God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1482 Iron Oil Foundation

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If you say that the most close people in the shooting team, the answer to this question is definitely non-Luochuan, it is entirely recognized.

Luochuan is the director is right, but things are basically pushed to others, and he is mostly in the scene command.

As for the end of the shoot, it is completely free.

When Luochuan said that he was a bit busy without idle time, the demon purple smoke didn't laugh, and it was already endured.

From the look of the look, their ideas and demon purple are not much.

Boss, do you say this, your conscience is not painful?

"Hey, boss, don't you say that the purpose of the foundation is to build a variety of abnormal things in the world?" The demon purple smoke suddenly asked.

"Yes." Luochuan nodded.

"If, I said if it is." The demon purple smoke emphasizes, "even the gods dared to accommodate, these people's courage is not a general, if they have failed, what do they do?"

The eyes of the demon purple smoke seem to sparkle, including the curious look.

And the people of the Thousand Betrent repeat!

"This, very simple." Luochuan did not hear "I am very curious" this sentence is slightly disappointed, "accommodation, protection, failure, running."

The demon purple smoke stunned: "Amount ... Run?"

"Yes, don't you still have to die?" Luochuan asked.

It seems that it is very reasonable, and it seems that it is not right.

Is Iron Foundation?

Talking is disappeared, everyone faces each other, digested the news that Luochuan revealed in his heart.

"The so-called 'stays on the green hills, not afraid of the firewood burning', why do you want to die in front of the crisis that cannot be resistant?" Luochuan said.

"The truth is really right, but why do I feel so strange?" The step of the song grabbed the whisper.

"According to the boss, the foundation should be the most powerful human organization in the world. They are so ..." Jiang Sheng Wei stopped, looking for the right to describe the discourse, "Reality, what else doesn't say?"

"First of all, you have to understand that the biggest proportion of power is usually the best member. It is working in accordance with popular words. Nobody will be willing to put your own life for a job?" Luochuan said that there was a little thirsty for a long time and drunk a big mouth.

"I can evil, it makes sense, I can't find the reason for the refute." Anvawa sighed, and at the same time, there were a little pending in Luochuan.

It is a boss, even if the strength is beyond imagination, it is still very understandable for ordinary humanity.

Is this the so-called big hidden in the city?

After a short period of silence, the discussion of the discussion sounded again, and everyone told the view of this foundation.

"The boss, why don't you continue to talk?" Xuanque pulled La Luochuan's neighborhood, look forward to her favorite.

In the Lingyun College, many mentor, the elders were pulled by her, and the dean of Ling Yun College did not survive.

"After reading it, this is all the stories." Luochuan said with the pound of Xuanchi.

Xuanchi "Oh" has a little bit lost, but there is no more asking.

The boss is very busy, can't be wrapped with him to tell you himself.

"This is gone?" Different from the Xuanchi, Gu Yun is not awkwardly tagged.

"The boss seems to say a probably, briefly introduces what is the foundation." Chen Yi is attached.

"Board, do you want to think more about how many stories?" The demon purple face is full of "I am very curious", "Since it is an abnormal force, will there be only one god? Anyway, you are free. It's also idle ... "

Do you have an image of nothing in the hearts of the customers on weekdays?

He is also very busy!

Busy watching the magic mobile phone, use holographic equipment, write novels to see novels, eat snacks, and get along with demon smoke ...

Ok, it seems not busy look.

"There is a chance to say this later." Luochuan swayed, "I am a bit tired now."

Telling stories should also be able to stop, he also has your own things to do.

Seeing Luochuan's pair of models, everyone knows that I want to hear new stories is basically impossible, and gradually dissipate.

The demon purple smoke that is looking at the magic mobile phone is suddenly lifted: "Do you want to write these stories? Now, should this?"

Although Luochuan is updated every day, it is lost, but it is the so-called water drop stone wear, even if it is less, it has become very visible under the accumulation of time.

When the Dragon King appeared, the end of the end will eventually arrive.

"Well, I did finish it, but this is just the first, there are many behind." Luochuan nodded.

"First? I know." The demon purple smoke eyes seem to be bright, as a loyal reader of Luochuan, knowing that there is still a bit excited, "using a force requires a quarter of life, that is, the least I have to use it three times. Every time I have three ... "

If you look at things, the demon purple smoke is not wrong.

"Boss, I am not right?" The demon purple smoke asked happily.

"Cough, almost." Luochuan nodded, but there is no spoiler for the time being.

"Right, the boss just didn't answer yet, or the story about the Foundation should not write it?" The demon purple smoke remembers this matter.

"There are too many things, I can't finish." Luochuan stalls, "Now this, there is also the violet, I have to care about the new product in weekdays ... too busy, no time."

Board, you have to look at the magical mobile phone time.

Of course, this idea demon smoke is just thinking in your heart.

"What is the boss ready to write first?" The demon smoke asked curiously.

"The violet said before." Luochuan said, "I wrote a lot of departments."

If you come back, you will have the novel that he has prepared violet. This novel seems to have passed, and the customer is only excited when he just knows.

I still remember that this is afraid that it is not much.

"Update speed?"

"It is similar to this."


"Do you want to see?"

For the words of Luochuan, the demon purple smoke is a little bit, and finally shook his head.

"Forget it, or wait for the boss to send it to the magical phone."

She is afraid that she will couldn't help but spoiler.

It is because the shooting is temporarily annihilated, and everyone's mood is more excited.

The hologram equipment is basically used, and it should be ready to prepare.

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