God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1455 Elvis's task

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Gu Yunyi seriously thought about the words of Jiang Nhang, eventually got up: "It is quite reasonable ... Forget it, you said what you said."

Jiang Yunshi swayed his head, but did not say something.

The frost will be solved after things, and what I just did it is not worth mentioning.

Gu Yunxi stretched a lazy waist: "The things are solved, and now it will take the trophy ... Hey, this is what it is ?!"

She looked at the World of Warcraft that was killed by frost, and she was surprised to open their eyes.

Jiang Yunshu and frost also looked around and saw a scene that made them unexplained.

The huge body of Warcraft is still quiet in the original position, but it seems to have a translucent state, still disappearing.

Even if this is the world of Colo, this scene is also uncommon.

Moreover, this and the scene after the death of the infected body are different, and there is no smashing energy in Warcraft.

Warcraft disappears is very fast, and the three notes with the same and don't see just a few seconds.

Only traces left in Fujiman also reminded that there is a huge Warcraft body with a headed world.

"Why is there?" Gu Yunyi couldn't believe his eyes, "I have never heard of the Warcraft death, I will disappear."

Jiang Yunshi also a fogwater: "Will it be what the black robe do ... is not right, they just come over and have not been able to do anything."

Two people played the eyes of the inquiry to the frost.

Frost shook gently: "Don't know."

"So, what is the situation now?" Gu Yunxi sat on a vine, touched the chin, "I think it should be related to those who are annihilated."

"This is sure." Jiang Yunnan nodded, and then looked at the cool black robe people, "I don't know if I am going."

"Forget it, don't entangle this, anyway is the game." Gu Yunxiao is very seen in this.

"It is true for us, but don't forget that this is also a real world." Jiang Yantang reminded.

"Know know." Gu Yunyi nodded again, I couldn't help but lake, "Hey, two tasks, I don't know what good things will be rewarded ..."

Orange City

Elvis face looked at the image in front of it, thinking about what to do next.

He has just received the news from the wavy, and the annihilation of the influence came to Oran, ready to summon the ceremony here.

Orange is one of the most recent cities in chaos. The degree of stability of time and space is not high. If it is really called success ...

The consequences are definitely extremely serious.

"... Yes, I understand." Elvis nodded.

"The relevant information has been transferred to you, absolutely can't have any mistakes." Ohja said, and then ended the communication.

Elvis took the breath, and then somewhat distracted.

Annihilate ...

If this group of mad people can't live in peace, I want to engage in things.

Ok, in fact, he also understands that you want to let the annihilation of the people's peace of mind and unbeaten, and then fell in the forest.

The mad thinking is difficult to understand.

God knows how those annihilates think, the world destroys them different to death, why is it so fanciful?

Elvis also heard the Wanhua Expo held at St. Nia in Rose Kingdom for some time from the exclusive communications.

Of course, he is not interested in this holiday, mainly concerned about the annihilation of Saint Nia.

I heard that they actually successfully connected the world of the other side!

Fortunately, Ohjia found in time, it was closed in time, which did not happen what happened.

The world on the other side ...

This Elvis is just a lot of ear.

It is just a virtual, there is no thing that doesn't have anything.

Just like a nightmare, through a variety of ways to make life curious, it will eventually be part of their own part.

In addition, Elvis, in the mouth of Ohia, also heard of Luochuan's trace.

I haven't seen the boss in Oland recently. It turned out to go to St. Nia.

Even there was still there.

It is a boss, so it is easy to cross the wilderness of the wilderness of Warcraft.

Just don't know what he and those strangers come to this world.

For such a long time, the people of Oran from the beginning, surprised, and now they are basically getting used to strange faces on the street.

Those related guess rumors have also reduced a lot.

Forget it, the three majors are not worried about what he is worried, it is good to look good.

Just as Elvis thinks about these things that have happened recently, engraving the magic arrays on the walls being remotely activated.

With the flow of magic, there is a picture to be projected in half.

The knight in the silver-white secret silver, a knight, a knight ceremony, light armor, in engraving the magic of the magic, scattered the dark: "Adult."

From the surrounding environment, it is easy to determine that there is still many other extraordinary people around the mountain jungle in the city.

"Solve things so soon?" Elvis frowned and couldn't help but ask.

According to the information he got, there is not much quantity of annihilating near Oran, only a few people, the superfluous army of the dispatch city is able to solve this matter.

As for what he has to do is to be guarded Orange, so as not to have the surrounding people to have a plan.

After all, the madman belongs to the crazy, and the mentality is not a problem, and because of the sake of faith, they have rarely consider the consequences, which is more harmful to normal people.

"Amount ..." The knight in the picture showed a embarrassing expression. "In fact, things are not our solve ..."

"Isn't you solved?" El Viston frowned, thinking about this sentence.

Members of the annihilating believers have affected their influence because they are affected by the energy of collapsed energy, and the body is also affected, much more than the ordinary extraordinary people.

And where there is a place in the wilderness, how can I have an extraordinary person in Oland? Is it to experience survival?

At the same time, Elvis thought, suddenly noticed that the picture seems to be a bit wrong: "Brent, there is any other person on the side?"

The named Brent's knight expression is more embarrassed, and let's open a lot slightly, a very beautiful girl is curious to join.

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