God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1486 Reader's Gift

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The surrounding environment has a vital impact on writing novels.

Although Luochuan can also write something in the noisy environment in the origin store, but it is better than the content written when this night is quiet.

When you are silent, the night sky is dotted with a few stars. If the moon hidden after the cloud, if you are quiet, you can even clear your breath.

Thoughts will often become extra very clear at this time, all kinds of circumstances, and digging means have emerged.

Write a semi-skill of the novel.

Perhaps this is also an important factor in which the authors will always choose late night.

In this heart, Luochuan opened the codeword page of the magical phone.

It is a bit a pity that the idea of ​​thinking codewords is still not achievable.

Of course, the functional magic phones of voice codewords are also there, but the mouth is coming out and it is a distinct experience.

Try before Luochuan, I always feel weird, so I still insist on the original habit.

Distinguished by Luochuan, this modified handling novel has also passed the short time, even if only the update is lost every day, it is still going to ushered in the end.

The readers in the comment area are very strong, and they have to give gifts to Luochuan.

"The boss wrote the old Tang. I didn't expect. "

"Dragon King is actually the old Tang? ! Boss, are you not joking? "

"I have a hunch, and many familiar people should die later. "

"I decided, wait until the boss came back to give the boss. "

"Take it, I think so on upstairs ..."

How is this?

Sometimes the readers are too enthusiastic, and the author is actually a little lunch.

As an author, Luochuan will definitely not accept the gift of the reader without reason.

He also never thought of the gift of the captain.

As the boss of the origin store, he naturally does not miss the thing.

If you really have a heart, you will leave a message, and you will have something to do.

Thinking of this, Luochuan is pleasant.

Because of this time, the water is placed, plus the conviction of writing new novels, so the reputation of this book is basically seen.

Fortunately, the story is almost the time to write.

He is thinking about writing the end chapter tonight, and the end of the incoming pit is in the same, and the second part is paved.

As for the second part, when is it writing ...


Say, where is the reputation?

Luochuan took the magical phone to turn over, so soon found the currently written position.

Say that those customers really understand what the storm torpedo is?

Forget it, I am worried that this seems to be a bit redundant.

The novel is originally the world depicted by the text, mainly related to imagination, so you don't have to care about this.

They only need to know that this weapon is very powerful.

Slightly sorted out messy thoughts, Luochuan took a pillow behind, and started writing the final plot ...

The next day, in the morning.

Luochuan was confused, and it felt was groggy, like a paste, and a few minutes in the past were waking a lot.

Satsuned dreams.

Last night, he didn't know when it was fascinated, and it seems to be a strange dream because of writing the novel.

He became a student of the Castel College, and I was inexplicably becoming the Dragon King, and then the natural god of the foundation world has also brought a variety of receiving items.

Residents of the world are definitely unhappy, Dragon King and the mixed blood have launched a mixed battle with the Foundation. The customers of the origin store did not know what happened.

Luochuan smashed the brain, which is something chaotic.

He played a yawn, the room in the room was not very good, the sky outside the window was groggy, and he couldn't see the sun.

Luochuan closed his eyes again, and there is not much, but it is just a simple rest.

After a moment, this is only a little unwilling to climb from the nest, while grabbing the mess, playing yawning came to the window.

Still can't stay up late, not good for your body.

Luochuan thought in his heart.

The weather is like the same time as he saw, and the sky is dark, the heavy gray clouds obscure the sky, and it can see the sun's pale image and not snow.

Luochuan opened a gap in Luochuan, and there was a silk cold air to push his collar directly.

Luochuan hit a cold, closing the window again, and thus breathed the idea of ​​the external fresh air to disappear.

I took out the magic mobile phone to see the time, actually arrived at noon.

Waiting for the night!

Wait, it seems that he didn't have anything, and the past morning seems to be so much.

Oh, it's okay.

But staying up late or bad, mainly for your body ...

Ok, it is nothing to sleep if the strength of Luochuan is now not sleeping.

Anyway, staying up late.

At least his biological clock.

The next is the daily wash time, and the ceremony of life is still still there. This is his habit, as for this, it is not important.

"What happened today?" The green is sitting next to the demon purple smoke, curiously asked.

"I don't know." The demon purple smoke shook her head, she didn't go to Luochuan's room.

"You don't know? No." The blue eyes smiled.

"Why do I know?" The demon salary is full.

The greens continue to laugh.

The demon purple smoke quickly wanted to understand the meaning of the green smile, and suddenly glared at her: "What are you thinking about every day!"

I didn't have this topic. She poked the arm of the demon purple smoke, and she was lowered by her voice: "Hey, I listen to your sister says that you have recently seen the elf city."

Elf City ...

I want to come to the green to say that it should be "the swim poet and the prince".

The demon purple smoke, the look is slightly less natural: "What do you ask this?"

How do you say, this book of Song Qiying's book is in private, if it is talking about others ...

Anyway, the demon purple smoke always feels a little strange.

"It seems that it should be." The green is close, and the eyes are full of eager light. "Hey, what will you say that the poet and the prince of the wise will encounter?"

The broth of the green, the demon smoke is not strange, Luochuan once told her the name of this group - brain powder.

Strange title.

However, in detail, it seems to be actually practical, with the appearance of the blue sky, I am afraid that someone destroyed this work, I am afraid that it will not maintain calm.

Maybe this is the so-called brain powder.

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