God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1465 Change on the Boss

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People are inert.

The inertness of Luochuan is just a little more.

The challenge of the long-lost trials has also experienced that Luochuan also felt a little sleepy.

Consciousness returns to reality, picking up the helmet, can't help but hurt.

"The boss does not continue to play?" Gu Yunyi, not far, told the movement of Luochuan, and asked something to eat.

"Sleepy, go back to sleep." Luochuan nodded, I thought about reminding it, "When you sleep, you will be too fat."

Gu Yunyi stunned, then wrinkled the nose: "How can it be, the boss is definitely lie to me."

"Perhaps." Luochuan is not in order, I don't forget to add a sentence before leaving. "Yes, it is easy to have a short stay."

Gu Yunyi looked at Luochuan's figure disappeared in the line of sight, and there was no reaction in the time.

She took a long time to turn to the side of the river: "The boss will not be true?"

"How maybe, the boss must be lie to you." Jiang Yiling said with a smile, while thinking about it, "the boss seems to be a bit different from us today."

"It may be a further reason for the relationship with the purple smoke sister." Chen Yiyi jugged next to it.

"It should be yes." Jiang Yue was in favor of nodding.

She happened at noon at noon, she was clear, and some unexpectedly, as if they were reasonable.

After all, before the shooting of these people, Luochuan has already explicitly explained in the magical phone.

But the magical phone is a matter, and it is another thing to see it.

Anyway, Jiang Napi clearly remembers that it is very lively in the hall, or if you remember that the identity of Luochuan boss is afraid you have already begun.

"The boss has changed, no longer the boss who didn't see the style." Gu Yunxi sighed.

"I still remember the matter at the time." Jiang Yunxiao asked.

"Of course, I will never forget!" Gu Yunyi said indignantly. "So didn't see it, the first sentence of the boss actually I blocked his sunshine!"

"Hey, there is such a thing? Tell me." Chen Yiyi came to, she never heard of it.

Gu Yunyi is very happy to share with others for Luochuan: "I think about it, the old resensus is just over."

It is very large to use holographic equipment.

Whether it is a glory of the bureau or trying to play computer games, it will feel tired.

Of course, if you sleep in the virtual world or don't do anything.

I will take a long time, I will be tired, so I am lying or sleeping is the best rest.

This is experienced by Locchuan.

The corridor is very quiet, walking on the wooden floor, can't hear the footsteps, the light is warm and bright, there is no narrow feeling, the temperature is very comfortable.

The demon purple smoke room did not turn on, and it didn't come back yet.

Luochuan hooked yawn, pushed the door to returned to his room, and heard the arrival of Luochuan. He lit with the light of energy.

Even if you have already experienced many times, Luochuan still has a feeling of returning to modern human world.

This is also like intelligent rooms.

Sure enough, any civilization has developed to the same way.

Before Sleeping, Luochuan didn't forget to take a shower, so that it was free for the hot springs.

For him, it is only possible to have no casual ways, and you don't need to make it on it every day.

What happened to that sentence, it is not the most cherished.

In the past, Luochuan is still forward to the hot springs.

I also said before, he only booked the hot springs burned out in domestic boilers, and many of the hot scenes were in the animation.

The seven-eight laws, not hot springs are the sea.

, , drink, pretty girl ...

Anyway, Luochuan is quite looking forward to this scene.

Now the hot springs have, the scene of the imagination is also there, but it seems to be too much, it feels nothing.

How do you say it, this is a bit like the Raiders before the tour.

A lot of pictures of various views, the video is, and it will make people feel god.

But after the scene, after the scene ...

It is not as good as the home to play the computer at home.

There is no special place in the mountains and water, that is, the head is playing loud.

Simple washed a hot bath, using the warm air, eliminating the remnant of the hair on the hair, Luochuan sat in bed, and he didn't sleep.

While removing the magical phone from the system space, Luochuan remembered the soul lock that was thrown into it.

For such a few days, I don't know if he is in the life.

Ok, habits are good, not used to it, Luochuan is not very concerned.

Anyway, the system space is very very, how can he love it in the inside, how to toss? It's almost the heart of Luochuan.

After returning to the origin store, he said his thing.

As for the present, Luochuan only wants to improve the relationship with the demon purple smoke, and the film is completed.

Wait, it seems that there is nothing wrong, but it seems that there is nothing wrong.

After all, he decided to leave the origin store, not to play with the demon purple smoke, and the film is indeed.

Cough ...

Shake your head, throw these messy thoughts, and Luochuan's attention placed on the magical phone.

I don't know so much, anyone else, other people who don't know except the demon purple smoke.

"... usually, the temperature of the water under the ice is much more warm than the outside world. We only need to cut the ice to a hole, then ignite the fire, and gradually there will be fish to gather."

The youth is holding homemade fishing rods, is catching fish on an ice lake, and also explains the audience watching live broadcast.

Luochuan looked at it.

He likes this type of video or live broadcast, learning to new skills is secondary, mainly watching the lively.

"Get hook!"

The young eyes are bright, and they grabbed the long guns built next to the branches, accompanied by the sound of torn air, the long gun "" has not entered the ice cave.

Luochuan picked his eyebrows.

Is your fishing rod to be a furnish, actually use this fork fish.

But think about it, it seems that this is nothing wrong, youth as a cultivator regardless of the reaction or strength, it is more convenient to use the long guns directly with the fish.

As the long gun did not enter the water, the lake was turned up.

"It seems that the prey is hooked."

The youth directly jump into the water, the transparent spiritual power is a barrier in his sprint, completely blocking the surrounding water flow.

As the cultivator of the realm of the soul, this is easy to do with him.

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