God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1476 Politics is correct

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According to the settings of the script that have been ever changed by Luochuan, the month's character is relatively cold, and her sister is active.

Luochuan has even added a sister to the month.


It is necessary to put the rhythm of the blocked.

Fortunately, there is no radio and TV in the Tianyu, Luochuan wants to shoot anything.

Don't dare to manage others while others.

Money, the right thing is what is best to make it.

Cough ...

"The boss, let me play." Chen Yiyi took the gaze of Luochuan, and the look was full of expectations.

"Do you look at the script?" What did you have any effect on Luochuan.

He only cares about the facts. If you take the content of the shooting before you shoot, you don't know anything, then it is better.

Makeup is not better than the dream of the dragon socket character.

Originally, it was a substitute for L, and the acting skills almost belong to normal category, so the dream growth of the dream is appropriate.

But the makeup is not the same, this is really needed to appear under the lens and have a high demand for the acting.

"I saw it." Chen Yiyi nodded again, "I feel that the makeup inside is very like I am very like, definitely is very suitable for me."

"Okay, you can try it." Luochuan should be in the mouth, "But if you don't play, you still have to change people."

Luochuan's shooting can no matter what identity and strength you are, no matter whether you are a strong heir, he is not good here.

Luochuan cares only to act.

Shooting movies and identity is nothing to do, and he doesn't need anything.

Just like the political correctness in the Hollywood movie, no matter what type of movie must be a black in it.

It's like it, is there a black in the Nordic myth? In addition, there are all worlds talking in English ...

And Luochuan does not care about these problems.

It can really want to do it.

The shooting is normal in the afternoon.

The plot is still a thing that happened in the month, so it doesn't need too much preparation, and it will be taken directly in the snow.

Last time I didn't prepaid the month, in fact, the whole house was prepared.

The plot is still a few starring, no dragon set, interested customers follow the fun, not interested customers continue their things.

"Hey, is there a new role?" Jiang Yunxun suddenly thought of a question.

"It's me." Chen Yiyi said happily referring to himself, "The boss handed this of this role - sister."

It said that I finally had a sound, smiled and called the relationship between the two in the movie.

Jiang Yunshu took a look, smiled and shake his head: "Don't make trouble, say that you can really play?"

"Don't worry." Chen Yiyi's confidence, "said that you may not believe, in fact, I am in promoting my performance ability."

"Really? I don't believe it." Gu Yunxi directly went on her words. "I only see you playing the magic mobile phone."

"When you can't see it." Chen Yiyi added, "In addition, I followed the teacher to learn and calculate and the array, and I also learned to change my identity to play other people."

"Is there such a thing?" Jiang Yunxun was interested, she still heard this kind of saying.

"After all, we are not good at fighting, of course, to protect yourself through other ways, this is one of the methods." Chen Yi Yiyou said.

"How do I feel that the people of these days have learned outside the measures?" Gu Yunyi couldn't help but spit.

"Well ... In fact, it is similar to you, but we are all elective." Chen Yi said, "people's energy is limited, you can't learn everywhere, the last big probability is not good. "

"This is true." Jiang Yunnan nodded.

"I study is to play another person's identity. My brother is learning the hidden, it is totally different." Chen Yiyi just got an example, "mainly he did not have this day."

Everyone walked toward the shooting place in the long corridor, the afternoon is shining, so that the gold is sprinkled, the ground also stacked the thick snow, and the melted snow drops from the eaves, and the answer of.

The voice of talking is never stopped.

Xie Damai is still a red long skirt, looking at the snow maple swaying in the afternoon, I don't know what I think, I suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing?" Anvil Ya asked casually.

"Don't you feel very interesting?" Xie Meng dance smiled, his eyebrows with a touch of radians.

It is very beautiful, and Xie Dance is very beautiful, and there is a special temperament. It can be seen in the auction site of the chaos in the auction site in the chaotic city.

She smiled so, suddenly attracted a lot of people's attention.

Anva Ya is not affected, she is slightly doubtful: "Interest? You said the film's shooting? I feel okay."

"This is also an aspect." Xie Dance Dance arms hugged in the chest, "In fact, I am mainly the boss, the boss's character decided to shoot movies, it is really unpacking, shouldn't it be a house in the store?"

"It's very simple, the time is time for a long time, so I feel bored." Anvilia didn't think too much, and they replied.

"Boring ..." Xie Meng dance laughed, smiles, with a little flavor, "The high-level cultivator closed the door for more than a decade, and didn't see them bored."

"Mainly the boss is different from them." Anvili wants to say, "The personality of the boss is much more, and the origin store has been in the store, how long does you don't know?"

Xie Meng dance didn't seem to think of this. When I got a word, I was caught in Pens: "It seems to be the case."

All in all, in the noisy, a group came to a big house situated in Scholk Pavilion, which is the home of the month.

Luochuan is a director, and treatment is naturally the best.

Sitting on a wide soft chair and being directed to others arrange the scene.

"There, remove the vase ... Don't put things on the stairs ... step away from the song, the lens should take you in ..."

Everything is in the order of ordering, and the customers have never blamed this.

"Ready?" Gu Yunyi came to Chen Yiyi to sit down and asked.

"Of course, there will be a few words." Chen Yi nodded, hesitating, whispered, "It's actually a little nervous."

I still don't think there is anything, but I am here, I am busy with others, and she is inexplicably feeling a lot.

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