God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1470 belief collapse

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To Anvia, eating breakfast is undoubtedly the most important thing.

The food provided in the morning, the food provided in the morning is a self-help method.

A variety of different foods are placed in a big dining plate with heating array. It is very convenient to eat what you can take.

As usual, Anvilia's license has been unfolding near the hill-like food in the plate.

Everyone in this hall has never blamed.

They all know the identity of An Wei Yaolong, and clearly remember the majestic form of the golden dragon of Anvilia, and the back is like a small square.

Everything is very normal.

"In fact, I have always been a little curious. Anvil Ya is not dragon, she can eat so much?" The green is noted in Anvia.

"Well ... Many members of the monster royal family are actually the monster, why didn't you see you?" The demon purple smoke asked.

It's a bit awkward, the expression seems to be a bit: "Amount, I didn't seem to pay attention to this, said that the monster royal family and Anveas are the same?"

"I didn't know this." The demon purple smoke shook his head. "After all, I have never met the dragon, Anvilia is the first."

Anvilia came over at this time, and heard two people seemed to mention his name: "Are you talking about me?"

It's gone, I nodded, I took a nod, and I got the food in front of Anvilia. "Can you eat so much?"

The food components in the dish are very sufficient, and the normal adults are probably not to eat.

However, compared to the Dragon's body type ...

This is afraid that even the toxose can be done.

"Yes." Anvawa nodded, put a fruit in his mouth, asked, "" Do you ask this? "

"It is a bit curious." Qing smiled, his face is full of looks, "Are you not dragon, can you really eat?"

"The originals you just said were this." Anvilia suddenly, "It is very simple, the dragon's form is the amount of merits, human form is human,"

"Why?" Qingming is still very curious.

"The body's consumption is different." Anverah stretched a finger swayed. "You also have seen my body. If you want to maintain, you need to consume energy. It is relatively convenient. "

"It seems to be almost the same as the monster." If the demon purple smoke is thinking.

"Can there be a difference?" Anvilia is a matter of course, "Dragon is also a creature, is not super offside, why do you have this strange understanding?"

"Mainly, those who have heard the rumors about the dragon." The demon purple smoke said.

Anvia: "... cough cough."

The demon purple smoke poured a cup of tea, and the latter didn't drink it directly. This is deeply comfortable: "I will live."

It is a bit subtlety of the green blue: "Those rumors are also spread out?"

Black yourself ...

Have these dragons that are free to do it all day?

Anvilia hesitated, or nodded: "Almost, but it is not all, some of which are human beings."

:: "..."

Is there a difference?

Anvewe is almost a broken tank to break, saying that Dragon's black calendar is more smooth: "In fact, our dragon family often has members to come to Tianyi mainland, but because some reasons must conceal their identity, so Will appear that the dragon family hide in the Tianyi mainland, but we don't care much. "

"Then why do you take the initiative to spread these rumors about Dragon?" The green blush blinked, and the heart has been faintly with an answer.

"Interest." Anvilia replied.

"Is it interesting?" The green appearance, this is a bit less than she thinks.

"Well." Anvawa nodded, "I feel very interesting, listen to others talking about myself, especially fun."

"That's this? No other reason?" The green kite tried to save the image of the dragon in his mind.

"Hey, do you need other reasons?" Anvia asked in confusion.

The green bike is ahead: "It doesn't seem to need ... If you count, I should not ask so much."

"What happened to her?" Anvilia saved the eyes of the inquiry to the demon smoke.

The demon purple smile laughs: "Nothing, the spiritual belief collapsed."

The demon purple smoke is early to know these, and then listen to Anvas to say that it is not too much reaction.

Anvilia couldn't help but read the green alte.

What is the collapse of spiritual belief?

Um ... she really doesn't understand the relationship between these customers.

After a customer who became the origin store, the challenges of the challenges that the green appearances were very small.

The boss is the most distinctive example.

It doesn't have any difference between the weekdays and ordinary people.

So soon, I have adjusted my mood, and I just listened to the words of the demon purple smoke, I was not happy: "What is the belief collapsed? When did I have this kind of belief?"

"Your previous dream is not ..."

The words of the demon purple smoke have not finished it, they are broken by the green: "I used to be before, now I have changed, but the dreams and faith are not the same thing!"

Obviously, for your own black history is not anyone who is happy to share with others.

The demon purple smoke is a bit ridiculous: "I don't say anything else."

Anveway is curious about two people: "What dreams, beliefs, blue you before you believe in our dragon?"

"Of course not." Qing shook his head again.

"Belief this thing is nothing to use, no matter whether it is a respect, or the saints in the rumor - Well, I know the world tree of the originator, all in all, whether the strength is strong, and finally belong to the mortal The category. "Anvia is because of eating things, the discourse sounds a bit vague," Only the life of the gods can hear the 'sound' of the believers. "

"Is there a god in this world?" The green is very curious. She is the first time to hear this kind of saying. The original cultivator is still the same as the high realm.

The demon purple smoke has never heard of this, did not speak, just sitting hard, waiting for the discourse of Anvilia.

"Of course, there is." Anvawa nodded, and did not forget to send a fruit in his mouth, and the cheek looked drums.

"Where? What is it? What is it?" Qing said with a series of questions directly.

Anvawa refers to Luochuan, not far: "Hey, the boss should be."

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