God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1456 Trouble

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The time is back to the time.

Bingling the thief is not empty ...

No, killing people ...

It seems that it is not right, forget it, roughly this means.

Anyway, these annihilate speakers are counters, and the frost is also over their lives.

So what you have to do next is naturally a tackle.

"Who comes?" Gu Yunyi looked at the two.

Frost does not speak, Jiang Yunxiao is laughing.

Gu Yunxi: "..."

She sighed helpless and jumped from the vine.

"The line of travel, I know, I can't do it." Gu Yunxi said, sighing, "How to feel that we are like a big counter, you are doing a murderer's troops ..."

In fact, Gu Yunyi basically has basically no experience in fighting, not to mention this kind of thing that is forcing other people's lives.

In the virtual world, it has brought a big change.

This is also an important role in which holographic equipment can replace the cultivation - change the user's mood.

After all, in addition to death can resurrect in the virtual world, there is no difference in other things and reality.

Gu Yunyi is also one of the earliest customers of the origin store, but it is still a bit uncomfortable to face this scene.

I thought about it or I took a glove from the personal space, which wrinkled the nose and squatted.

"How do you bring a mask on your face?"

Gu Yunyi suddenly noted that these black rude people were wrapped in the black robes in the body, even with pure black masks.

There is no five senses on the mask, just a black, it is hard to pay attention to in the night.

Gu Yunyi came to your interest, is preparing to reach out to pick up the mask, I don't know what to stop.

She has no cleansing, but now I am inexplicably playing an resistant thought.

Gu Yunxiao got up, four times and looked at it, walked in the past.

"What happened?" Jiang Yunxiao pays attention to the movements of Gu Yunyi, asked with concern.

"Nothing." Gu Yunxi shook his head, swaying the branches in his hand, "find a tool."

Jiang Yaxiu first stunned, soon understood the meaning of Gu Yunyi, suddenly showed a funny expression: "What are you?"

"I always feel a bit strange, I can never touch!" Gu Yunyi said seriously, her intuitive is always very accurate.

Jiang Yunshi has some helplessness: "This is a virtual world ... forget it, how do you want to do it?"

Frost is sitting next to the vines, supporting your own chin, looking at the two rounds of Mingyue in the sky, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Gu Yunxi came again next to the body of the annihilated.

The bloody energy used by frost is just to eradicate their lives and have not caused other impact.

Gu Yunxi took a deep breath and poked the black mask with branches in his hand.

It's a bit firm and didn't poke it.

Gu Yunxi has increased a bit of power, and another small fireball has been used in the other hand to bear the role of lighting.

Jiang Youshan couldn't help but come over, some curiously viewed: "I didn't find that everyone actually took mask and the secret of God."

Gu Yunyi did not speak, still in the face of the mask with branches.

Soon, there seems to have a crisp sound appearance, the contact position of the mask and the face appears, and then it is completely cleared by Gu Yunyi.

The face behind the mask almost made two people in a breath.

"I suddenly felt that I didn't want to eat." Gu Yunxiao did not abandon the branch in his hand.

Originally, she also plans to have a meeting to exit the virtual world to pull the river and the night, and now there is no appetite.

The mask is presented under the mask. The appearance of the human beings should not have - it is a face that thoroughly distorted, overlapping, deformed.

The facial features and muscle skin as if melted wax oil presents a horrible gesture, the part of the eyes is two small black holes.

The mouth is completely disappearing, and it seems that the words just said through the mouth, thereby it seems that they should not eat.

And they don't don't eat themselves, and they also prevent others from having eating.

Ok, people are actually wearing masks. It is a branch that Gu Yunyi is free to use branches.

"It's nausea." Jiang Yun is too subjected to the head, "How does this person grow like this?"

"How do I know." Gu Yunxi took the gloves and throwded away, "I have been with abstract paintings. Fortunately, I have a foresight."

If you just use your hand, you will pick up the mask ...

When Gu Yunyi suddenly shook his head, throwing this idea behind the brain, although it came here with the player's identity, but she was still very intentional.

Psychological shadows must be less.

"Other annihilation people are also like this?" Jiang Yunxuan looked at the body of several annihilate people who were annihilated.

"Stop stop." Gu Yunxi quickly stopped, "This is nothing to do with us, what do you do so much ... If you look at it, don't talk late, I don't want to eat tomorrow."

"I just talk about it." Jiang Yunshu felt a little fun about Gu Yunyi.

"That's good." Gu Yun Yu was tone, and he couldn't help but looked at the black robes. "You said that these annihilation people are human or what other races?"

"It is human." Frost I don't know when I've left, "I started to be human beings."

"That is to say, are they become like this under the erosion of the collapsed energy?" Jiang Yunshu thought.

The status of creatures that have been collapsed and eroded will be affected. This is what customers know, but they have not seen the scene of human being collapsed.

"Not too like." Gu Yunyi shook his head and put forward his own opinion.

"Amount, said it is also." Jiang Yunxuan wants to think that this is really reasonable, and the annihilating of the people don't seem to have only to collapse this energy.

The two discussed this for a few minutes, and eventually failed to give a reasonable answer.

"I knew that the frost was left one, and I would like to ask anything." Gu Yunyi sighed.

Frost shook gently: "They won't say."

"Do you think they are like talking?" Jiang Yantang said.

"Well, it is also." Gu Yunyi can only some head, "What are you doing next? Go back?"

Frost looks up to see a direction in the jungle: "Someone came over."

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