God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1454 Top The World

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"I have no career." Frost said.

"No career ?!" two excitement sounded.

To know that in leisure mode, you can choose your own career as long as the level reaches a $ 20.

Of course, this is just normal.

Because the task is or other special opportunities, it is not impossible to obtain occupations in advance or delay.

And there is a double occupation, just like Murong Haibang, is a swordster while it is a bright saints.

"Frost, don't you choose a career or choose?" Jiang Yunshu quickly calm down and carefully analyzed the words of frost.

"I can't choose." Frost said.

Gu Yunyi hugged the frost, his face was full of emotions: "Finally found and I am a bit like ..."

She did chose career, but only the mage of fireballs did not choose anything.

Now I know that there is no choice of frosty, and I feel that I have encountered a message.

"Do you have a boss?" Jiang Yantang had a little funny, and then asked.

"Asked, the boss said that this is normal, so I don't have to worry." The frost said flat, there is no great emotional fluctuation in the discourse.

"This is gone?" Jiang Yantang waited for a while and did not hear the next words of frost.

Frost nodded.

"I know the reason." Gu Yunli stretched a finger swayed, "This is the will of the world."

"That is just your reason, it is not necessarily frost." Jiang Yiling said with a smile.

"Affirmation is this." Gu Yunxi refuteed, "Otherwise, what is the reason? Can you come out?"

Jiang Yunshu couldn't help but turn over a white eye: "Forget it, what are you talking about."

Listening to the two people discussing themselves, the frost is nothing to respond, is looking at it curiously.

Then the frost seems to find the same, whispered: "Someone is coming."

"Who? Is it a customer?" Gu Yunxi asked curiously.

"No." Frost shook his head.

"Now this time, the business city is open, and the holographic equipment can be used only with the Snow Far Pavilion. Do you think there is a probability of encountering other customers?" Jiang Yun is helpless.

Gu Yunxi smiled a bit: "Oh, I will talk about ..."

When the three talks, the space in not far has appeared in the ripple of interference, it seems like a stone thrown on the calm water.

"This movement can be much more than frost." Gu Yunxi gave an evaluation.

"Let's use the game to provide the player's transmission function. The extraordinary people in Coro use the space type magic. Is the two things have a more meaning?" Jiang Yiling said with a smile.

The two people are not worried about the identity of the people, the frost is here, who is the same.

Space fluctuations have reached the peak in just few seconds, and several black roves have revealed their shape.

Because I just ended the space transmission, I might be somewhat unleailed, and I have a good time to see the surrounding situation in the same place.

"I feel that we seem to have encountered the legendary anti-power." Gu Yunyi went to the ear of Jiang's warmth.

Wearing secret black robes, the body is still full of confusion, evil breath, normal people will see that they will think of the opposition.

"The footsteps of annihilation are already approaching, when the end of the end, the order will be confused. Current task: Destroy the actions of annihilating. Reward: Unknown. "

Information tips are popped up in front of the three.

"Is this a trigger task?" Gu Yunxi asked curiously, "they are actually the anti-party."

"Destroy the actions of the annihilation of the influence ... How do you do it?" Jiang Yunshu thought about the task.

"I have destroyed them." Frost whispered, the sound was cold, and there was no feeling of freedom.

From the expression, you should think of what you have encountered in the past few days, but the annihilating of the self-knife, let her have a little angry.

"How is the space orientation?"

"Reaching the predetermined location, the degree of offset can be ignored."

"The boundaries of the 'sea' are weak, I can feel the breath on the shore."

"Well, prepare ... Who is they ?!"

A number of black robes seem to have been influenced by space transfer, and the surrounding environment has a problem. After talking about a few times, I discovered three people, and suddenly survived.

Gu Yunyi thought about it, decided to waved the sound first: "Good evening."

However, the other party does not look like it, and there is not much hesitating directly, and the weird magic fluctuations are around.

"Frost, give you." Gu Yunxiang looked at the frosty.

The latter nodded and nodded, and there was a touch of light in the wine.

The process of the entire battle has nothing to do, in front of the absolute strength, any flowers in any flowers are futile.

Several black robes did not resist the ability, and even if they didn't respond, they were eradicated by the bloody energy.

"Well ... Is it called ice cream?" Gu Yunyi finally thought of this.

"Indeed." Jiang Yun is helpless, "But now I don't say this is a bit late ... Yes, did you hear it just now?"

"Of course, it seems to mention what the sea is like. Is this not in the forest? What is the ocean in the nearby?" Gu Yunyi feels that the black robes may have a little problem.

God is honest, looking for the ocean in the forest, but also said that the place is correct, this is not what the brain has a problem.

"I think they are saying the 'sea' and the usual one, it is likely to be another kind of thing." Jiang Yunshu was quietly analyzed with the conversation of the black robe heard.

"Don't call?" Gu Yunyi thought.

"Yes, it may just call another ... The way of things." Jiang Yunshu nodded, "It's like Yunhai, Lin Hai, is not all comparable to ocean."

"Hey, it seems to be ha, what do you think of late late?" Gu Yunyi looked forward to the discourse of Jiang Yunshu.

"The boundaries of the sea are weak, the breath on the other, those people just say, will it be this, will it be another space?" Jiang Yunshi put forward his guess.

"Different space?" Gu Yunyi felt what he didn't seem to understand.

"In addition to the main body of the main material world we are now, Corlo is also a shadow world, the elements, etc. It should be another overlapping special world. "

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