God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1480, a mysterious organization

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Haven't come to the lobby, Luochuan clearly heard the noise.

"How is this so lively?" Luochuan asked.

"Boss, don't you say it back? So everyone is waiting for you to bring them back to nine city in the lobby." The demon purple smoke explained.

Luochuan is more confused: "I said that I will go back today?"

Time is something that is still sufficient to Luochuan. In his opinion, since the shooting of Qichuan, it is natural to play a few days to say something.

"The boss did not say this, but they don't know." The demon purple smokes, "and looked at them excited, I was embarrassed."

Ok, Luochuan doesn't know what to say this.

When the two came to the hall, the original noisy environment suddenly quietly, and a line of sight was on the body.

"Boss, will we go now?"

"Is it still the same time?"

"It's going back so fast ..."

The customers came over, Luochuan only felt messy, nothing to hear.

"Stop stop." Luochuan was a bit impatient.

The excitement of this customer has sailed a lot, waiting for the next discourse in Luochuan.

"The movie is indeed end, but I haven't said that I will go back this evening?" Luochuan asked, he always felt like it was in time.

"Amount, it seems to be." The step is to grasp the hair. "When is we going back?"

"The movie is so busy. I finally have an idle time, and I must stay in Qichuan for a few days." Luochuan said.

Many people began to be in the heart.

"How did the boss say these words?" The demon purple asked.

"The habits are good, habits are good." The green voice said.

Luochuan, of course, heard the words of the customer whisper, he didn't hear: "I will notify you to leave on the magical mobile phone, of course you want to go in advance."

Following these customers from Luochuan, most of their identity is not good, and the distance between the two cities is very relaxed.

Top more time spent.

Of course, it is definitely more than a dream that is still in the origin store and others, and turned to the Snow Fengge to participate in the film.

The ability of the peak practitioners is indeed enviable.

"Well, it's almost these." Luochuan played a yawn, and there was a bit long in the afternoon, and there were still some lottery.

"The boss we want to dinner?" The demon purple raised his hand.

"After the film is filmed, I said." Luochuan said.

In accordance with the popular discourse, it seems that the girlfriend is coming ... cough, no, it is a banquet.

"Oh." The demon purple nodded, did not speak, she just asked casually.

I have to eat atmosphere outside, and the food in the hotel will be done better than her sister.

Since Luochuan is not in a hurry, others will not be anxious.

It is not different from the past, it is still useful, still uses holographic equipment, watching the magic mobile phones, talking about the recent things happening, and ... play cards.

When you take the card, Luochuan has already expected it will be very popular, but it didn't expect to be so popular.

If there is a most popular game statistics, the apps in the glory in the holographic equipment have to stand by side, and the final winner must be a landlord.

The demon throws two cards, and suddenly I thought about: "For the boss, many people are discussing the new role of glory this afternoon."

Luochuan "Oh" has a lot of accidents.

"Don't really spend a million Lingjing to unlock it?" The demon purple dribbling is a small amount of a small bank, which is not a huge amount she can take.

"I just said at the time." Luochuan felt some funny, "What are you really?"

"After all, I rarely joked before." The demon is like a small moon, and said it also looked at the demon purple smoke, "it has recently become a lot."

"What do you do?" The demon purple smoke noticed the eyes of the demon purple, and asked strangely.

"Don't you see it?"

"Market line."

The demon purple smoke does not want to argue with the demon purple matter in this boring thing, this is purely a waste of time.

"Nature God, how did the boss think of this role?" The demon is a new problem, "no one mentioned this in the magical mobile phone, or said that the boss really saw?"

"This is said to be long." Luochuan will play the last few cards in his hand, "Three strings one, win."

"Speaking about it." The demon is sitting on the small bench, and his face is full of curious expressions.

I don't know what happened. She always thinks that the story of Luochuan is particularly fascinating, and it is easy to immerse it.

Xu heard the conversation of the two, and Gu Yunxi and others have also made it, and the boss will definitely not miss.

Luochuan thought about it: "The new role of glory - is the god of nature, His source is going back to a mysterious organization ..."

"Hey, the boss is telling the gods." Xie Meng dance reminded the Anvilia that immersed in the virtual world.

"Ha ?!" Anvilia sent a small excitement, and now I can't take a game, I took the helmet directly, "What?"

"It's that." Xie Meng Dance refers to a customer who is not far from a circle.

"I will go see." Leave this sentence, Anvilia ran in a hurry.

The boss, you don't know if you don't care about this matter. It actually doesn't matter to talk to others.

Really ... Anva Ya really does not understand Luochuan's behavior.

"What is the name of this organization?" Gu Yunxi asked curiously.


Anvilia, who just squeezed into the crowd, was very confused, is there a god to create an organization? It should be the church and other church created by believers.

"As for the name of this organization -" Luochuan screwed slightly, this is more excited to expect this, until a few seconds, give an answer, "Foundation."

"What is the strange name." The step is from the song and can't help it.

"It sounds like it is the name of the Chamber of Commerce." Stephen is thinking, "" is doing a variety of money. "

"Sister, how do you look quite understanding?" Asked the song.

"Normal people can easily think about this." Stephen is asked.

Step from the song: "..."

Anvilia is full of doubts. She has never heard of Luochuan said this forces, that is, it should be other worlds, thinking that she is also loose, and it is a little curious.

With the power of God, then should they be very powerful?

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