God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1450 should wash hands before meals

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The blue kitte is headed down, squinting in the opposite side.

"You are so strange to you." The demon purple smoke noted the eyes of the green.

"I feel that I am a little redundant." The green is whisper.

"How may I, I have never think so." The demon purple smoke came to the blue and said with a smile.

"Then you feed me." There is a smile in the eyes.

"You are almost the same." The demon purple smoke is full of eyes, "" How to always do this. "

Luochuan does not speak, even a little want to see the magic mobile phone.

"Right, frost, isn't it before I said to her?" The demon purple smoke suddenly asked.

"Amount, I forgot to call her." Luochuan did forget this matter.

"Nothing, I am going to call her." The demon purple smoke stood up, the door was just sounded at this time, "It seems that it has come."

The demon purple smoke should take a sound, and then open the door, the girl with silver is quietly standing outside the door.

The demon purple smoke is clearly noted that the frost seems to be bright after the taste of the food.

"Wash your hands first." The demon purple smoke gerberates the position of the washing station.

"More this one, there is no need to wash your hands at all." Qingshi couldn't help but shook it.

The true strength of the frost, she is not known, but it must be more powerful than the peak of the respect, and the green alt will remember that the frost is playing in the tower of the Trial Tower.

In fact, practitioners are sufficient after the advancement of the respect, and the body is quenching and protecting the body will not carry impurities.

"The language is indeed, but life is not too much pursuit of simplicity." Luochuan stood up, he was ready to wash.

Green gyshis glaring, I also got the past.

"How did you come over?" The demon purple smoke asked the two people outside the door.

"Wash your hands." Luochuan said.

"I am also." Youth bike nod.

Monster Macro: "..."

I have never seen you before you eat.

Now see the frost wash your hands, what is your lively?

Of course, this demon purple smoke is just thinking about it, washing a hand, it is not a time time.

If Inena is more convenient here, you can directly pick it up with a small water ball, you don't need to leave the position.

After a few minutes, the four people who washed hands sat next to the table.

The food on the table is very rich, still the kind of Luochuan can't call the name.

But this does not affect his appetite.

Anyway, it's delicious, and what other do.

"Frost given this, this is deliberate to give you." The demon salastic smoke looks like a food in fruit salad to the frost.

However, Luochuan clearly notes that frost seems to be slightly shaking in the food in the plate.

Watching the glacial look, Luochuan saw a similar fruit with grapes.

Ok, Luochuan feels that he should be guessed.

It seems that the experience of the origin store has left extreme impression that in the experience of the origin store.

"Boss, should our movie shooting progress should be a half?" The greens asked in Luochuan while eating something.

"What to do so fast, no one will grab you." The demon purple smoke looked at her.

"So you eat, I am not like a boss, you can eat your food every day." Of course, the bluemitter said, and I watched Luochuan.

Frost follows the head.

She thinks so too.

Luochuan didn't pick this, still continued to focus on the original topic: "There is almost one-third."

"I always feel that I have been here for a long time." Green , "Take the boss, when do we go to other places?"

Before departure, Luochuan said that Qichuan was just the first stop of the film, just because the scenery here was good, it chose the city.

Now the movie is filled with a half, can you always stay in Qichuan?

"Two days, finish the remaining scattered plots." Luochuan did not have a detailed plan, and said.

"Oh, where are we going?" Qingyu continued.

Ling Yun College. "Luochuan answered.

"There is no scene in the script. Go to Ling Yun College is the story of this part." The demon purple smoke explained.

"Also." I nodded, she certainly saw the script, and she ran several dragons in it.

The discussion is still continuing, but gradually, there is no copy of Luochuan, only the joke laughter of the green smoke is constantly coming.

Fortunately, the frost is almost like him. The whole process doesn't talk, and there is only the food in front of your eyes.

"It's full." Luochuan leaned against the chair and satisfied his tone.

"Who is to clean up?" The green juice is drinking juice, and I have a notorious place. "Do you do three?"

"Hard work." Luochuan said.

"Trouble." The demon purple smoke also said.

The green kitty looks to the frost, the latter thought about it: "I want to play the magic mobile phone."

It sighs in the green: "Forget it, it is not a big thing."

Although this is said, but the resentment in words is almost condensed into substances.

Actually, it is very simple to pack things, the use of spiritual power or spiritual power is very simple. It can be done.

"Is this not very good?" After the blue kitte left, Luochuan couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing." The demon purple smoke is not careful, "the green is not intended."

Luochuan thinks that it is also, so soon, after you have a brain, he just wants to sit quietly after eating.

Frost looks at the magical mobile phone, I feel somewhat bored, I left the sofa.

"Frost is going?" The demon purple smoke is looking up at the magic mobile phone.

"Well." "Frost point," use holographic equipment. "

As the frost leaves, there is a demon salastic smoke and Luochuan.

When the origin store, the two times have every day, and the store has no customers in the store in the afternoon, basically all things to do in the store at night.

It is because of things happening during the day, and now there is something subtle in the atmosphere in the room.

The demon purple smoke thinks that he is a bit fast.

She secretly looked at Luochuan on the sofa, the latter is now free to look at the magical phone.

The boss must have dried the vest in it.

"What do you do?" Luochuan noticed the eyes of the demon purple smoke and asked.

In fact, he also feels a bit uncle, you must know that he is watching the magic mobile phone in the evening of the origin store, but it is a bit not seen today.

"Nothing." The demon purple smoke migraine moved away, some said.

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