God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1458 Popcorn

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The annihilation of the profession prevents the face of others from eating, and when Gu Yun, I feel that the stomach is in the stomach.

How can they grow a deputy model?

"We can see the most ugly one." Gu Yunyi thought.

"So you think about the mask of other annihilate people to see it?" Jiang Yue asked with a smile.

"Cough, I just talk about it, if a more ugly ... anyway, I have no appetite for a long time." Gu Yunxi spitted the tongue, and there was a lingering on the scene that I just saw.

Elvis's foggy water, he didn't understand what the two were saying.

Is it ugly to eat?

Are you doing this to see your face?

"Uncle, if there is nothing else, we will go first." Gu Yunxi hurts, anyway, the task has been done, no need to stay here.

"Slowly walk." Elvis nodded.

Brent has just went to explore the battle scene, and it is ugly to the image of Elvis.

"How is your face so ugly?" Elvis was a little confused.

"The city owner is still looking at it." Brent decided to speak with the truth.

After a while, Elvis looked at the annihilate that the face of abstract painting was caught, and now he finally understood what the previous words before them.

This is indeed affecting people's appetite ...

"How long is these annihilates?" Brent can't help but ask, "I have encountered annihilated the influence, and they have no difference between the brain and normal people."

Elvis looked tone: "Perhaps it is eroded ... bring them back, remember to do protective measures, I want to report this matter to Ohja."

"Yes." Bun's character should be taken, and turn around and greeted other extraordinary actions.

In order to avoid annihilating the residual energy erosion, they also need to engrave various magic of protective positions nearby, and various spells that have a sense of mind.

Elvis ended the communication.

Take a little more confidment, walk towards the door, and he also needs to be prepared in advance to avoid what will happen unexpected.


"It's so boring." Walking in the jungle, Gu Yunyi couldn't help but stretched a lazy waist, "Hey, what rewards you have got?"

The task that has just been triggered is now the state of completion, she has not received a reward.

The annihilation of the infusion is solved by frost, and Gu Yunxi and Jiang Yunshu are all water.

"Reward, I haven't received it yet." If it is not Gu Yunyi reminded, Jiang Yunshu almost forgot this.

"Food." The answer of frost is much simple.

Extend the right hand, the glow of the stars, gathered in her hands, then chemically made a big paper bucket, which is still installed ...

I don't know what the name.

A large exhibiting white fluffy, the surface is also covered with golden glycoly, which seems to be burst from the brown epidermis.

Everyone is not too big, the volume and the finger belly are equal.

There is also a sweet taste in the air, and Gu Yunxi has begun to throat water.

"What is this?" Jiang Yunshu asked curiously.

"Popcorn." Frost took a place in his mouth, and the wine of the wine didn't seem to be bright.

"Is there so delicious?" Gu Yunxia looked at the look of the frost and couldn't help but swallow the water. "Can frost can't let me try?"

"I also want to try it." Jiang Yantang said.

Frost looked at the popcorn in his hand, and looked at Gu Yunxi and Jiangyou, in his heart, he gave a guilty battle, which was toddled.

Gu Yunxi took a popcorn from the paper bucket, threw it in his mouth, and carefully taste the taste.

Sweet, fluffy crisp, there is a feeling of installing, every mouth can eat the sweetness brought by the surface sugar, which is unforgettable.

"good to eat!"

Gu Yunxi and the reaction of Jiang Nanshang did the same, and once again reached out to the bucket of the burscher, then grabbed it.

Frost puts the paper bucket on the chest and looks at the two people.

"Oh, I am used to habits." Gu Yunxi smiled and returned the palm, "said that our reward should be the same?"

"It is indeed the same." Jiang Yunshi also appeared in the hands of popcorn, and said while eating.

"That's good." Gu Yun Yu was tone.

Open the task interface to receive the reward, and the entire process is in a water.

"Hey, there is no special effect on this popcorn?" Gu Yunxi suddenly thought of a thing, the task of the difficulty at least five stars always could not reward Puttong's food.

If it is not a frost, Gu Yunxi and Jiang Yunxuan want to defeat the annihilation of the people basically impossible.

"It seems to improve the effect of energy running speed." Jiang Yunxun answered with the mouth.

"Enhance energy running speed ... Hey, I have a look." Gu Yunxi lost a popcorn in his mouth, and opened the information panel.

"Popcorn: Special task items, permanent lifting energy running speed. "

Frost did not speak.

She only cares about the taste, and she is enough to eat.

As for that effect, there is no difference to her, there is no difference.

"Hey, it is actually permanent." Gu Yunyi is a bit amazed, "should this also act to the real world?"

"As long as there is no special label." "Jiang Yunshi's mood is equally good.

Customers can indeed get a variety of items that enhance properties in Corluo, but the difficulty of these items is not generally high.

This task is now easily completed, and it is really a bit of dreams.

"What is the actual meaning of this effect?" Gu Yunyi held his fist. Now she has not felt that her body changes.

"Well ... The release speed of spell?" Jiang Yiling happened to think, "" It seems that the speed of energy will affect many aspects. "

For the cultivators of the Tianyi mainland, the speed of spiritual movement has a vital role in strength, refining the medicinal herbs, and is the same.

"All the blessings, I feel similar to the effect of improving the qualifications with mineral water." Gu Yunxiao low, "No, it is weaker."

"Hey." Jiang Yun did not know what I thought, touched the arm of the cloud.

"Well, what happened?" Gu Yunnan turned his head.

"You said that the boss said and the new product launched by the movie will be this?" Jiang Yun said the popcorn in his hand.

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