God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1452 Master and Druid

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After the frost leaves the demon, it is directly to the hall.

I have eaten dinner. She is ready to spend the remaining time on holographic equipment.

They have no restrictions on the use of duration of the customer who followed the movie with Luochuan.

In other words, how long it is to play how long it will play.

The environment in the hall is still as for the past, and the discussion is almost never stopped.

Frost doesn't like this noisy environment.

In the origin store, she usually uses holographic equipment in a separate room of the expansion area.

However, it is clear that there is no separate room.

The holographic equipment is only 20 sets that are placed on the wall.

Customers who have just begun to the origin store may feel very kind, because this is the holographic equipment layout in the store.

Of course, the frost is just not very much like this, and it is just a bit of a little.

"What are you doing?" Anvilia ran over and grabbed the shoulders of the frost.

"Eating." Frost Answer.

"Where to eat? Why didn't you see you?" Anvilia had a confusion, we must know that the Snow Fengge is not active at night.

In addition, she and the frost are living in the same room.

Just now, Anvera is still going to see it in the room, and did not find frost, so she is very curious about where the frost is very curious.

"The room of the demon purple smoke." Frost said.

Anvilia: "... !!"

She first snorted, and immediately responded, and she couldn't help but have a big eyes: "You don't call me!"

This kind of thing, Atri Ya, doesn't feel anything wrong with this kind of thing.

It's enough to eat, and what other things do do.

"If you have passed, we can't eat it." The frost said that she has an extremely clear cognition of AV.

Anvawa is silent in a few seconds and started to knead the cheek of the frost.

"How is you always bullying the city owner?" Xie dream dance with others can not see it, and protect the frost behind him.

"What is the bullying?" Anvia said dissatisfied, "I just just see the frost is too cute, so I didn't hold back."

"Do you think I will believe you?" Xie Meng danced over a white eye.

The frost did not pay attention to the two people who came to the holographic equipment because of her arguments.

There is also a few idle empty positions, so I save the waiting time and sit directly on the seat.

Frost put on the helmet, activate holographic equipment, and consciously entered the virtual world.

It is still pure white initial space.

She hesitated in several applications, and finally selected the Tower of Trial.


The night is coming, the woman's tree is like a giant in the dark, the clarified night sky can see countless stars flashes, two rounds of white moon hanging there.

With the scream of World of Warcraft, the dazzling fire is constantly bursting from a certain place in the jungle, and occasionally, it is more exciting.

Gu Yunxiao jumped in the grove vines, waving is a fire ball with nearly three meters in diameter, and then slammed with whistling, extremely countless smoke and flare.

At this time, I'm always paying attention to my own image, my face and light arm are covered with black gray, I seem to have some wolf, but my eyes are very bright under the fire.

Jiang Yiling is walking on the edge of the battlefield. There is a green light in the hands, countless Fujiman flying speeds under her manipulation, and providing a foothold for Gu Yunyi, I don't forget to attack the opponent.

Then the shining of the fireball explosion, the opponents of the two are occasionally revealed in the smoke -

The dark bricks reflected rays like mirror, and the body-covered limbs were easily inserted into earth and stone, and alienated forelimbs were covered with black magic, easily cut countless rattles.

The complex eyes are full of embarrassment, and the mouth is still constantly making a weird burst.

Obviously, it is very angry.

The taste of the kite is not good.

Although it is able to resist high-level extraordinary people, it is also hard to grind.

And the human mage is a fireball from the beginning to the end. Is it not other spells?

There is also a call from Druid to slow down its speed, and there is no way to escape.

Once it has this idea, the frequency of fireballs will suddenly increase, the most critical is that the power of these fireballs is comparable to high-order and even legendary attacks.

Excellency outline!

Is your magic that can't be used!

"What to do,?" Gu Yunxi asked the fireball asked in the customer's communication channel, "This is too meat, completely can't work."

This kind of saying is circulated from the glory, which is quite in line with the situation.

"If we want to force it to defeat it?" Jiang Yunshu is still relatively calm, talking while also manipulating a rattan to slow the speed of Warcraft.

"The possibility is that it is certainly a long time, and the premise is that the magic of the trick is enough." Gu Yunxi continued to repeat the action of fireballs and lost fire.

"How much is your magic?" Jiang Yun asked curiously.

In the battle she mainly played auxiliary role, most of the useful attacks were called Gu Yunyi's fireball.

From the beginning of the battle, it continued in short time, but Gu Yunyi did not have a slightly tired look.

Moreover, Jiang's night is not knowing that it is not his own illusion, always feeling that Gu Yunxia is getting more and more worrying ...

"There is basically no consumption." Gu Yunxi replied casually.

"What ?!" Jiang Yunshi is a little doubting yourself.

I release so many fireballs, you actually say that you have not consumable? This is totally unconventional!

"You also know that I will fireball." Gu Yunxi has already accepted reality now, "Maybe compensation, my magic recovery is better than others."

Is this a little bit?

Jiang Yantai really doesn't know what to say: "Amount, it is really very powerful ..."

"So we still don't play this guy?" Gu Yunxi lost a huge fireball, and the fire broke out, "I still said that I will go back to others?"

"Do you want to give up first." Jiang Yiling sighed without helplessness, suddenly saw something, the expression became subtle, "Wait, maybe you will wait."

"Well? Why?" Gu Yunyi unexplored.

Jiang Yun is in front of the light curtain of the eyes: "Frost came over ..."

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