God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1475 About the Role

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After lunch, shooting normally in the afternoon.

However, before Luochuan suddenly discovered a problem before shooting.

According to the settings in the script, there is still a sister.

The front shooting has no chance to play, so he did not notice that there is such a role.

"My sister's role ..." If the demon purple smoke is thinking.

"I am me, my boss will play!" The demon purple lifted his hand speaking, full of exciting look.

"Don't mess." The demon purple smoke pulled the demon purple to the side, "I am L, you are the moon, so like a family ethics movie?"

The demon is a little disappointed, but she also understands that the demon is really correct, as long as the eyes are not bad, you can see the similarities of her demon smoke.

L Similar to the makeup.

Anyway, how to think strange.

"How is the frost?" The demon purple smoke suggested to Luochuan.

"Do you think frost is suitable for shooting movies?" Luochuan was soft and sighed.

For reason, the frost is really beautiful, the face is exquisite, the silver is red, and the age is not big, and it is suitable for makeup this role.

However, the appearance is suitable for not mean other aspects.

First of all, this color, on the color, a three people are the same, she is different from others ... and become a family ethics drama.

Secondly, the actor itself is acting.

As far as the frost, in addition to a few people in the next day, other people will take a look at it, let alone talk.

Shooting movies can be described as difficult.

The key is that she is not interested in movie shooting. The reason why Luochuan came in is purely pulled by Anvia and Xie Dai Dai.

The eyes of Luochuan and demon purple smoke were noticeed, and the frost looked at the two and continued to watch the magical phone.

"Well, it is also." The demon salastic smoke nodded, then the eyes were transferred to the Jubicary, "How about Uttami?"

Xuanchi seems to be heard of the demon purple smoke, ran over and happily: "What do you do?"

The demon purple smoke, smiled and kneaded the head: "How do you think the movie taken by the boss?"

Xuanchi looked at the eyes of Luchuan and his expression was a bit hesitant.

"If you want to say what you say, rest assured, the boss will not care." The demon purple smoke said softly, and he also looked up with Luochuan.

Luochuan: "..."

Does he are so small?

Xuanchi looked at Luochuan's expression and worried about a lot, truthfully said his own ideas: "I feel very interesting when I started, but, but ..."

Her voice is getting smaller and smaller, and there is no sound directly.

"But what?" The demon smoke asked curiously.

Xuancha took a deep breath, finally decided to make a decision: "Sometimes it is a few times, so it is bored."

"It turned out to be like this." The demon is nod, "if you let you play the role inside you are willing?"

The Xuanchi expression was firmly shaking, and then I didn't know what I thought, I suddenly made a whisper with the ears of the demon purple smoke: "Is it a boss?"

The demon purple smoke, there is no reaction at all times a time.

Luochuan clearly saw her skin suddenly contracted a touch of pink, even more red clouds.

"Where are you listening to?" The demon purple smoke coug a few positive colors.

"Everyone is talking about this." Xuanchi laughed and said, "Is it?"

Deliberate, this is definitely deliberate!

The demon purple smoke has seen the look of this little girl.

"Yes." The demon purple smoke took a tone and nodded.

Anyway, her relationship with Luochuan is early, and everyone knows this matter, what is avoidable.

Xuanchi looks very happy: "I will know that there is anything else to tell me anything else."

"Nothing, go to play." The demon purple smile, and sent Xuan Juan to leave. This laughed and said, "Although the strength is asked, the heart and the child are not bad."

"Children's words and nepeckers." Luochuan nodded, just she said that she said that she is boring. How can he care?

The two continue to discuss the problem about who plays this role.

"Xuanchi, what did you say, what did you say?" Chen Yiyi asked curiously.

After she came to Qichuan, she basically was in the state of nothing. Others can only look at it on the side. The days that I just didn't feel very interesting, and I thought it didn't mean.

Of course, if you let her participate in shooting, then say it.

"Hey, the demon purple smoke sister said that the sister's role is no one, and I will not be willing to ask." Juan Ji said.

"How did you answer?" Chen Yi's eyes gradually lit up.

"Of course, what does it mean? What do you mean by movie, or a magical mobile phone is fun, according to legisters ... Hey, people?" Xuanchi said in a self, and then looked up and didn't have Chen Yi's figure.

Just as Luochuan and demon purple smoke discussing who played who would play, Chen Yi suddenly ran over and excitedly.

"Boss, I think I am very suitable!" Chen Yiyi said happily. "This role will be assured to me, definitely will not let you down."

Originally Chen Yiyi thought that he was almost white, now there is a chance to participate in personally, no white missed, must grasp the time.

This is like Wen Tianji teatches to her, but the future is not detectable, but the probability is a measured.

When there is a chance, you must firmly grasp!

Luochuan didn't think of Chen Yiyi, heard her words, one of the disciples of this literary machine.

The appearance naturally doesn't have to say, mainly the age, Chen Yiyi seems to be more than the Jiangnue, and the whole person has an ancient spiritual active.

This is quite quite compliant with the figures set.

In fact, whether it is a movie or a novel, most of the main roles is complementary.

The male is calm, and the thing that is unrelated to him is indifferent, then the woman is sure to be curious, and there will be interest in many things.

Just like a letter, "Don't do it, don't do it, don't do anything from simple things, the painting of life creed, there is an insight and reason to reason hard, the life in the weekdays is pure" energy-saving By". Thousand Toda is full of vigorous ideas, likes, things that are interested in, or what they can't understand, "I am very curious", often makes it easy to make.

As we all know, the ice fruit is completely a love of the reasoning name.

Think care, Luochuan and demon smoke are like a bit similar feeling ...

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