God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1446 Whole Shop

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"How old are you getting lost?" The sound of the demon purple smoke faintly came out of the outside.

"I just want to see it, who makes the house here are one thing ..." Qingqi refuted.

"Space transfer, live in Snow Fengge, you will not even remember the space coordinates?"

"I forgot, and this is not you picking me?"

"No matter you next time."

"do not……"

There was a green smoke and the smoke, and I went back to the hall. I saw Luochuan standing next to the frost and greeted him.

"Frost has never been in the past?" Qing smiled and asked.

Frost gently "um", her words are rare when she treats others.

"Is this Oly?" The demon salastic smoke notes the screen displayed on the holographic screen.

After coming to Qichuan, she used the frequency of holographic equipment in weekdays to reduce much.

In addition, except for the film, she has to update the novel, and there is not much free time at all.

Some strangely, according to the common sense, Luochuan should be the busiest person, but in addition to shooting movies, seeing that he is basically nothing to do.

"No, it is Mado Gud." Frost shook his head.

Yamigd is the name of another city, and the distance between Orange is not far.

With the harmfulness of the collapse, the infectious body in the forest has disappeared, so it is not too difficult to cross the two cities, especially if they already have a legendary level.

"What is the frost do in this city?" Qingshi continued.

"Play." Frost's answer is simple.

It doesn't feel that you can tell yourself and the frost.

However, the latter on weekdays is also the case, she is used to it.

The demon purple smoke has a little funny looks at the interaction: "I am going to prepare for dinner, do you want to eat two?"

The two neitched Qi.

"Green, you can help me, broccoli you continue to play." The demon purple smile.

"Why do I want to help?" It is a little uncomfortable.

"If you don't help, you are not your share." The demon purple smoke is not reduced.

The green arms are held in the chest: "Help will help, it is not a big deal ..."

When the customers were all three or two two or two, they were all two or two, and most of them wanted to have dinner outside.

Luochuan is also free, and the sure is sitting on the seat of holographic equipment.

He decided to go to the coffee shop to see.

I don't know how long it has been in the past, and there are no people to remember his store.

It is still a pure white initial space. The sky is the same white, but it does not look glare. The boundaries of the local world seem to have melted.

The vivid shadow of several applications is quietly suspended in the half-air position, waiting for the user's arrival.

In front of the scene, Luochuan has come to the coffee shop.

Chimeira was still lazy on the wooden counter, and saw it softly after seeing Luochuan, this is a greeting.

Luochuan thought about it, opened the closed store door.

Although this place is basically nothing to see, it is equivalent to open the store.

Maybe there is any customer to go to the door.

After you finish this, Luochuan put Chi Mira on the counter on the couch and took snacks and laminated it.

"I didn't see it wrong? The boss actually opened the door?"

"This is the coffee shop that you have told me before? It seems that there is nothing special."

"After waiting, you will know that the goods sold in it will definitely make you very surprised ..."

It didn't just sit down in Luochuan, I heard the voice of the conversation outside.

Soon there was a man and a woman came in.

The man is approximately 30 years old, wearing a black windbreaker style clothes, with a little wrinkle, the contour of the side face is like the shape of the blade.

Women look for a lot of young, about 20 years old, good face, and have a little elongated, there is a kind of believer.

"Welcome." Luochuan boss got up, and he always feel a little familiar, like where he saw it.

"The boss, you finally open the door!" The man lost his cane to the side, and the front of Luochuan's hand was grabbed, and the expression was excited.

Luochuan did not move back to his palm, and simply explained: "I have encountered some things recently, so I didn't come over."

"I understand I understand." The man nodded, "" With the strength and identity of the boss, I can pay attention to such a small shop. "

"The words come back, what is your name? I have been a little more recently." Luochuan decided to ask.

"Amount, how long the boss, you will forget my name." The man first stunned, and immediately shook his head. "Well, for the boss, we are indeed worthy of attention ... but it doesn't matter. , Then say it once, my name is Herman Holmes, the boss of the dream office, and the side of the border is my assistant Joiti. "

"Boss." Jograms greeted the sound of Luochuan slightly.

She was seen from Luochuan, which was the time that Luochuan entered a dream firm. I left her a very deep impression.

To know that Herman is a legendary level, even if the king of the Kingdom of Rose is also discussed at the mouth of Herman, it can make him resorted to the people who treated Jograms have never seen it.

Luochuan is the only one.

"The boss came two cups of coffee." Hermann light car sat down on the sofa.

"There is no coffee today." Luochuan shook his head.

"What is there?" Herman had some doubts.

Luochuan pointed at the rear of the counter: "Coke."

Herman sighed: "I have never heard of the name, the boss said directly to the effect."

"Simply, you can restore injuries." Luochuan explained.

"It sounds like a gemold drug for treating injuries." Herman thoughtfully thought.

There is a variety of magical alchemies in Corlo World, which will occasionally.

"It can be so understanding." Luochuan nodded, "Do you want to taste a bottle first?"


Herman and Joiti have seen the doubts in the eyes of each other.

Is the most important thing for alchemic agents? What does the taste mean?

However, since it is something in the boss shop, it is very normal.

"Good." Hermann should take it under, "Yes, how much is the price of Coke?"

If you can't afford it, you can't afford it.

The previous coffee except for the effect of except the except ratio, it actually needs extraordinary items to exchange.

So for the sake of insurance, Herman felt necessary to ask the price in advance.

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