God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1448 Welcome to the next visit

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The rules in the store are fixed by the system.

With the development of the origin store, customers are also getting used to various rules of the origin store.

Luochuan has the right to modify the rules, but now it is quite good, he is too lazy to change.

As for the customer, I can't comply with the rules privately ...

In fact, Luochuan is too lazy.

In addition, this thing creates this thing is not to give people airspace?

"As long as you don't want the boss to see it ..." Jograms repeated the words of Luochuan, and I didn't know what to say at once a time.

I clearly know that there is such a big loophole, but I still insist on implementing, this boss is so strange.

"Oh, the boss is really personal." Herman showed a smile, his thoughts were almost like Joi.

Since it is easy to get around, what is this rule?

Hermanns came to see that there was no answer, and eventually only the reason is attributed to Luochuan itself.

The high-end people like the boss have a strange strangeness.

Open this store is that these rules set under the store are also.

Well, it should be like this.

Herman's detective is easily detected by existing information.

"Right, I still have something soon, so I have been working so long." Luochuan played a yawn.

The demon purple smoke is ready for dinner in the kitchen, waiting for him to do this, dinner should be almost almost.

"Ah, this time is not enough!" Herman is a bit nervous, he still thinks that others help him buy Coke.

One thousand route, this price is completely known for the ordinary people, but it is still affordable to him.

"When is the boss to open the store next time?" Herman decided to ask the time to open the store.

"This, see the situation, I am very busy." Luochuan touched Chi Mira's head.

"This way." Herman nodded helplessly, "Then buy a bottle first."

Also, for the strong people of the boss, the opening store may be just a personal interest.

There is also a variety of transactions need to be dealt with.

After all, the boss is surpassing the mysterious existence of the world, and the time to meet individual interest is very small.

"Two thousand ricks." Herman took two banknotes from the pocket to Luochuan.

In St. Nia, the currency has already entered the paper era, which is jointly distributed around several countries.

The credibility has strong guarantees.

"Coke yourself, today's business is over." Luochuan stood up from the sofa.

He has received the news from the demon purple smoke, and there is a light screen that he can see in the sight.

"Boss, dinner is ready, just in my room, you come over." "

Eating in the hall is naturally less realistic.

Luochuan is still watching it by others when I am not used to eating, I always feel weird.

In addition, he and the relationship between these customers is not bad, plus the food taste of the demon purple smoke is the ultimate, if others say that if you want to eat, it is not very good to refuse.

In order to avoid this, it is the best choice to return to the room.

"So fast." Herman got mouth, put Coke plug in the pocket, but put half of him and stopped.

Cola's bottle is still relatively large, his clothes can not be so big pocket.

Joi, next to him, sigh, and reached out for him: "Give it to me."

Luochuan smashed his eyes.

He thinks that the relationship between these two people is a bit strange, and I still have a feeling that I have learned, it seems to have seen it.

Soon Luchuan thought of this feeling of this feeling - this is not the way to get along with the demon smoke!

"What do you see?" Herman took a look at Luochuan, and asked some strangely.

"What is the relationship between the lady on the side?" Luochuan decided to help Herman a little.

Herman wrinkled and frowned, and did not quite understand why Luochuan suddenly asked this: "I just said with the boss, Joi is my assistant."

"Is it just a helper?" Luochuan continued to ask.

Herman seems to be stunned, then I can't help but cough: "Isn't the assistant still?"

As he said, he couldn't help but look at the Jotius around him.

The latter looks like there is no much reaction, but the eyes have a moment of fluctuations.

"Is it just a helper?" Luochuan asked Herman's eyes.

Herman Zhang Zhang did not seem to say something.

However, Luochuan did not give him a chance to talk, just stretched a lazy waist: "Time is not early, I have to close, welcome to visit next time."

"Oh, ok." Herman's awareness nodded, "The boss opened the store next time no accurate time?"

It is equivalent to a lot of cola, Herman also thinks more to buy a few bottles, this thing is not too much.

"No, I am very busy." Luochuan shook his head, "it is only free to have a chance to come to this world."

"This way." Herman only sighed a little helplessly, "Then let's leave forever."

The street lights have been lost in the years, and the radiated rays are bound in the early aging lampshade, and the rays exudated are more faint.

Herman looked at Jograd, hesitated and finally said: "Jograd."

"Well?" Jograd turned his head.

"I heard that the seaside has recently opened a restaurant restaurant, do you want to eat meals tomorrow? I heard that food there is self-help." Herman coughed.

"Isn't it necessary to continue to open the business?"

"That takes a day."

"Well, I do n'thing else, anyway ..."

Luochuan leaned against the door of the store, and the older farther away, and finally disappeared in the corner of the street.

I don't know if it is his illusion, Herman has returned to look at it, and his face also has a smile.

The night is quiet, the stars are in the clear night sky, the two rounds of Mingyue have quietly rose, grayish contours, is fraudless to see the top of the above.

Around the fourth week, the building is hidden in the night, can only see less clear silhouettes, like a silent giant standing there.

Luochuan turned back to the store, closing the store door, blocked the night.

The store is still a warm bright light, and Qi Mira is on the sofa, and there is no interference from the surrounding environment.

It opened his eyes, Luochuan's figure had disappeared.

Chi Meira made an yaw, closed his eyes again, and the way to leave and arrive in Luochuan. It is used to it.

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