God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1459 is absolutely problematic

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Luochuan revealed the new product will be introduced simultaneously with the movie.

However, it is still a long time from the movie. It is about the new product, and the customers still do not know a little message.

If you still have to ask Luochuan two days before Gu Yun, she is a bit doubting that the boss is forgotten.

Ok, in fact, Luochuan really forgot ...

"The new product is popcorn?" Gu Yunyi looked at the popcorn in his hand, thinking about the size of the probability in his heart, "Nothing, there is no possibility ... Will you ask the boss?"

"The boss and the demon smoke sister are in a piece." The frostless frostless appearance suddenly said.

"Isn't this normal?" Gu Yunyi did not feel anything wrong, and he reacted after a few seconds, "Wait,"

When they came back, the boss left the hall and walked from the corridor.

Of course, it is also very easy to transfer with the strength space of the boss, but there is no need at all.

After all, she is very clear, she is very clear, there is still little way.

At this time, the boss is waiting in the hall, but now ...

Gu Yunxi ended the mask of the outside world, standing up from the position, did not find the boss's figure, and then opened the mask again.

"There is a problem, there is absolutely problem!" Gu Yunyi revealed a smile.

"What is wrong?" Jiang Yunshi did not understand the meaning of Gu Yunyi, asked in confusion.

Gu Yunyu coughed, but first, he first looked to Xuanchi: "Right, Juan Ji, you just follow the boss?"

"Well." Xuanchi nodded, "eating dinner made by the demon purple smoke."

"Ha ?!" Gu Yunyi suddenly opened his eyes, and the look was full of regrets. "You don't call me."

"Are you eaten?" Frost asked.

"I can still eat again!" Gu Yunyi's words.

"Okay." Jiang Yunyi couldn't help but laugh, "I just said that it is not this."

"Also." Gu Yunyi also pericated himself a bit, "But if there is such a chance next time, the frost you must call me."

The frost didn't speak, just nodded gently.

"Continue just now." Gu Yunyi coughed, seeing the night sky to make a meditation, "After you leave the frost, the boss and purple smoke sister are left behind,"


"I haven't come out for a long time, what do you think they will do?" Gu Yunxi face is full of inexplicable smiles.

"In fact, I feel that you may be wrong." Jiang Yunshu shook his head and said softly.

"Hey, where is wrong?" Gu Yunyi is confused, "this is a rare two world, my parents are usually very idle, whenever there is a chance to get along with each other."

"Do you think the boss lacks free time?" Jiang Yunshu asked.

Gu Yunyi stunned: "Amount ... It seems that it is not missing."

If the life like the boss is not a relaxing, then the whole world has no easy life.

Customers who have become the origin store for so long, Gu Yunxia is a seven seven eight eight for the daily life habits of Luochuan.

Get up in the morning, and have breakfast with the demon purple smoke, then open the store, and the winter month will also rely on the bed, and the store is delayed.

At the end of the morning business hours, the demon purple smoke is lunch, and the magical phone will usually look at the magic mobile phone at this time, perhaps it will go to the help of the demon.

End of lunch, then the time in the afternoon in the morning.

In the evening, the business of the origin store is over, and the rest is idle, and this is true every day.

"They are in the origin store, I don't forget this in the origin of the mall, do you forget this?" Jiang Yun Lissed said.

Gu Yunyi helplessly sighed: "Well, I have forgotten ... but I don't know if it is my illusion. I always feel a bit wrong with this afternoon."

"Listen to you, I also think it is a bit wrong." Jiang Yunshu thought, but then smiled and shake his head, "Forget it, let's not do it."

"Although I said this, are you not curious in the late dress?"

"Of course, curious, but curious is curious, can you still have to explore now?"

"Hey, it is also the new product, let's ask the boss?" Gu Yunxi has been completely detained. "It is really a popcorn. I am going to buy every day."

"Don't you ask, even if you ask the boss, you won't say it." Jiang Yantang said.

Gu Yunyi thought that it was also, after all, the boss's mouth was very strict, never revealed that the customer asked the news, so I asked it.

"Hey, late clothes."

"what happened again?"

Jiang Yunshi is a bit helpless, and it is a bit of funny. The character of Gu Yunxia is very active in the weekdays. It is always full of vitality. It seems that it will never feel tired.

"Why is this world two moon? The Tianyi mainland has only one?" Gu Yunnan looked at the night sky over the top, slightly asked.

In the blue night sky, a large two-wheeled moon will intend to spoke, the gray composition constitutes their contours, and the central is transparent.

Gu Yunyi only felt that two rounds of Mingyue gradually expanded in their own sight.

She could clearly see the cross-crossing ripples above, and the white moonlight imitated the rain of the rain, and the whole world was all tilted ...

", ..."

The voice of Jiang Yunshu seems to come from distant places, and it is very unhappy.

Until Jiang Yunshi began to shake the body of Yunxia, ​​the latter suddenly broke from the state of ill: "Ah, what happens?"

Jiang Yunshi has been relieved. Some complaints explain to Gu Yunyi. "Just now, you watch the moon in the sky, suddenly, I didn't respond."

"Is this? I don't know." Gu Yunyi blinked, "I suddenly felt that the moon became very large, then I didn't know other things."

"Do you feel different?" Jiang Yun Xiaowei frowned, she looked up at the night sky, Ming Moon White, Stars flashed, and there was no difference.

"Different, no." Gu Yunyu shook his head, and the spin was a little funny. "Do you not think that I am cursed?"

"I don't care about you?" Jiang Yunxiao is serious, "After all, we have just encountered annihilation, in case one of them, I released a spell such as the ban.

"You think too much late, this is the virtual world, even if I really have the kind of ban you said, I will not have a substantive impact." Gu Yunyi thought about it again, "It is not necessary to interfere with appetite."

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