God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1445 Main Line Tasks

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I feel like I have a dream.

The demon purple smoke looks at Luochuan next to the eyes, can't help but think of it.

"See what I do?" Luochuan took a look at the sight of the demon purple smoke, and smiled and asked.

The demon purple smoke hugs Luochuan's arm, smiles and shakes: "Nothing."

The night is quietly approaching, and the sunset of the sky is not known when, the stars began to reveal the discouragement in the night sky.

About ten minutes on the street, Luochuan is a bit tired.

No, I can't say it. After all, the demon purple smoke is accompanied by the side, even if I walked last day, Luochuan was happy.

Just taking a movie for an afternoon, Luochuan is indeed a bit tired, thinking about going back to Snow Huge to rest early.

So the last use of space transfer directly reached the destination.

"I finally came back." Luochuan played a yawn, lying directly on the couch, did not want to move at all.

At this time, there is no other person in the hall, and it is not coming back.

In the afternoon, there is a lot of dragons in the administrative center, so the customers in the team basically have passed.

"What do the boss want to eat at night?" The demon purple smoke picked the scarf, and it should be very good from the look.

"I like to eat, I like it." Luochuan's head was buried in the coupling of the sofa, and the voice said off.

The demon purple smoke: "I will do it casually."

"Well, just do it, I don't pick it up." Luochuan sat up from the sofa, and she said.

When the demon purple smoke is ready to leave, the magical mobile phone should have received the news. After taking it out, look at it, the expression suddenly got delicious.

"What's wrong?" Luochuan noticed the change of the demon purple smoke.

"It seems that you can't find the road, let me pick her up." The demon smoke.

Luochuan: "..."

I almost forgot, the green kitte has a road to set.

After coming to Qichuan, she will follow others, so they did not show it.

It seems that it is still different.

"The boss, I will pass." The demon purple smoke collected the magical mobile phone, and Luochuan said to the outside, and the figure quickly disappeared in the night.

It is very simple to hide your body in the eyes of her respects.

As the demon purple smoke, the hall became cold and clear.

"The boss is back." There is no emotionally fluctuated sound rang from the area of ​​the holographic device.

The frost is now using holographic equipment.

The petite body is sitting on the seat, but also wearing a helmet, it is hard to notice.

"You didn't follow us?" Luochuan walked over, the screen displayed on the screen to judge the frost should be in the Corluo world.

"I am not intentional." The frost said simple.

Ok, she does not interested in movie shooting with her personality.

As for why I came here ... I was completely pulled by Angua and Xie Dance.

"How many levels are now?" Luochuan asked.

"Forty-five, China Legend." Frost Answer.

How do you feel like discussing online games?

"The boss, there is no other country in the Collo World?" Frost turned to Luochuan, and the wine red eyes took some curious.

Well, much better than before, now at least can actively show emotional fluctuations.

"Of course." Luochuan nodded.

"Why can't I find it?" Frost recovered.

While she talks to Luochuan, she still acts in the virtual world, and she can do it easily with her mental strength.

"That is too little place where you walk." Luochuan said, "Going to the opposite direction of chaos, it should be able to find civilized traces."

"The power of Warcraft in the forest is very powerful." Frost said.

"This is going to see yourself." Luochuan did not say more things.

If he started, it is a bit unreasonable if he will also open it out to other customers.

You must know that the Corlo World is a true world, if he is disturbed by him ...

Anyway, Luochuan will definitely be deliberate.

The frost nodded and didn't continue to ask: "For the boss, I met the annihilation of the influence in the first two days."

Luochuan's consciousness wanted to nod, suddenly aware of the places: "Shenyin ?!"

The frost is nodded, there is a little confused in my heart, and I don't know why Bai Luochuan has such a big response.

Luochuan also quickly adjusted his mood. After all, he first encountered an annihilating in Oran, frost, and it was not uncomfortable.

"What?" Qichuan asked.

"He found that I didn't kill." Frost said.

Luochuan: "..."

This is really simple enough.

Luochuan coughed a little, tougeted his mood slightly: "That annihilate is not saying anything else."

Frost thinks about: "When the end of the day, the order will be concealed by confusion, saying it seems to be this."

This is familiar with the secondary words, I have heard it before Luochuan.

The annihilation of the influence, was thrown into the Soul Lock in the system space, and Luochuan always thinks there is any connection between the two.

Forget it, have the opportunity to ask the soul lock, see him know that he does not know the annihilation.

Now, Luochuan finally feels that the two worlds have, it seems that the system will not be free as a game as a game.

Among them, there is definitely well.

Luochuan feels that he has found the main line of a long time!

"At the time, when I saw my strength, he seems very surprised." Frost thought about it again.

This sentence sounds great.

The true identity of frost is indeed special, and there is still a problem on the soul when you have just met her.

Is there any contact with the world of Corlo?

Luochuan did not ask the system ideas, even if it was asked, it would not get an answer.

Eventually to explore yourself.

However, this seems good, at least have a forward goal.

"Is there no other information?"


Luochuan thoughtfully thought that it suddenly found a thing.

Even if you get these news from the Frost, there is still a feeling of nothing.

Zero zero scattered information is incomparable, and now he is only related to it.

It seems that the final breakthrough is still on the Soul of the system space.

Forget it, this thing is not anxious, then I will say it later.

No, it seems that it is not too right.

He is the origin of the ordinary, how do you want to manage these things?

Is it nothing to do?

Louchuan carefully thinking, calm analysis, draw conclusions.

Ok, it's really idle.

It is also idle in the store, and occasionally doing something to save the world seems to be a flavoring agent in plain life.

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