God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1489 Don't laugh

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If it is normal, Tang Yi wants to break through the realm is not possible, but difficulties are not generally low.

But there is different mineral water in the originator.

If the luck is good enough, he can make a breakthrough in the bottleneck who has brought him a few years, and he asked directly.

For Tang Yi's thoughts, Luochuan is of course understanding.

If someone wakes up for the special physical fitness because of mineral water, the magical mobile phone will definitely discuss the boom.

After all, the mineral water of 10,000 Lingjing is not anyone can consume.

In addition, every day, I suddenly appear about cultivation, Luochuan is a bit doubtful of the readers of this book will not feel uncomfortable ...

"Then I wish you good luck." Luochuan said in the mouth.

"Borrow boss Ji Yan." Tang Yi smiled.

I saw the two people ended, and the summer priests standing on the side couldn't help but sound: "Boss, I don't have to go."

"You don't go?" Luochuan has some doubts.

After coming to Qichuan, all messy things have summer, Luochuan as a director or quite easy.

I suddenly hear that summer is so saying that he has not responded.

Summer is grasped, and his face is full of sincere look: "Mainly, my cultivation seems to have a key schedule and needs to be closed for a while."

"This way." Luochuan nodded, the heart feels a bit unfortunately, he originally thinks to continue to make summer women to help.

"The boss will continue to be busy." After leaving this sentence, the summer wings have gone to the area of ​​holographic equipment.

Luochuan is a little confused.

How do you look so happy?

Self-strength is indeed a very happy thing, but not so.

Luochuan thinks some answer, and the sure is throwing this matter behind the brain.

If you do things, you can't manage it.

The principles of the situation in Luochuan is to be in addition to the matter, and it is simple to say that no matter what you do.

After all, the Tiangui continent is the strong, although because the existence of the origin store causes the customer to get along with equality.

The world does not change therefore, and the current time is not in a short time.

Of course, if there is a task issued by the system, the familiar friends say that there is a crisis in the world, Luochuan will not stand by.

He is lazy, but the three views are still very positive.

After all, what is said before I haven't crossed it, it is also a bloody youth.

Ok, it is said that it is said that he is a good youth that he belongs to the police even if he belongs to the wallet.

It is the boss of the origin store, hidden personality inexplicably awakening, so that it is now ...

do not laugh!

Did you forget that Luochuan mentioned in front also participated in the settings of the movie community?

Luochuan played a yawn, I took the magic phone again.

Anyway, there is nothing, now it is almost noon, what else can you do in addition to watching the magic mobile phone?

All night customers have also launched the hall, and most of the mental states do not seem too much impact.

This is normal, after all, the spiritual strength of practitioners is much better than ordinary people.

As for the situation where Luochuan is sleepy during the day, this is caused by the body's biological clock, and the strength is basically no relationship.

Haven't said this before?

Forget it, just say it.

"Today is so quiet." Anvilia came to the hall and couldn't help but whispered. In this environment, she also consciously depressed her voice.

She also played one night yesterday, but also returned to the room in the morning, I took a break - well. In fact, I have a broccoli and Xie Dance play card.

Taking the three people's repair, not sleeping at night will not affect the body.

"After all, it is not the spiritual intensity of everyone." Xie Meng said.

"It seems that your spiritual intensity is much smaller than me ..." Anvawa frostf frosty, "Is it a frost?"

Frost did not speak, continue to watch the magical phone.

"The city owner ignores you." Xie Dance can't help but laugh.

Anvilia didn't care, I saw it in four, so soon, I found Luochuan's figure in the hall.

No matter what happens, the boss does not seem to be affected.

Anyway, from the origin store to the present, Luochuan, which is seen by Anvia, has never been a light and light look, and even a live broadcast when they are in the sea.

The only emotional fluctuations seem to have only a dangerous thing to encounter the dangerous in the top day.

"The boss boss, let's nothing in the afternoon?" Anvilia came to Luochuan, and asked.

"Nothing." Luochukou did not raise it. "You don't want to tell me, I will leave directly."

Although customers are shooting teams, Luochuan has never restricted their freedom.

Anvilia "Oh" has been preparing to leave, Luochuan called her.

"and many more."

"Hey, there is still something wrong with the boss?"

Anvawa's footsteps, waiting for the next discourse in Luochuan.

Luochuan is organized in your heart.

What he wants to ask is actually very simple. It is nothing more than Ya Ya.

As for the time to call the home, the public guess ...

Ok, he also knows that it is definitely unreliable.

Even if Anvilia's ten eight nine will not tell him the reason, but Luochuan is still curious, still want to ask.

So, I asked.

Nothing more complicated reasons.

"What information did you send out for the outside world last morning? Don't be nervous, I just ask."

Anvawa is silent for a few seconds: "You may not believe in the boss, in fact, I will give home to the home."

Luochuan: "..."

Is it really what he guess?

How can it be!

There is no expression on Luochuan's face, and it is full of "you in teasing me".

"Really, the boss, I have not lie to you." Anvacia emphasized, "I have never been there, I have never been in the adult, I have to contact my family, this is reasonable."

It is almost believed in rationally to Anvas.

However, this seems that it is true, she is not to report the status quo with the Speaker, which is another meaning of "Peace".

"Forget it, when I didn't ask." Luochuan swayed and decided to end this topic.

Anvil Yas sighed, and the expression became serious: "It's not that I don't tell the boss, mainly ... forget it, anyway, I can't say, but I feel somewhat strange ..."

When it comes to the end, Anvawa is frowned.

"Where is it strange?" Luochuan asked casually.

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