God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1471 Business God

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About Luochuan is not a god, and Anvilia has guess it when he came to the origin of the mall on the first day.

The guess in the subsequent time has gradually become confident.

The stores from other worlds, selling items that are sufficient to affect civilized balance, as well as holographic equipment directly as the game template.

This is completely exceeding the common people's category.

The most sputum still is still concerned about the cured abyss ...

Can the play still have a solid state? !

This is a bit of normal ... Dragon's understanding, when Atrian is still surprising, it is a long time.

This is different from her history that has been learned in school!

Even the goddess has been affected by the abyss ...

And when the speaker was just listening to this news, the reaction was even more than she.

All in all, in Anvilia's view of Luochuan, although it is lazy, but true identity is God.

It may even be much better than the god.

The green bumble and the demon purple smoke, the direction of Anvantiang refers to, eating breakfast, looked at the magical mobile phone, there was a line of sight.

It seems to see what interests, Luochuan's face with a little smile, very happy.

The green and demon smoke did not speak, and the news of Anvandy Aura is digested in the heart.

This is completely unexpected.

The demon purple smoke quickly calmed the mood, she looked at the eyes of Anvia, and lowered their voice: "The boss is God?"

As the only store of the origin store, I have been in Luochuan for so long, she is very understanding Luochuan.

There is basically no thing in the weekdays, doing things completely, there is no shadow of a little god.

If it is hard to say ...

The boss is proud of the business god?

It seems that it is not right. If it is an ordinary shop, like the boss, I am afraid I have closed the door.

So, the boss should be ... Pet God?

The world tree, small black ball, Chimei, what is the boss's hobbies seem to be pets.

The god of the Buddha seems to be very suitable ...

"Just guessing." Anvas corrected the words of demon purple smoke, "After all, I didn't see a little shadow from the boss."

It seems to be laughing, but still stopped smiling, but I still think about it. "

The reason is very simple - she saw the boss.

When the boss's face, you have no courage to do this, of course, she also knows that Luochuan should not care about it.

This is the fact!

The breakfast of Luochuan is also almost the same, and the tray will be thrown into the recycling area, mainly because he heard the demon purple smoke as if it is talking about God.

Luochuan can affirm that this world is a god.

As for the god, why can't you come out, I am prone to only the mysterious dragon to know the mysterious dragon.

...... This seems to be a little less right.

God should not be the secret of God, with the words of God to respond to the prayers of believers, and those who have been analyzing more than a dozen distinct efforts from a sentence.

This is what he imagined.

"What are you talking about?" Luochuan asked casually.

"God." The answer of the demon purple smoke did not appeared unexpectedly.

"Boss, are you God?" Qingdu is to open the door to see the problem in his heart.


Discussing God, discussing God, inexplicably, what is it?

He is a Popular origin store owner, what is the relationship with God.

I haven't waited for Luochuan to talk, the green guess is guessed. "The boss is open shop, according to the normal system, should it be called the god of the business?"

Anvilia couldn't help but laugh: "The god of business? If there is another thing other shop learning the boss, how long does it take to use it all ... If you do, you said."

Looking at Luochuan is getting better and good, Anvilia has stopped the discourse and started to eat breakfast.

"The boss really is not a god?" The demon purple smoke can't help but ask.

"Of course not." Luochuan shook his head, then refer to himself, "Do you think I am like?"

The demon purple smoke wants to think and shake his head.

Luochuan suddenly gave birth to a frustration.

Do you want to answer, you can't hesitate before shaking your head?

The purple smoke is almost guess from Luochuan's subtle look, and it is no exaggeration to say that she is absolutely the world's most understanding of Luochuan.

The demon purple smoke laughed: "It is mainly the boss that really doesn't have a little legend."

"What do you think of God?" Luochuo sat down on the sofa on the side and wanted to listen to the view of the demon purple smoke.

The demon purple face is puzzled: "Is the boss not talked with me before?"

"I said?" Luochuan did not think of it.

The memory of the demon purple smoke really does not know how to evaluate it, slightly helpless sigh: "That night, Oshia came over."

"Oh, I think it is." Luochuan revealed the look, if it was not a demon purple smoke reminder him really forgot.

At that time, it seems to be a few days ago, at night, I have been working in Saint Nia's coffee shop for a while. Ohja bought a bottle Coca-Cola to go back. By the way, and the demon purple smoke explore the problem about God.

"Is there a customer with this name in Ohja?" It is a little curious.

The demon purple smoke and coughing: "There are so many customers in the store, you can't know everything?"

I don't think about it, I didn't continue to ask, which made the demon purple smoking.

The things that Luochuan opened a shop in Corlo World, there is currently no customer knows, and it is not prepared in a short time.

Of course, if there is a customer accident to Saint Nia and unexpectedly discovered the coffee shop.

The probability that this happens is unlimited to zero.

"What is the gods you think?" The demon purple smoke suddenly asked.

The green hand refers to his hair, thinking about: "Um ..., according to the Just now Anrtana, God should have a big difference with the mortal, plus the legend of the circulation, so I think I feel It should be an indifference to the heavens and the earth. "

Anvilia, who was eating breakfast, heard this, I couldn't help but refurbish: "How can it be! The goddess is not ... this ..."

When she said half of her, she responded, and pulpted the food in his mouth and whispered.

Then I blinked, my face was full of innocent look.

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