God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1464 seems to be inexpensive

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Are there a difference between the boss and ordinary people?

The answer is obvious.

If you see the scene of the boss, there is no customer to connect him with the unshire.

Which master will live three meals a day, occasionally sleep a lazy rules!

It can be said that because of Luochuan's emergence, the image of the strong continent in the sky is a thousand feasters in the minds of ordinary people.

Wait, it seems that it is a bit less appropriate.

It should be ... the people, right, is a lot of people.

After all, in order to be high, the realm of practicers is high, and the strength is strong, and their life is never changed.

I will not lose the seven convictions because of the cultivation.

If you really become, what is the difference between and without life.

"No." In the face of Chen Yiyi's question, Gu Yunxi and Jiangyouhui have given an answer.

"So." Chen Yiyi slammed the palm of his hand, full of peace, "The surface of the boss is watching on the grassland of the virtual world, the fact is in the sense of heaven and earth."

"It makes sense." Gu Yunyi nodded again, she has been completely convinced by Chen Yiyi, but also not forgetting to invest in Luochuan.

It is a boss. It turns out that there is nothing to practice, everyone is actually deceived by him!

"It is really very reasonable ..." Jiang Yantang's good eyebrows smile slightly, "But I always feel anything wrong ..."

"Is there anything wrong." Chen Yiyi waved, "I believe me, the fact is definitely like this."

"Yes, late, don't tangle this, let's buy things are cold." Gu Yunxiao is satisfied, "" Is it going to eat it? "

"Okay," Chen Yi nodded again, "I am a little hungry."

Jiang Yantang couldn't help but read the two eyes Luochuan. She always feels a little less right.

With the personality of the boss, will this sneak cultivation?

It's all possible.

With the sense of experience, she feels more reliable.

Forget it, she tangled this.

The boss is still sleeping and there is no relationship with her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yunxiao is relaxed, and I have gone to the original position.

The cool breeze of the night is wrapped in the breath of the grass, and the sky is the clear and high night sky and the strange star river, which gives people an illusion that can be touched.

The night wind strikes, the world is vast, Luochuan opened his eyes and looked at the night sky and appreciates a rare spectacular scene.

Ok, actually because he can't sleep ...

Forget it, you can't sleep, you can't sleep, and it is quite good in such an environment.

Although it is called virtual world, it is not illusory here, it can be used as a true existence.

Luochuan pulled a strand from the side, put it in his mouth, chewing, a faint sweet and green grass alone appeared in the tip of the tongue.

The winter month is not short, and the month of recovery should be coming.

There is such an idea in Luochuan's heart.

There are also four seasons in the Tianyi mainland.

Ok, other places Luochuan don't know, it is like this in the range of the Star Empire.

I don't know what the natural environment of this planet is like, such a large range of climate can be consistent.

Lochuan's geography is not very good.

The geographical knowledge he learned is now basically giving the geographic teachers, so it is impossible to infer what type of climate in this place belongs.

Well ... It seems that even if you know, there is not much to use ...

The remaining grass stems were thrown away, Luochuan got up, and stretched a lazy waist, opened the system page, and prepared to challenge the next layer.

"Trial of the Tower of Trial: The second layer. Challenge your opponent: Golden League (default). Difficulty: ordinary. "

As Luochuan confirmed that the choice, the starry sky and the original wilderness were not integrated with the mirror flowers, and the original jungle of the five fingers were replaced.

The environment here is obviously less than just now, the air is full of grades, dull, hot, and let people rise.

Luochuan's power has also been significantly enhanced, and it is directly entering the spiritual realm.

Next second, accompanied by a low snoring, there have been a number of golden rays in the dark, like the stars in the night sky.

However, these "stars" have brought the killing and death.

Then, the moonlight falling in the tree shadow, and you can see the vague body of these dark hunters.

Luochuan uses the weapon this time, it is a silver white chip knife with a long two meters. It is the so-called one inch, and the bigger the weapon is, and it must be correct.

When the karn knife in Luochuan and the Golden Crown Snake hit the crisp metal, even sparks were built in the dark.

The knives used by Luochuan are not in the spirit. It does not need to input spiritual power, only rugged and sharp features.

In fact, many times the weapon does not need to have so many flowers that have the additional features of the whistle, enough to be strong enough.

The result of the final battle did not have any accidents, or ended in the victory of Luochuan.

He shook his shoulders.

The tavern is really powerful, and it is also difficult to use.

This is only a few minutes, he feels a bit not moving.

Of course, this also has a dense relationship with the strength of this body.

I have never fighting for a long time, and his heart is also a hearty feeling.

Reset your body, Luochuan continues the challenge of the next layer ...

The snowy mountains, the cold wind is like a blade, the sight is blocked by the sky, and it is a pale color.

The stunning sword light seems to have a secret network, and the wind is also completely torn, and the will of the unstoppable will go to a not far away.

Luochuan's appearance has some wolves, there are many traces left by the swords, holding the knife and staring at the countless swords of swords, and the grass root on the stone wall.

"Haha, get good!"

Luochuan laughed, and his body suddenly made an endless force, his body was shaped, and there was no shortage of retreat, directly onting.

Luochuan, stroke.

Jiu Ye Jiancao also broke.

Next second, the world reset, Luochuan's figure appeared again.

He sighed a little helpless, and threw the knife.

"It seems that the strength has declined a lot ... forget it, come here today ..."

Luochuan whispered, for a long time, I have never really shot, and there is a lot of life, and now he is indeed a bit tired.

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