God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1488 Qualified author

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Half length of the finger ...

The green bike has been looking at his palm.

She knows how the demon purple smoke said, almost slightly longer than the blink of an eye.

"The speed of cherry blossoms is five centimeters per second ..." The blue kitte repeats the words of the demon purple smoke, the expression is puzzled, "So what is going to express?"

When can the petals land?

Anyway, she thinks it is the first time.

"The speed of cherry blossoms is five centimeters per second, then how long does the two hearts need to be close?" The demon purple smoke said.

"There is still a sentence behind it." The greens are sudden, "it sounds romance, so the new sea is the movie who wants to shoot is the type of love?"

"Love type ..." The demon purple smoke thought of the script written by Xinhai Chengzi, and the mood is a bit subtle, "the amount, you can say it."

"Yes, it's not, what do you mean?" The green brupric shouted.

"You can't spoiler, you will know." The demon purple smoke shook his head.

The green name feels like these words, there is an inexplicable familiarity: "Purple smoke, I found that you seem seriously affected by the boss, even the words of the perfunctory are exactly the same."

The demon purple smoke stunned: "Ah, is this, I don't pay attention to ..."

As for Luochuan, sit on the sofa that is not far from watching the magical phone.

Because of sleeping lazy, there is no natural morning update, which makes many customers who are used to reading the latest chapters every day.

Various speech begins to appear.

It is said that the boss is just forgotten, and it will definitely be updated normally. There are also many people who have pessimistic attitudes. Most of them are just a joke.

"The boss is even more broken, it is really rare. "

"After the update is reduced, the boss finally learned to pay more? "

"This is going to be written soon, the boss will not stop this pen?" "

"It should not be, and it is still early. "

"This is only one-quarter life, you can still die. "

"This is not because you have noisy to give the boss reason ..."

One of Luochuan's hobby is to read the message of customers, he feels very interesting.

Some of the plots who have long been forgot can also recall again through the reader's reminder.

After all, even the author is, it is impossible to make a clear remember all the plots you wrote in front.

Various supporting hiking, the drunk pit is very normal.

The vest and customers were discussed, and Luochuan will send the latest chapters.

Of course, it is still the same as it.

The addition is impossible, and this life is impossible.

As for the end of last night, there is of course not written, because it is written in Luochuan to start the landlord.

No way, I have no codeword for a long time, I really can't find a state, I wrote it for a while, I can't set it.

In this case, write is definitely written, but the quality is not necessarily guaranteed.

As a qualified author, Luochuan will not pursue the quality because of the quantity, believe that the readers will definitely understand him.

Luochuan has hub yawn, supporting the chin, start thinking about the lunch, what to eat, what to eat after lunch ...

Tang Yi and Summer Yu are on the road.

Because I was immersed in the cultivation yesterday, Tang Yi didn't know that Luochuan would leave Qichuan at all.

Just toned from the mouth of summer.

"I finally left ..." Tang Yi softly coughed, "No, I mean how so soon will I leave?"

In the summer, he didn't hear Tang Yi in front of him, he smiled: "The movie is always in Qichuan. Let's go back to the nine city to rest for a while, then go to other places to continue shooting."

"It turns out." Tang Yi nodded, "So where is next to it?"

"Listen to the boss, it seems to be Ling Yun College." Summer Answer, "According to the set of the opera, it is a student, of course, it is necessary to take the story in the school."

"Not in the Star Empire, are you nothing?"

"Haha, that's of course, these days can be tired, the boss is something ... cough, it is almost the same."

The two paired the eyes and showed a smile of the heart.

I know, I don't need to pick it up at all.

Moreover, with the strength of the boss, I am intended to talk about it here, and the boss will clearly know if it is not going.

According to the explanation of the novel in the magical mobile phone, this is like the impact of causality.

Almost 90% of origin shoppers have seen works on the magical mobile phone, and there is more understanding for the world depicted in the novel.

Moreover, the Tianyi mainland is the fantasy world, and they have no thresholds in the story of the novel, and the power is the powerful mainland.

When the two came to the lobby, it was a cool scene.

"It seems that there is no one, is it all?" Tang Yi somewhat confused.

At this time, I went to the hall when I came to the hall, I didn't want to wake up: "Good morning, Tang Shu."

"What is early, now there is noon." Tang Yi frowned, "I still have you, how can I get up now? Other people?"

"It should be still sleeping." The step away from the song and can't help but play a yawn. "Many people who used holographic equipment in the evening, and played."

"Why is the good end?" Summer Yu is unexplained.

"Do you have to go back?" He said with the song.

"It should have to celebrate." Tang Yi nodded, "cough, when are you going to leave?"

"I don't know, I should have two days." The stepped song refers to Luochuan in his fingers. "You can ask the boss directly?"

Luochuan is watching at the magical mobile phone, and suddenly, someone has come to the side, it is the city owner of Qichuan Tang Yi.

"Is there something?" Luochuan asked casually.

"When is the boss going back?" Tang Yi said.

"First rest for two days." Luochuan looked at Tang Yi, "said that you are ready to go back to us?"

He still remembers something to buy mineral water before.

Tang Yi nodded: "It is mainly for so long, didn't return to nine in the city, I want to see your own."

Do you believe this?

"By the way, go to the origin store, use coffee to increase the air transport, see if you can pass the mineral water directly to ask the realm."

So is this is your true idea?

Returning to Yuan and asked, the two realm did not know how many cultural refiners from ancient times, and they would be an indispensable factor that hulfacked.

Tang Yi is now in this stage.

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