God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1453 of the strength of frost

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"The frost is coming." Jiang Yunshi closed the communication with frost.

"Ha?" Gu Yunyi suddenly opened his eyes.

Taking advantage of her heart, Warcraft also seized the opportunity, and the front limb was torn and turned to her.

When I was a panicked voice when I was in the mouth of Gu Yunxi, she left the danger without the help of the help of the river.

"Fighting, you can't concentrate?" Jiang Yantang said with a little laugh.

"Anyway, this is a virtual world, even if it is dead, it's okay, anyway, you can resurrect." Gu Yunyi laughed and swayed, and didn't care about it.

"Although I said that, I definitely can't hold this idea." When the words of Jiang Yunshu suddenly worked seriously, "I didn't see the news on the magic mobile phone? Many customers are because of the realistic battle When you consciously got into the virtual world's ideas, I feel that death is not very decent, so the consequences will often be very serious ... "

"I know, oh, you have time, you have the same words as you like." Gu Yunxi smiled on the ear of the river.

"I am thinking about you ... forget it, you understand it." Jiang Siya sighed, decided to say this after the thing in front of me.

Also as a cultivator, there is actually a lot of opportunities to experience in reality in reality.

One is the princess of the empire, a lady of a big family.

Such identity will not encounter scenes that need to be personally shot.

Of course, there is no affirmation.

After all, in the concept of the Tianglan continent, the concept of respected, and its strength is the foundation of everything.

"Frost has not come yet?" I can't help but I can't help but take a few minutes.

The strength of the frost, she knows, especially very powerful, even if the College Fan Chengtian's dean is played.

And in the Corlo World Frost, it also controls the very corrosive bloody energy.

It is not exaggerated, in all customers in the origin store, the frost is ranked in the Combat power in Collo World to shoot the top three.

As for who is the most powerful, who is the first question ...

All customers have no objection, everyone's ideas are exactly the same.

It is definitely the boss.

After all, the boss can be the creation of the game.

In accordance with Luochuan's words, he is only connected to two worlds through holographic equipment.

"I asked ..." Jiang Yunshi opened the light screen, nodded, "it is here."

Because there is a map, there is no need to worry about the problem, what position is at a glance.

When the sound of the river, the voice of the river just fell, the Warcraft suddenly heard the view of a direction.

It suddenly felt that a breath of Warcraft is approaching with extremely horrible speed.


Now there is only this idea in its heart.

This hatred will be recorded first, and there will be an opportunity to report.

As for the moment, it is necessary to escape.

"Life, this guy is going to run, stop it!" Gu Yunyi took the intention of Warcraft, and released a lot of speed at the speed of fire.

Jiang Yunshu did not speak, and it seems that there is a green ray in the eyes, then kneeling down, hands printing on the ground.

A brightly bright radius is continuously spreading around her center, and overlap, and finally form a variety of complicated and beautiful patterns.

Pure magic is surging in the magic array, exudes a burst of mysterious fluctuations, directly communicating with the surrounding plants, countless Fujiman has broken the soil.

"The forest is the home of Druid." Jiang Yunshu said low.

"The magical round of the night!" The Nang Yun, who is not far away, pays attention to the things here, and then the sound of the call is coming.

Jiang Yunshu couldn't help but turn over a white eye.

What ghosts, what you evaluate the magic is not a powerful, is it not round?

Jiang Yunxun suddenly burst into great role. In numerous Fujiman, such as tidal, the speed of Warcraft gradually decreased until it stopped.

Of course, there is still no substantive harm, and the lacquer black keratin resistance is not a general high, it is not the air of Fujun, which is not controlled by Jiang Yunshu.

Fortunately, the purpose of the River Yunshu is just to block World of Warcraft.

As for how to defeat World of Warcraft ... It is fine to give frost.

After about a few seconds, the space in the edge of the battlefield has a burst of ripples, and the frost is quietly embodied in the air.

For example, the silver long hair of the watershop is inclined, and it is different from the gloss of the moonlight, and the battle dress of Gu Yunxi, and the battle dress of Jiang Yunshi is different. She still wears a beautiful casual apparel.

It seems like a girl who is going to go.

The frost quickly noticed the World of Warcraft, which was bonded by Mikeman, no words, gently on the ground, and the figure disappeared in the original place.

When it is already a head of Warcraft again.

The body model is very embarrassed, the frost is not eye-catching in front of it, and this gap has made her frown.

It is a little less happy to see.

Warcraft, which was struggling very dramatic. At this time, what magic was so quiet, there was no action at all, did not dare to have a moving action.

Frost did not speak, there is bloody energy in her palm, and the calm Warcasma suddenly riped up, and it has already understood the status quo.

The light of the blood turns flashed, and the next second glacial came to the front of the river.

The Warcraft life is completely disappeared, and then fell to the ground after shaking.

The whole process can be simply frost, shot, manual.

"Solved." Frost said.

"This is gone?" Gu Yunxi also jumped from the tree and wiped the smoke on his face, and some couldn't believe it.

"According to the current situation, it is true that it is true." Jiang Yunxiao went to the magic array, "You didn't receive the tips completed by the mission?"

"It feels good to be hit." Gu Yunxia is deeply sighing. "Let's play for a long time, there is no use, the ice cream is directly spiked. For the frost, what is your profession?"

Each customer can choose your own career in leisure mode, thus learning a variety of special capabilities. Of course, this does not represent the skills of the warrior without the choice of the Master.

After all, Koolo is a real world, no one who specifies that the Master cannot attack with the wolf tooth stick?

This year, the Master is good for physical damage to it.

In addition to the ordinary occupation that can be selected as as long as the 20th level, the system also provides many hidden occupations for their choices, but the difficulty is usually very high, which not only requires strength to need luck.

Of course, except for the Emperor and Jinjin customers.

Especially the customers of the Emperor Emperor.

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