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In the face of green kitte, the demon purple smoke shook his head: "Don't know."

She is the first time to see this type of novel, basically can't guess what the story will be written next.

"If you come to a magic king to join, it is more interesting, hey ..." I said yourself since yourself.

Looking at the strange smile that is not from independent, the demon salastic smoke does not move on the side.

You are wrong!

The green is so fast, and the unrealistic fantasy is ended: "I almost forgot to ask, what is it now?"

"The latest update." The demon purple smoke is answered.

Delicitious looks when it is on the green.

Monster purple smoke:?

If you are not right, you should be it, what is this?

Forget it, it is too lazy to be too lazy with the character of the demon purple smoke.

"Say it back, is anyone left in advance? Today is very cool." The green is around, although it is noon, but there are still many people in the hall.

"Many people who have used holographic equipment all night, and now they should still sleep." The demon purple smoke said.

"The boss is also all overnight?" Qing asked green.

"The boss is certainly not." The demon purple smoke feels a little strange, "Why do you ask this?"

"Because the boss has not come out." The .

This sounds so much!

"Maybe the boss just just wants to sleep too lazy, after all, I am busy moving movies, now I am going to take a break." The demon purple smoke wants to say.

Green :?

How did you look like this?

Busy movie ...

She looked at the movie in her own eyes and came to the present progress from the beginning, but also a few dragons in the inside.

Time to rest should be far more than a busy time?

No, it seems that I have never been busy ...

"You are so surprised you." The demon purple smoke blinked.

The green gye is subtle: "I am very curious about what the boss is in your heart."

Luochuan grabbed his head and came to the hall.

There is no expectation, cold and clear, even if it is already going to have lunch time, there is not many people.

It's a look like it.

This makes Luochuan can't help but think of going to college.

The last two weeks of the semester basically did not have lessons, and it was a review for the students ... Time.

Of course, it is not wrong to prepare.

People's potential is endless, one week or few days, one or two days from zero to master a course is not impossible.

Luochuan has experience.

When the final exam of each department is over, then it is time to pack my baggage.

Luochuan usually will stay in the school for a few days, and don't do anything else. It is to follow the classmates in the Internet cafe, play a few all night.

If you have enough, you should leave, just rest on the road.

Of course, the car must be restless. If you return home, you often need to clean your health. After all, in addition to his other than him, there is no other person ...

Luochuan swayed his head and recovered his thoughts that I didn't know where to float.

Think so much, now it is good now.

As far as the character is concerned, Luochuan is very comfortable, basically not thinking about returning to the earth.

Anyway, where is life, it will be like this.

Moreover, when the boss is more comfortable than going to the earth, why do you want to live a life?

Another key reason, maybe because he has a sense of belonging to it.

"The boss is good morning." The demon purple smoke waved in Luochuan.

"Good morning? This is noon." The green bike is right.

Luochuan didn't care, he sat down on another sofa, four times, watching: "There are quite a few people today."

"Yesterday, I should sleep." The demon purple smile, "The boss is hungry? I will give you some food?"

This time is going out, according to her understanding of Luochuan, I will definitely watch the magic mobile phone last night.

Luochuan shake his head: "Not hungry."

It is not too long to get up, and it will be especially trying to eat for a while.

The demon purple smoke nodded and didn't ask too much, which is the same in the next day, there is nothing to do.

It looks at the two people in the green eyes, and I feel that I am a little more ...

"If the words come back, is the new sea, is it left?" Qingshi suddenly asked.

The existence of the new sea is not too strong in the existence of everyone. It is basically holding a magical phone on writing a script or painting on weekdays.

Everyone is also more or less understanding of her and more or less, all expected.

After all, how to say that Xinhai Chengzi is also a cultivator of the realm. The only heir of the new sea family is completely powerful.

However, what is the movie filmed by Xinhai, everyone is still a fog.

No way, this guy's mouth is really strict.

Even if someone is asking, what is often just a touch of smile, it is much better than Luochuan.

Luochuan usually only uses "you will know later" this sentence to perfunctory.

"The New Sea leaves last night, you don't know?" The demon purple smoke asked.

"I have been in the virtual world last night, what she suddenly leaving?" The greenness of the green, her relationship with the Xinhai, is still a good relationship.

"I met something at home."

"whats the matter."

"I don't know much, it should be inherited this matter."

It's green.

Inheriting the property ... I don't know how many people hope that this thing happens in my own body, but this is just a strong responsibility for the Xinhai sincerity.

"It turned out to be like this, it is very interesting." The green is so curious, "What did she decide?"

"I don't know." The demon purple smoke, "But according to my guess, it should come back soon, the new sea is not like people who will be bound by other things."

As a question, it is unfair to say that the new sea has absolutely owns the strength of the departure and easily and horizontally.

However, this may be not big, after all, the demon purple smoke can be heard that people's family relationship is quite good.

"Well ... What is the name of the new sea sincerity movie?" Qingshi asked.

"Second speed is five centimeters." The demon purple smile and replied and also looked at Luochuan, "the boss's suggestion."

"The strange name." The green is picking up his eyebrows, "Is there any meaning?"

"Yes, the speed of cherry blossoms is five centimeters per second."

"Amount, cherry blossom I know, how far is five centimeters?"

"Almost half of your fingers."

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