God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1447 What is the meaning?

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"Ten thousand rou." Luochuan thought about it.

This is the price given when Ohjia purchases Cokes.

For ordinary people, it can be priced.

"Ten thousand rig?" Herman's mouth, "This price is not cheap, but I can still take it."

"Take it yourself, the cup below the counter." Luochuan sat in the sofa and didn't mean.

Herman and Joit are not what is wrong.

With the identity and strength of the boss, I want to open the store is just simple interest, and I will definitely treat customers as other shops.

Joi got up, first took a bottle of cola on the rack, then took two cups under the counter.

"You can drink directly." Luochuan said.

Jograd is nodded, unscrew the bottle cover, and the fine white gas bubble took out.

"Normal phenomenon." Luochuan looked at the head of Chi Mira.

"Amount, look like a general alchemy medicine is a bit different." Herman smiled naturally.

If you don't know, tell him that this is enough to threaten the legend of the legend, Herman will not be suspicious.

After all, this thing seems to be too quirky.

Brown liquids, in a closed container, and it is constantly bubbling when opening.

The first reaction after normal people will definitely think about poison.

Jograms hesitate to hesitate, or the Coke is in the cup, and she is a little doubtful. This thing can't drink.

"Boss, this can this can not have any side effects?" Herman picked up a cup and couldn't help but confirm with Luochuan before drinking.

"Don't worry, there will be no effect in addition to the effect of restoring the injury." Luochuan's response to Herman has been accustomed to.

This is almost like this when the customer has the first time to drink cola.

After tasting the Coke taste, it turned into a true fragrance.

"This way." Herman gave the cup to the eyes and carefully observed the liquid in the cup.

The light passes through the dark brown liquid left a bleak shadow, and the cup wall is constantly changing, which can be seen in a faint sweet breath.

Sure enough, it is still very like poison!

Forget it, try the taste first, the boss has not taken the reason for poisoning.

Thinking of this, Herman is no longer hesitating, sending a cup to his mouth, drinking a little small.

Just like drinking flower tea, delicate taste.

Sweet, very delicious, in addition to this, there is no other special place.

"Coke wants to drink to taste the real taste, your way of drinking flower tea is wrong." Luochuan reminded.

"Big mouth? Understand."

Since it has already determined that Coke's taste is still possible, Herman is no longer hesitant, directly drinking Cokes in the cup.

Then I couldn't help but glare.

He only felt countless tiny air bubbles in the mouth, the cold breath swept directly from the lungs, this feeling is difficult to describe words.

Jogramside next to Jograd also issued a small excitement, from the expression, it should be conquered by Cola.

"This taste ..." Herman muttered, "I almost understand why the boss is so emphasized."

"I never had a taste so ... Magical alchemic medicine." Jograms were full of emotion.

"Accurate cola is not a gemmunication agent, but a special drink." Luochuan said.

"Drink ?!" The two speakers sounded almost simultaneously.

Obviously, Luochuan's discourse has brought great shock to the two.

"It's a drink, as for the effect just additional." Luochuan didn't know where to play a bottle of Coke opened.

"Yes, there are effects." Jogradi quickly looked at his palm. Today she was preparing for food, she accidentally scratched a wound.

Now the wound has completely disappeared, and there is no trace of slightest.

"I have no effect?" Herman looked at his body and did not detect whit.

"The effect of Coke is the treatment of injuries, is you hurt?"

"This is not." Herman smiled, he also knows that his reaction is indeed a bit big.

But in front of this kind of than he cognracted, he can still sit well and calm!

Golden alchemic to restore injuries ... Drinks, the effect is actually instant, which is unheard!

It is also necessary to generate effects, especially the type of treatment, especially the type of treatment, especially the type of treatment, especially the type of treatment, especially the type of treatment.

Although the wound on the hand of Joiti said nothing, but it is indeed a wound, and I will disappear directly.

This is totally unconventional!

Wait, it seems that the coffee before it is not conforming to usual.

This world has never had a drink that can make a speed permanent improvement.

And the most critical is that Herman is watching on the edge when Luochuan modulates coffee, and there is no magic or other extraordinary power.

A bottle of Cola is not too much, especially in the case of drinking, so soon.

"What is the upper limit of the boss, cola effect?" Herman is still a matter of concern.

"Any non-fatal injury." Luochuan sound still did not have a slightest wave.

Herman couldn't help but suck a cold.

Explorious! This is completely outlined!

"Give me five bottles! No, ten bottles!" Hermann made a decision.

Restoring all non-fatal injuries, it is completely a life in another sense.

He also never heard of this alchemic agent.

Don't say a bottle of 10,000 ricks, even if you will choose to buy!

"Do you have so much money?" Qiao Simi asked.

"Of course." Herman nodded.

Every time I decided that he will carry a lot of cash on his body. After that, after the disappointment before, today, there is a place of use.

"You are really ready." Jograd couldn't help but laugh.

Luochuan shook his head: "No."

"Why?" Herman couldn't help but ask.

"The rules of this shop, Coke can only buy a bottle per day." Luochuan said the reason.

Herman is something that can't understand: "There is so much more cola on the rack ..."

"The rules in the store are this." Luochuan shook his head and did not explain the meaning of explaining

"Well." Herman only sighed, "That is to say we can buy a bottle again?"

"Well." Luochuan nodded.

"This rule seems to have a vulnerability." Jograms were smartly with eyebrows. "If I hand over the money to others, let them buy it?"

"Can do this." Luochuan nodded, "as long as I don't let me see it."

Joiti & Herman: "..."

What is the significance of this rule?

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