God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1478 Light Youth

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In fact, there is nothing to prepare.

It's just a look at the script, so as not to shoot when shooting.

Of course, even if you really don't forget the words.

It is not a re-shoot, Luochuan will not be angry.

On the first day, it was repeated more than 20 times Luochuan.

I really can't think of the script of the script, if you can think of something more appropriate.

Luochuan did not prohibit the freedom of actors.

In his opinion, when the actor appeared under the lens, then it has become the role of the movie, and should not be constrained by the so-called script.

The script is just a template to provide a reference, and it can be more better than it.

The scene in the room is much simpler than the outdoor scene.

After all, it is so big, it is very convenient to arrange, and you don't have to worry about what is affected by the weather.

According to the progress of the plot, it is the time to get along with Gu Yunxi and Jiang Yunshu.

Oh, Yeena, which is still a light bulb.

I have to say that the Death form of Irenena is really stunned.

The black wings, the face, no exaggeration, if you have this thing, even if the ordinary people can run Liu Xiang's speed.

In order to say, it seems that it is not a flower shelf.

Usually asked, I am afraid it is an opponent of Inenena.

Inena is looking at the screen to watch the screen, and the movement outside the door is noted. It seems that Jiang Yunshu and Gu Yun have entered the room.

"I really didn't expect that Kelra will kill in the live broadcast of yesterday." Gu Yunqi sighed, took out the jacket to the bed, the pink tuning room was full of girls.

"If you use the death row as a bait, you don't see more than the bait." Jiang Yunshu poured a glass of water in Gu Yunyi, it seems free of charge.

"The month seems to agree with Kira from the beginning to the end?" Gu Yunyi frowned, came to the front of the display, the above is full about Killa's news.

"Mainly, I think Kella is better than L." Jiang Yunshu said soft.

"Kilra is a murder, it is violating justice." Gu Yunyi leaned on the table, his arms held his chest, look seriously, and took the water cup from Jiang Yunshu.

Jiang Yun is light and laughs, and I put forward my own point of view: "But I think Kelra's practice has indeed reduced the crime rate."

There is sunshine from the window into the room, it seems to split the room into two areas of the bright and dark, and the face of Jiang Yun is hidden in the dark, and Gu Yunyi stands in the expiration range of the sun.

Xinhai Chengxiao stared at the scene in front, and then came to Luochuan whispered to Luochuan: "The boss, the use of light is not very important for movies?"

"Of course." Luochuan nodded, looked at the Xinhai sincerity, "You don't draw it, the change in light and shadow can easily show the psychological state and idea of ​​the characters."

"It seems that there are many things that I want to learn." Xinhai Chengzi took out the magical mobile phone and recorded Luochuan's words.

When two people whispered, the dialogue between Gu Yun and Jiang Nans continued.

Oh is right, there is an Inena on the side.

Only talents touching the death notes can see that in the eyes of Gu Yunyi, there is no one.

Whether Irea waved in front of her or her mouth, it must be normal.

How do you say it, it's quite strange.

When Irena suddenly made it close, Gu Yunyi couldn't help but smile.

"I am sorry to sorry." Gu Yunxi apologized while smiling, "I really can't help it."

During the shooting of the movie, the actor's laughter is really unusual, regardless of Luochuan or others, it is not blamed.

When Gu Yunyi smiled enough, Luochuan hit a gesture.

Restart shooting.

Because of the use of a splinter, it is actually not started, but the emotions and psychological changes of the characters are difficult to control.

Start shooting from the two people.

Because there is a last experience, this time it seems that the light cars have a lot of walk.

Soon came to the plot of the laughter of Gu Yunyi.

"But I think Kelra's practice has indeed reduced the crime rate." Jiang Yun smiled faintly.

"That is to use the horrible means to suppress it." Gu Yunxi clearly disagreed with the view of Jiang Napo.

"From a certain extent, this can become a change." Jiang Yunshu sat on the bed, "the times in progress, the development of any civilization is required."

"The cost of change is often innocent." Gu Yunxi drunk hot water in a cup.

Irilina, who is around Jiang Yun, Elena, suddenly falls from the sky, head towards the bottom, and his arms are in the brain, and the face is full of lively.

"Hahahaha, it seems that your point of view is completely different."

Jiang Yunshu was a little more event, and it was lowered his voice: "Shut up."

Gu Yunyu smashed the eyebrows: "What do you say?"

"Nothing." Jiang Yunshu stood up, sorted out clothes, "no matter what happened anyway, let's go out."

It is over here.

It is the daily day of ordinary, there is no bloody battle scene.

After all, the classification of the movie is biased, and the spirit of the smart is just the existence of extraordinary.

For Him, the human world is just a more interesting game because death notes occur.

Will human beings care about the ants?

The human beings in the eyes are like ants in human eyes.

So when I saw the second part, Luochuan knew that this series has been completely collapsed, and death will actually fall in love with human beings, which is completely outrageous.

As for the continuation of the next step, it is not exaggerated to eat the old book, just right.

Capital is not a simple talk.

At this point, the shooting in Qichuan is a paragraph.

"After it." Luochuan clapped his hand and stopped from the chair.

The face of the dead is wrapped in a translucent water flow, and a beautiful girl with gray long hair appears in the original place after several seconds.

Inena deeply stretched a lazy waist, revealing a relaxed smile: "Sure enough, this is the most comfortable."

"The boss, still continue to shoot in the afternoon?" Gu Yunxi jumped to Luochuan, and he can look very happy twice.

Luochuan shook his head, then hurts: "When I came to Qichuan for so long, I left."

"Leave?" Gu Yunyi didn't understand Luochuan.

"Do you always take all the movies?" Luochuan said.

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