the small planet rotating around our lives." Luochuan explained a simple discourse.

The demon purple smoke "Oh" has a sound, there is no great interest in this, the planet, the universe, and the void is too far away.

In her opinion, it is enough to stay with Luochuan.

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