God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1468 Observatory

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There is no difference in the scene in the hall and the past.

It is still a customer of three or two or two, and the air is full of food.

"Purple smoke." I have come to the hall early, and I am happy to wave her hand after seeing the demon purple smoke.

The demon purple smoke hesitated, and finally came over.

"How?" The green face is full of gossip.

"What? I don't understand what you are talking about." The demon smoke blinks, trying to sprouted over.

"Don't understand it." The green eyes have turned over, "" Soon from the trick. "

"You think more." The demon purple smile shook his head.

"I don't believe, let me see."

"Stop stop, what do you want to do ..."

Looking at the green bike, the demon purple smoke pointed is to urge the spiritual power of his respect.

It's been a joke and a joke, you will be tense. "

The demon purple smoke is white, and it is slightly tone.

"What about the boss?" The green appearance asked freely.

"I still fall asleep on the bed." The demon salastic cigarette.

Then she saw the delicious smile when she saw the green kitchen.

"What are you thinking about? Is the boss not all this every day?" The demon purple smoke was refuted.

"I know." I nodded, smiling, "I am a little curious, why do you respond so big?"

Monster Macro: "..."

She suddenly didn't know how to pick it up.

The greenness of the green smoke, also understood the inch, so I didn't continue to ask, I ate the breakfast.

The demon purple mood is quickly recovered, and I look at it in four: "Yes, Anvilia?"

According to the situation, this time Anvilia should be immersed in the virtual world, but there is no figure in today's hall.

"I don't know." Qingyu shook his head, "I didn't see her when I came, maybe there is something."

The demon purple smoke didn't think too much, and it was very important to attract it by the green breakfast of the green: "What is your eating ?? It looks delicious, let me try."

"I take it, there is much more." I said that I didn't stop the action of the demon purple hierarchy.

The demon purple smoke has been put in the mouth, and she has a little bit of evaluation while eating: "The oil temperature is not enough, the sweetness of sugar is slightly short, and it is not bad."

Some of the green smart looks at the sorrowful look: "Purple smoke you can't use your own standard to measure the food made by others, at least I feel very delicious."

"Um ... habits." The demon salary smoke bites lips and smiled softly.

I don't know what to say, the ability of the demon purple smoke in the kitchen, she is clear, this feeling is almost like a refining pharmacist to see the drug, she will always have to analyze their refining process.


Anwei Yajia is sitting on the bed, and the entire room has been covered by her spell layer unique to the dragon.

Although there is no change in change, Pu Tong, but even the peak of the respect is absolutely unable to come in.

Moreover, these spells do not only contain the real level, and the information level is also included, and it is basically eliminated the possibility of pollution.

"Speaker, what did I do, do you have anything happening?" Anverah's look is very serious.

"Reassuring, not a big thing." The speaker sounded in the scales in front of the Anviaa.

"That's good." Anva Ya was slightly tone, and it was a little curious. "What happened?"

"According to the news from the observation station, the barrier is impacted." Speaker replied.

"How many times this is ..." Anvilia helplessly sighed, "didn't happen?"

"Of course, I can't talk to you here." Speaker rarely opened a joke, "What happened recently?"

"So almost the same as before." Anvilia lying on the bed, "The boss is still as salted fish, can lie down, it is absolutely not sitting ... Oh, the relationship between boss and demon smoke is determined," Speaker, you don't know, I have been anxious for them before, but it is not good to say something, now it is challenging. "

Referring to this matter, Anverah's words have changed significantly, and it seems that she and other customers have no difference in this regard.

The speaker fell into silence, so there was a helpless voice: "Can you say a focus?"

"Hey, I am a little excited." Anvilia laughed a few times, "said that the trace of the Girl was found in the past few days."

"Who is discovered?" Asked the president.

"Of course, it is a boss." Anvilia stressed, "I perceived that the boss has passed, I heard that it seems to be blocked by him to a particular space."

"Special space ... Can you shield Hig contact?" The voice of the speaker is a bit serious.

"I don't know this." Anva Ya shook his head, "But you should be, the strength of the boss will definitely see this, otherwise it will not do it without any reason."

I came to the origin store for so long, she is almost aware of Luochuan's strength and other customers.

Anyway is especially very powerful.

As for what extent ...

do not know.

The world trees in the saints have become potted, and the world is treated as a game of holographic equipment. The strength of the boss will definitely be more than their imagination.

When the gap is large enough, there is no practical meaning when the gap is specific.

"I hope that the boss has its own consideration." Speaker said.

"Hey, yes." Anvilia didn't know what to think of, the expression suddenly became excited. "When I am in the world of Coro, can you see me?"

"How is it." The voice of the speaker laughed, "" The individual's energy is too insignificant than the whole planet, and there is also an energy interference. "

"It is also." Anva is nodded, and I can't help but spit it. "The observation station will observe the station, but also to make the moon look, I am afraid that others not pay attention?"

"This is the meaning of the goddess, and I remember the course in the school should teach these, why don't you know?" Asked the Speaker.

"Amount ..." Anverah's expression is a bit awkward, "I am forgotten forget."

"Forgot forget? How do I feel that you don't know at all, it seems that it is an absenteeism." Speaker noticed the truth of things.

"Cough, how it is possible." Anvil Ya is a few coughs. "If there is nothing else, I will end, after all, for a long time, the exchange of information will affect the world stability."

"This extent is not yet." The long laugh smile, the mood seems good, "I am here, I wish you happiness in the Tianyi mainland."

Anvande's nodded: "That is of course ... I am not playing, it is the task of detecting the world ..."

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