God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1469, calling peace

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At the end of the communications of the spectacle, Anvilia took the scales while withdrawing the defense spell in the room.

At the same time, there is still a wholly voice that constantly sounds.

"Trouble, how do I just set up so many spells just now, the boss is worried about what ... I am very annoying ..."

Although I said this, I still want her to do it.

If someone comes in, when it comes to misunderstanding ...

Anyway, it is very serious.

When Anvia was communicated with the Speaker, Luochuan came out of the room slowly.

I knocked on the door of Iron Misa, I didn't get a response, and it should be going to the lobby to have breakfast.

The demon purple smoke has lived in the origin store for so long, and she has long developed a habit of three meals a day.

Luochuan seems to be aware of, and suddenly looks to a direction of Snow Fengge.

There seems to have special energy fluctuations.

As for what, Luochuan didn't know, after all, he is not a whole-minded god.

I don't even call the system.

"System, what happened?"

Although the system is in the name of the store, the actual function is far more than this, and it is more than a little more.

"The special band communication is detected, and there is no attenuation across the space barrier, and the additional information is much lower than the normal value." The system quickly gave a response.

Luochuan calm analysis, think carefully, draw conclusions: "Do not understand, simply do someone contacts other ... The world?"

Of course, the world he said is just a representation, not the universe in regular sense.

"Yes." The system's answer is simple.

Luochuan touched the Pakistan, and the aggress of Anvia in the mind.

For the dragon girl who came to the origin store every day, Luochuan's impression is still quite deep.

The body is very small, the character is also very good, and there is no rumor in the middle of the dragon.

Ok, according to the story of Anverah, these rumors are actually some free, the dragon spreads.

So is this a model of it?

It is the secret of some things, even if Luochuan inquiry is not revealed.

It seems that the hamem demon has happened ...

Luochuan decided not to pay attention to this matter.

Is it that Anvilia has left so long to think about home?

After all, according to her story, now only her ... Dragon.

Living alone in the Tianli continent, it is certain from time to time to report peace.

So there is nothing strange, it is normal.

Students have to take a phone call from home alone.

Moreover, Luochuan also heard that Anvawa seems that the adult ceremony has not been coming ...

So this is more necessary.

Thinking of this, Luochuan felt that he guess the truth of things.

Sure enough, Holmes and Conan who have seen it when I go to school.

Don't you use it now?

Of course, this is also unpretentious relationship with him uncommon reasoning skills.

Unilateral ended and the system's conversation, Luochuan stretched a lazy waist, and went to the hall in the corridor.

Now he really feels a bit hungry, first eat a breakfast and say other things.

When Luochuan came to the lobby, there is still not much, so it seems to look cold and clear.

I didn't expect this group of customers to be lazy than him!

At least half an afternoon is at least half, but it is the beginning of the day at noon.

Luochuan looked at it, so soon, I found out the demon purple smoke and green smile, and I walked over to the two.

"The boss got up?" The demon salad smiled and greeted, and the tone was often in the origin store.

The green eyes were blind, and if the eyes were gently swept away between the two.

The sharp perception of the cultivator reminds her that these two people are absolutely unhappy!


Ok, this is nonsense.

The two relationships are clear, what is wrong with intimate point?

Very normal?

She just didn't respond for a while.

"Early." Luochuan couldn't help but hurt.

"Early." The demon purple smoke said, ordinary and ordinary greetings.

From the look of this girl, it seems that I have forgotten what happened last night.

"The boss is good morning." The green kitte said hello, "Do you have a holiday today?"

Luochuan: "..."

What is the first sentence? Is there such a holiday in the next day?

Customers follow him to shoot movies, but they are not as they are playing with him!

"What is the fake?" Luochuan took a pastry from the green plate of the green, "Let's return to the origin store to rest for a few days after completing the rest of the story, and then change the site."

"Amount, Ling Yun College?" Asked the consciousness of the blue o'clock.

"Well." Luochuan nodded, "This is very delicious, I also take the point."

The green eyes of Luochuan were speechless for half a ring. At the end, I finally couldn't help but turn over the eyes: "Do you have the synchronization rate not so high?"

Just now, the demon is like this, now Luochuan is coming again.

Really are……

She didn't know what to say.

If the demon purple smoke has just been treated with her, it is even more than the two people.

The demon purple smoke is trying to control your own expression, but the smile in the eyes can't hide, the eyebrows with a happy curvature.

"Implementation is a long time, I have the same habit and the boss."

"So can stop you."

It's white in the blue and white. She suddenly felt that the food in front of him was not very delicious.

After the last spell is clear, Anvia is unimpeded in bed, and it feels that Dragon is really no significance.

I watched the roof quietly, I would like to sit up, although Dragon is not significant, but breakfast is still to eat.

I was arbitrarily sorted out of the clothes, and I left the room quickly.

When Anvia came to the lobby, the scene seen and neitched, she was still one of the earliest customers.

The frost is to live with her, so early in the virtual world, in accordance with the past experience, it should now be a glory to the bureau.

The boss seems to be very early, actually have started having breakfast in the hall.

This makes AVA feel a bit amazing.

Not very in line with the personality of the boss, at least half or an hour after the conventional situation, you can see the boss's figure.

Of course, Anvilia didn't think about what this matter was deliberately asked.

Now there is only one thing in her heart - breakfast.

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