God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1481 Only God will defeat the god

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The strange names that Luochuan said caught the interest in all people.

Even the demon purple smoke also puts down the magical mobile phone, waiting for his next words.

What is the novel is not anxious, when can you write, this is missed ...

Ok, miss it, it is nothing.

Let Luochuan re-tell her once.

"The name should not vomit." Luochuan has a little helplessly interrupted the noisy words.

"Boss, what is the organization of the Foundation?" Alinna made his hand.

Although she has already copied her own ... one, but still occupied a lot of space.

"Waiting." Luochuan said, "" The world's abnormal phenomena, events, individuals, etc. are collectively referred to as containers. "

"The boss you said, the gods you said ..." Anverah has guess what.

"Of course, there is a kind of collection." Luochuan nodded, "as the name in the glory, the natural god haar is His code."

"This is totally unconventional." Anvilia shakes his head, said seriously, "a god, how could ..."

Speaking of this, Anverah's words are slightly paused, thinking about the right language in their hearts.

"How can God be controlled by the mortal?" Anvilia frowned her own point of view.

Eating melon customers turned their sight to Luochuan, waiting for his answer.

"First of all, you have to understand, not all the world is what you know." Luochuan drank mouth coached, "The void is endless, the Tianyi continent is even in the endless ocean, the water is not "

"Amount, it is also." Anvilia was a little embarrassed to laugh, so soon, I understand that my awareness is based on the current world.

"Then continue the topic just now, what is it just said?" Luochuan screwed on a Coke bottle cover.

"The hate also belongs to the accommodation." The demon salary smoke reminds.

Luochuan nodded: "The natural god hate belongs to the fund's containment, and He is coming to the world where the foundation is located, and then it is accommodated."

"The power of God is stemming from the world, should the mortal should be difficult?" Anvia asked in confusion.

"Of course, even if the foundation is strong, it is a mortal organization. Of course, there is no strength to overcome a real god." Luochuan said.

"Then they ..."



Luochuan revealed a mysterious smile.

"Oh, don't sell Guan Chu, hurry to say." The demon can't help but urge.

"God is not a whole world, there is still something that he doesn't understand." Luochuan said, "After all, it is not a born to learn."

"Listening to the boss, how do you feel that God is kindly," Gu Yunxiao said.

"Of course, the things that God goes to school must be different from you." Luochuan heard the voice of Gu Yunyi, "He learned a variety of creation rules, destruction rules, and create life."

The original intimate god became tall again.

"How did the boss know these?" Qingshi asked in the sky.

The words of the green are representative of the intentions of these customers, yes, how do you know this information?

Is the boss experienced these things?

Yes, it should be the case.

With the strength of the boss, even if it is not a god, it is also the same as the god, or even transcendence, understanding the life of God is not normal.

"Guess." Luochuan replied.

Everyone: "... ??"

"Guess." Luochuan repeatedly, "After all, I don't know those gods, just made the most reasonable inference according to the existing conditions."

After a short man, everyone nodded.

But what is the idea in your heart ...

"I feel that the boss is flicking, but I have no evidence! "

"Know so many news but don't know, who is believed. "

"Do you say that this world really exists? "

"The upstairs is nonsense, Identification is complete ..."

When the team's group chat is lively, many customers have published their own feelings.

The demon purple smoke has a bauble.

She is really a little less than why Luochuan said so.

God ... Black mist, the Lord Asanos is not just, and it is also the kind of signing of the contract.

The boss can say that these words are really rare.

and many more……

The demon purple smoke suddenly thought of another possibility, the boss won't forget Asanos?

Luochuan didn't know the idea of ​​demon purple smoke, still telling himself: "As a god, the Hart is used to use a variety of means to use a variety of means to use a variety of means to be trapped inside the building."

"Since it is deception, then these means ..." Asked in Anvia, asked.

"There is no effect, if it is, it can be easily broken." Luochuan replied.

"Well, I will know." Anva was sighed, and the gods in this story have completely don't know what to say, and at the same time, I have a little admirable for the members of the organization.

No matter what to say, they will finally trap a real god, which is totally called miracle.

How to say something, only God will defeat the god.

Cough, it's almost the same.

The mortal is difficult to cause damage to the life of life, which has involved information on the underlying of the universe.

It is like the management of the universe, and even has any common attack of the immunization.

"... so, the main image of the new role in the glory is the case." After a few minutes, Luochuan's story finally reported a paragraph.

"Boss, I have a question." The demon purple raise hand.

Why do you always have problems?

"Say." Luochuan united the Coke, said that he felt something thirsty for so long.

"Is there a god of the natural god in the book written by my sister?" The demon purple asked.

The story of the "glory" written by the demon purple smoke is extended from the roles in the glory, which is almost equivalent to the relationship between the League of Legends relative to LOL.

"The role is the god of nature, but the two stories have not contacted it." Luochuan said, then look at the demon purple smoke, "said that you all wrote the god of nature."

"Yes, did I discuss these plots at the time?" The demon purple smoke nodded, "the boss didn't see?"

Luochuan's soft cough: "It is mainly a bit busy recently, no time."

The demon purple smoke is not allowed to have a white eye.

Do not have time……

She felt that she heard a joke.

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