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Anvilia's quantity of information is very large, Luochuan, green, and demon smoke, it is looking at her.

Anvilia also reacted.

Lower, eat.

Everyone will happen.

Obviously, this is impossible.

"Hey, what did Anvilia did not say anything 'Goddess'?" Qingdao took the lead in breaking the quiet atmosphere, slightly looked delicate, and looked delicately.

Anvilia just didn't hear, continue to eat.

The green altar is left, and when I arrived at Anva, I stared at her quietly.

It is very strange to stare at others when you eat.

After ten seconds, Anvia was finally lost, she put down the tableware in her hand, sighed a little helpless: "Do you want to do? Don't think that I have no bottom line, this thing is impossible to tell you of."

Anvilia's attitude is very firm, and the appearance of peace is completely different.

Luochuan thoughtfully thought.

It is absolutely unbearable to classify the classification of the "goddess" message.

"Hey, the system, Anverah said what the goddess is going on?" Luochuan asked in his mind.

But still don't wait until the system, Luochuan then said: "Forget it, when I didn't ask, I know that you know that you will definitely tell me, I will find an answer."

After a few seconds, the sound of the system rang: "The boss can have such a sense of consciousness."

I always feel that the recent system seems to have changed.

It seems that he has been influenced and also strengthened.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing ...

The green kitte did not expect that the AVA reaction will be so big, and a little smile: "Don't be angry, I will ask, if you don't want to say, even if you don't want to say."

"Not I don't want to say, yes ..." Anvawa seems to want to explain, and finally just sigh, "Forget it, anyway, it can't say it. If you have a chance, you will know the reason."

Said, Anvilia did not forget to see Luochuan.

This makes Luochuan feel puzzled.

"What do I do? I am a Popular boss, the goods in the sale of the store every day." Luochuan stalls.

For the words of Luochuan, the reaction of the demon purple smoke is surprisingly consistent.

Just when Luochuan is joking.

Puttong's boss ...

Lison, you can say this.

"I feel like it seems that I have heard itself in this way." I have a little laugh at Luochuan.

"Interested boss, I still remember the boss to say it." Anva also said.

The demon purple smoke is just laughing.

As for the topic of "Goddess", it is so much smoldering.

Anvilia has already expressed clearly. If you don't don't know fun, you can't tell you, it is better to talk about something else.

So Luochuan became a new topic.

Obviously, his character will not care about this small matter.

"... The boss will not care?" Qinghe asked the green.

Luochuan slammed his hand, squinted, and there was a scene of the blue sky and his conversation yesterday morning.

This little thing will care.

Anyway, he is definitely will not care, it will not be.

There is still no matterh in the morning, and there is no change in the past, even if the shooting is also started in the afternoon.

After Luochuan went to the seat of the holographic equipment, the demon purple smoke was also pulled.

"How do the boss think about the glory?" The demon purple smoke put the hair up and put on the helmet of holographic equipment.

"No matter what it is in the morning, and recently I have designed a new role to try it." Luochuan said.

"New role?" The demon purple smoke is curious about Luochuan's next discourse.

"I didn't say it before, the natural god haar." Luochuan is a bit helpless, "You don't think I will play when I usually have it?"

The new role is that when I came to Qichuan. I didn't have more time to talk to the demon purple smoke. It is simple to control the god of nature. The general image is a sacred deer.

What is the creation of a new role is not enough, that is, the details of the details are wasting time. It is good to have a lot of experience in Luochuan - the more than a dozen characters of glory can be made by him.

There is no shot time, Luochuan occasionally ... often spent in the game development space, and it seems that he is just a simple sleep.

The demon purple smoke has a look: "That is to say, the boss is lying on the couch on the couch, is actually making this role?"

Luochuan nodded: "Yes."

The demon purple smoke has been sorted for a few seconds, whispered: "But I still feel a bit unbelief."

Luochuan took the helmet into the virtual world and did not hear it.

It is now the time of the origin store, the demon purple smoke and Luochuan have not waited for too long, and they are matched to opponents and teammates.

In addition, the two have hidden their identity, in short, it is a vest.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary customers, they have taken the movie, if they are seen to touch the fish, playing holographic equipment is not a bit.

In fact, Luochuan is not much careful.

But the demon purple smoke is very concerned, so in her requirement, Lower Luochuan allows the system to provide two vests.

Said to be vest, that is, hit mosaic on both faces.

In other customers, the image of Luochuan and demon purple smoke is a group of Mon, and even the sound is also processed.

"Is there this function in the glory?"

"Didn't find it, is it a hidden function that consumer Lingjing reaches a certain degree to open?"

"Don't waste time, hurry to choose your role ..."

It is extremely curious about the secret of the mission of God and Luochuan, opponents and teammates.

After all, the two are obviously a kind of parents who are not near.

"The road we walk is." Luochuan dull voice sounded.

The demon purple smoke did not speak.

"Amount, good." Middle-aged teammates, seeing the role of Luochuan choosing, "Brother, what is the role of this, this is the glory?"

Presenting the creature of the white glow in front of him, it seems like a monster, the head is angry, with a sacred superheat.

If you know this is a virtual world, he almost has a top gravel.

"Hide roles, consume millions of Lingjing in the holographic equipment can be experienced in advance." Luochuan replied.

Then the middle-aged people didn't speak.

The demon purple smoke touched the arm of Luochuan, and the words were full of smile: "The boss is not worried about this news."

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