God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1466, a piece of sleep is normal

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After a few minutes, the youth jumped out of the ice cave and threw the prey he caught into the ice - a long time, more than two meters ... fish.

Do you say that the species in the Tianglan continent is universal?

And from the teeth of the , this fish should be seen, this fish should not be a good creature.

"Chiba fish, it seems that today's luck is good." The youth patted his hand, his face was full of happy smiles.

"I am new, is this the live broadcast of the forest survival? "

"You are wrong, I have never been survived. "

"As you can see, this is actually a live broadcast ..."

Luochuan noticed the content of the barrage and a lot of changes in the beginning.

Sure enough, any world has a mysterious species of sand carving netizens?

In addition, he also thinks that youth live broadcast and survival have no half a relationship.

Although the cultivator in the realm of the soul can not walk in the Tianglan mainland, it is no problem in the forest near the Star Empire.

So this is indeed a live broadcast of life, but a live broadcast of food in another sense.

Well, the food lives.

But no one will care about these things.

As long as they are happy, they will do it.

When the youth began to roast the fish, Luochuan closed live broadcast.

He doesn't want to see someone else before you want to sleep.

Although it is not hungry now, I will definitely be hungry after I have seen it.

Luochuan brushed his teeth. If you eat something, it is a bit trouble, so it is still not the best.

Each room of Snow Fengge has realized a symptom, and the sound insulation after opening is very powerful.

Luochuan is getting lazy.

So what is next?

Chat with those night owls, talk about the group, look at the updated novels, sleep directly, or say that when you are deep in the night, write a novel?

First eliminate the last one.

The novel is impossible, and the end of interest is just interest. If it turns into task, it will only be borus.

So just write when you are fine.

As for another three options ...

When Ji Chuan entangled, he heard that he had a footsteps outside.

It should be a demon purple smoke back.

When college, Luochuan is always an object's life, but only has a decree of dog food.

Now he is also an object?

From and encountered a demon purple smoke to now, there is always a feeling that is not very real.

Anyway, no matter what, the relationship between the two is determined to be.

But think about it, it seems that there is not much difference with the previous previous, how is it still?

Both people have become used to life, but the relationship has changed slightly ...

When I thought in Luochuan, the door was gently ringing, slowly opened a gap, and the demon purple smoke saw the room in the room, soon noticed Luochuan sitting in bed, showing a smile.

"The boss hasn't slept yet."

The demon purple smoke said, slightly went a little slightly, and then came in, then gently closed the door, and it seems to be afraid to be heard by others.

She is wearing a dress like a bathrobe. It is the kind of Snow Feng Pavilion. In addition to the bathrobe can also be a pajamas, lavender, the white snow saffron in the stairs.

The deep purple hair is not tied, but it is simply scattered behind, and Xu is because I just booked the hot springs, the skin faintly peach color.

Still not staying at Luochuan, the demon purple smoke is directly drilled into the bed, and a pair of purple scorpions looked at Luochuan.

"How come you come? Isn't it said that I will return to the origin store?" Luochuan is still unclear.

"Then I will go back?" The demon purple smoke frustrated nose and wanted to leave.

"Don't." Luochuan quickly stopped. "I just talk about it."

The demon purple smoke can't help but laugh, and Luochuan leaves when she is clearly understood.

So this is a small surprise.

The demon purple smoke doesn't know what to think, and the red face has added a sentence: "Just sleep."

"Okay." Luochuan smiled and reached out to the head of the demon purple smoke.

"Why is you always ?" The demon purple smoke shot Luochuan's paw, slightly dissatisfied.

Luochuan coughed, he was completely awareness, and it was changed after this habit.

It's good to be in the demon purple smoke, and the attention is quickly transferred to other places.

She took note of the magical mobile phone in Luochuan, curiously came over: "What is the boss?"

Luochuan heard the sweetness of the demon purple smoke, and the taste of a faint snow, Luochuan remembered that there were many snow maple flowers in the hot spring pool.

"I just read it live, I haven't decided what I saw next." Luochuan replied.

"Is that survived?" The demon purple smoke blinks, and the heart said that the boss is really strange, it is so strong that it is so strong, but it is too much like this to see someone to professor.

"Well." Luochuan nodded, "" I just teach others how to fish on the ice. "

"Why don't you continue to see?" The demon purple smoke is a bit curious.

"Fish caught, then the time to do food, I feel that if I continue to see, I will definitely hungry." Luochuan said.

"Hungry?" The demon purple smoke thought. "I will prepare some food to the boss?"

It's almost like this when the origin store is, it will always be hungry at night, she will give Luochuan.

"Forget it, it is troublesome." Luochuan shook his head, and the scene in front of him always gave him a untrue feeling. It seems that the purple girl next to the eye will disappear.

"The boss is rest assured, I will not go." The demon purple smoke seems to guess Luochuan's ideas, and then laughing and laughing, she got a bed, soon disappeared in Luochuan's sight.

Luochuan looked at the magical mobile phone in his hand. After opening, he was willing to turn over, and it didn't mean.

Nothing is what you have seen before.

The tutorial has been sent so long, and there is no substantial application of customers. It seems that learning ability needs to be improved.

It's so boring, there is no fun thing on the magical phone.

Well ... When is the demon purple smoke?

Luochuan lost the magical phone to the side, leaning on the bed, looking at the white roof launch.

He feels some untrue.

These things that have happened recently seem like mirror flowers, and dreams will dissipate everything.

But the fragrance remaining in the air reminds him that these are true.

After approximately a minute, the door was once again pushed away, the demon purple smoke took a dining pan coming in, which is covered with white pastries.

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