God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1451 What should I do between lovers?

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The room is quiet and silent, and the atmosphere is inexplicably subtle.

The demon purple smoke is slightly, if it is carefully observed that she seems to have a little red dress on her face.

When the origin store, the two are so many times, but why do you feel so strange today?

The demon purple smoke feels that this should be the reason why things happening during the day.

Luochuan "Oh" has no longer talk.

He doesn't know what to say.

The heart of the demon purple smoke understands that his idea is also known, this is almost the two feelings.

However, this is not important. How to break this cold field is the most important thing.

"How is your novel written?" Luochuan coughed and decided to change a topic.

"Almost know the story you want to write." The demon purple smoke is answered.

"Oh." Luochuan nodded, did not have the next words.

The atmosphere became a bit awkward again.

The time is quiet, and the two are sitting quietly.

Luochuan continues to flip the magical mobile phone in his hand, and there is no thought.

The demon purple smoke also took the magical mobile phone, and the heart is not awkward. It looks like other things.

"Hey, boss."

It was a minute in a minute, or a few minutes, the demon purple smoke couldn't help but sound.

It seems to have made a major decision, holding the pillow in the arms to Luochuan.

"What's wrong?" Luochuan came over to the demon purple smoke, waiting for her next words.

I heard the voice of Luochuan, the demon purple smoke didn't know what they thought, inexplicably hesitated.

"That one……"


"Just ..."


The demon purple smoke is still, and it will eventually bite the lips and make a decision.

"... the boss, should we now be a relationship of lovers?"

The demon purple smoke looks at Luochuan, and the sound is a little asked.

Luochuan sighed in his heart.

Are you forgotten during the day?

If this is not a love, how is it?

Do you have to do anything to do with the novels in the magic mobile phone?

In the face of the eyes of the demon purple smoke, Luochuan nodded: "Calculate."

Then the demon purple smoke is happy.

So, this girl is really good.

"No." The demon purple smoke, I suddenly shook his head.

"Where is wrong?" Luochuan asked in the mouth.

"How is inexplicably become a lover, the boss, you never asked me my opinion." Said the demon purple words.

Luochuan couldn't help but turn over a white eye.

You have forgotten everything during the day, is it bad?

"Is the purple smoke you are willing to be my lovers?" Luochuan lost the magic mobile phone in his hand and sat slightly.

"Since the boss, you asked, then I will barely promise you." The demon purple smoke can't help but laugh, the dark purple eyes of the water are full of smile.

Looking at the smile of the demon purple smoke, Luochuan couldn't help but think of the rainy night in the demon purple smoke. The coma is so hard to break into his life.

Oh, yes, the position given by the system is not a clerk but the boss is coming, and I have insisted for for a long time.

Thinking of this, Luochuan also laughed.

Sure enough, I can't escape the true fragrance.

"Hey, boss." The demon purple smoke didn't know what they thought, and the face quietly appeared in peach blossoms.


"Since it is a lover, is it a lover ..."

When it comes to the end, the sound of the demon purple smoke is getting lower and lower, gradually, and the eyebrows are ashamed.

"Amount, it should be." Luochuan did not have any experience, and said softly.

The atmosphere became awkward again, and the room fell into silence and even heard the breathing of the two.

"It is actually not so worried." After a long time, Luochuan said.

The demon purple smoke has been buried in the pillow, and it should be a sound, and it is tone in the heart.

In fact, she is quite tense.

If Luochuan really requires, I really don't know what to do, and the refusal is still agree.

Anyway, it is a lover, it seems that there is no truth at all.

But if you agree ...

This only promised Luochuan to become his lovers, is it a bit fast?

I can hear Luochuan said that the demon purple smoke is quite relaxed.

She raised her head, the temperature on her face gradually rested, and Louchawa watched, Luochuan could not help but have some embarrassment.

"There is always a bit wrong." The demon salastic smoke is muttered.

"Isn't it?" Luochuan didn't quite understand the words of demon purple smoke.

"It's not too strong." The demon purple smoke, when calm down, start thinking about the recent things, "according to the boss your character, it will not make this decision of this movie, after all, so trouble ..."

The demon purple smoke feels that everything you have experienced, it seems to be full of "conspiracy" taste.

Luochuan was shocked.

what? Do you expose your system?

No, it seems that it is not this.

Is it the real idea that I decided to take a movie to expose? !

In the face of the curiosity of the demon purple smoke, Luochuan couldn't help but fell by: "Don't you think the movie is very interesting?"

"It is true, but it is very troublesome."

"Interesting is enough."

"I believe the boss."

The demon purple smile, Luochuan thinks she seems to guess myself to decide to go out to shoot movies ...

Luochuan is a bit awkward.

Wait, why should he be embarrassed?

Now the two are the relationship between lovers, and come to Qichuan's approach to the opportunity, this travel is just this condition.

However, before Luochuan, Luochuan did not expect this.

At that time, he really felt that it was a bit boring in the store, so I wanted to pull the demon purple smoke.

Never thought so much.

The real purpose of shooting movies is indeed not a film movie ...

Anyway, it means this.

Luochuan felt a bit boring, I want to find something, of course, I don't want to see the magic mobile phone.

The respective magical phones in this two people always feel weird.

Ok, they are like this when they originated ...

"Board play card?" The demon purple smoke did not know where to touched a palette.

"Two people play cards?" Luochuan thought about it, "Do you want to call the demon?"

"Call her?" The demon purple smoke lost the card to the side, and touched a chessboard. "The boss came to play."

The intense five son chess is officially opened ...

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