God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1490 The child is always the decades

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"The strength of the boss, what should the answer to explore the problem in the hearts?" Anvawa frowned asked.

Luochuan's strength is naturally unquestionable.

It is very powerful.

It belongs to the kind of not available.

Otherwise, Anvilia will not use God to call Luochuan.

Moreover, in some respects, Luochuan can even be a thing that is unable to do, such as the cured abyss of the origin store.

Can this play can be cured? !

This is the true idea in Anvilian heart when I saw it.

After all, from the precise sense, the abyss does not belong to the substance, or even energy, it looks like two-dimensional plane, but it has the characteristics of various things.

The world is made by information, and the abyss is a collection of various chaos information.

If the world is compared to the operating system, then the abyss has no viruses, because the virus is also rules.

The abyss is purely unordered code, which can erode other ordered part. If it is put anyway, it will eventually let the entire system crash.

The consequences of the system crash, simply, the world is destroyed.

Therefore, the first impression of Anvilia to Luochuan is that this person is a madman.

Put the abyss this thing into your own store, don't take this way to seek death?

As for the next thing, then but more details, in all, Awei Ya also became a glorious origin store customer.

The original intake also has long been thrown into the Jiuyi cloud. Anyway, the boss is normal.

"Because lazy." Luochuan replied.

"Ha?" Anvilia had a big eyes.

She is a little doubting her own ears, what did you hear?

Luochuan also responded to what he said, in the face of Angua, he is completely consciously speaking.

He coughed softly and decided to save his own image: "It is mainly no time, I have to look at the origin store."

Anvawa nodded and didn't know if he heard it.

"And there is a lot of things I have never knowing in this world. If you know the answer in advance, are you not too boring?" Luochuan said.

Anvilia continues to nod: "It seems to be like this."

"So, I have never take the initiative to use my own strength to explore the truth, so step by step." Luochuan said that he almost believed.

"It turned out to be like this." Anvilia suddenly.

No wonder the boss is basically very few on weekdays, it is because of this!

Yes, I want to know what is the strength of the boss, but what is the interesting in such a life?

It is most interesting to shoot a movie every day now.

And with the strength of the boss, maybe I have been tired of those fearless disputes, just think of this flat life.

Sure enough, the landscape of the boss is far from what she can understand!

The next discourse in Luochuan also confirmed the idea of ​​Angui.

"And I am just interested in these things, there is no need to go to the bottom of the planing because of this reason, is it a quiet life?"

"I understand." Anvilia took a sigh of relief, looking back, she already understood the meaning of Luochuan.

Luochuan is slightly relieved.

It seems that Anva Ya should have forgotten the words he say.

"For the boss, what do you mean by you said?"

"... you have heard it wrong."

"Hey, is this?"

Anvilia also grasped the hair and thinking that he is really wrong in his heart.

She also looked at Luochuan, the expression of the boss was not like a joke.

Improve, probably, maybe ... you really can't wait anymore ......

For the Queen's question, Luochuan looks quietly. He knows that there is absolutely no change in expression at this time.

Although the image of his high-cooled male god has already collapsed, but Luochuan still wants to save it.

Can you still have a broken wall?

"The boss, you will continue to be busy." An Veasia decided not to entangle this thing, "Is it right? Is it necessary to end?"

"The first part is almost over." Luochuan said.

"Oh." Anvawa nodded, and immediately depressed his voice. "The boss can not reveal, who is the brother of the protagonist, is it a dragon king?"

Anvilia is also a reader in Luochuan.

As a member of the dragon, I looked at another distinct "Dragon" written in Luochuan. This feeling is still quite wonderful.

"I don't know." Luochuan shook his head.

"Don't know? You are the author!" Anvia Ya is dissatisfied.

"I am the author is not fake, but I have never written something such as the outline, which is exactly what I wrote." Luochuan expanded his hands.

"Is the original this?" An Venean didn't know what to smash the eyes, "The boss didn't get anything behind?"

"It is definitely not." Luochuan is still very confident in his ability to control the plot.

Just like this now, from beginning to end, it is the same rhythm, never there is a poisonous point, inexplicable story.

But why didn't he do not understand why is less and less?

why? !

Ok, in fact, he can also guess, but it is everyday too much, so it is aesthetic fatigue.

However, note that it is.

Isn't he opened a shop, is it like a variety of killing the enemy to win the treasure like a traveler in other books?

Even if you really have this kind of thing, you can solve all the problems with his strength is still slightly modified.

Is this not bullying?

Moreover, Luochuan is not interested in this kind of killing, it is better to sleep in the store, look at the magical phone, and chat with the demon purple smoke.

Isn't this interesting than an expedition?

"That's good." Getting Luochuan's guarantee, Anvilia was relieved, "In addition, I still have a problem, the old Tang must write dead?"

A good novel, the people inside will leave a deep impression on the readers, and their experience will trigger the resonance of the reader.

As for the end, it is basically the same, the idea of ​​most readers is basically the same - the author dares him / she wrote me, I dare to give you a blade!

Almost this is like this.

"The protagonist is needed, and it is of course cost in the process of growth." Luochuan tearned a piece of potato chips.

"But it is not necessarily ..."

"This is necessary, the memory and impact brought by life and death is the most profound." Luochuan paused, "... But how to change the child is always the end of the child."

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