God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1479 is ready to go home

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Currently calculated, the time to come to Qichuan is not short.

According to the rough plan set before Luochuan departure, it should be taken in many cities.

It is well known that the plan often can't catch up, and the idea of ​​Luochuan salty fish will once again occupy the dominant position after coming to Qichuan.

What other cities go, Qichuan is very good, the scenery is also good, so it is here to take a film directly.

Now I'm too cold listening to Luochuan said that I have to leave Qichuan, don't take care of Yun Yun, and others have not responded for a while.

"Leave?" Stepped away from the song, "Do we want to go to Ling Yun College?"

He also heard this matter before he had, so there is not much accident, and even a little expectation.

Although Stephen is the study of Ling Yun College, but he has not had a chance to visit.

"No, return to nine city." Luochuan shook his head.

"First shooting in Jiuze City?" Step away from the song.

"No, come out for so long, should there be a few days to take a break?" Luochuan said in the same way.

Step from the song: "..."

other people:"……"

"I now finally understand why the boss says that the movie shooting is taken for a few dozens of days." Nolika whispered in Anva Ya.

In accordance with the habit of the holiday in the case of Luochuan, it is relatively conservative.

Anvil Yas sighed: "After all, the boss is not shortcoming, and it is more interesting to shoot movies. It is not more interesting, but it is not busy every day."

For the decision of Luochuan, these customers are a bit surprised, but there is not much accident.

After all, they will know this matter before.

Some people in the past few times guess that Luochuan is not forgetting to go to other places to shoot.

It seems that the boss is not forgotten, but it is just simple lazy.

Going to the new place to consume a lot of time, rest, you have time, and all kinds of things familiar with the environment.

Such a miscellaneous rumor is not as appropriate in Qichuan.

It is not much more time to shoot, so Luochuan leaves after returning to his own room, it is a bit sleepy, so ready to sleep.

Yes, it is no matter.

As for other customers, there is still noisy talk about this matter.

In the Snow Fengge, lived for so long, how to say it is a bit feeling, so sudden departure or less is a bit uncomfortable.

"I feel that I have been here for a long time." Gu Yunyi lies on the sofa, and the speech is full of emotion.

"It's not long." Chen Yiyi fingers finger, "I have left the origin of the mall until less than twenty days."

"Hey, less than twenty days?" Gu Yunyi was a bit surprised.

"Is the glory launched a new role? The boss seems to have not said." The river, the river, who is watching the magic mobile phone, suddenly said.

"Ha? Rongguang new role?" Gu Yunyi came to interested, "Let me see let me see."

"You don't have a magical phone ..."

Although it is said that, Jiang Yunshi did not push Gu Yunyi.

On the screen of the magical phone, it shows the video screen of the glory to the bureau.

It is hidden with holy brilliant white creatures to control difficult terrorist power, and the fundamentally established line of defense is lightly easy to solve.

There are also many customers' comments below.

"The new role looks great. "

"This is God, can it be better than other characters? "

"how do you know? The boss did not say. "

"I only care when I can experience it ..."

"This new role looks very powerful." Gu Yunxi browsed the customer's message, looked at the direction of the corridor, "The boss always secretly updates new things."

"Nature God ... Tianyi mainland seems to have no legend or belief." Chen Yiyi thought about it, did not find relevant memories.

"Implementing the god of other worlds, after all, the boss is not a person in our Tianzhu." Gu Yunnan is nothing to do, and it is enough for her.

When Luochuan woke up, Tian Guang had gradually dared, he was sitting quietly in the bed and looked at the scenery outside the window.

The head is groggy, the paste is the paste, and there is no thoughts, just in a daze.

Napole is almost a long time, so it is going to be near evening.

Just as Luochuan thought life, the door was pushed away, and the demon purple smoke was coming in, and I showed a smile when I saw Luochuan.

"Yeah, you wake up the boss."

What is the feeling of seeing a beautiful girl with a beautiful girl when I woke up?

Anyway, Luochuan feels very cured.

"What time is it now?" Luochuan made a yawn, grabbing a mess and worse hair.

"I have to have dinner." The demon purple smoke put things on the table, smiled and said, "I don't disturb you when you sleep."

"Sleeping for so long." Luochuan has hub yawning, saying that I said, "I didn't sleep well last night."

Monster Macro: "..."

She sighed slightly.

"But I feel that the boss, you have slept very well last night, but also compared to my hair, I told you to react."

"Is this?" Luochuan is a bit awkward, "I don't know at all."

His attention is to fall on the fruit of the demon purple smoke, and the exquisite confession, the different colors are like agate.

I smelled the fragrance of the spleen from the side, and I also used a few white snow maple flowers. Luochuan used a toothpick with a purple flesh to give a delicate taste.

The Yingrun soft taste floating in a sweet sweet fragrance, followed by a sour taste of a mellow, two distinct tastes fusion but not conflict, but highlight the characteristics ...

"Good to eat." Luochuan gave an evaluation and then tied a piece of hand to the demon smoke, "You also taste it."

Anyway, there is no other person, the demon purple smoke has not refused, and the heart accepted the movement of Luochuan, while eating one side: "The taste is really good."

"What is this fruit?" Luochuan asked.

"I don't know." The demon purple smoke shook his head, "all sent Tang Yi sent it, saying that it is Qichuan's specialty, I just received it directly."

It is also a fruit, in fact, it is also a scope of the drug. Luochuan can clearly feel the spiritual power in the flesh.

However, this degree of spiritual power is basically the extent that can be ignored, so there is no difference between the ordinary fruit.

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