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People are changing, the characters in the novel are also the case.

But there is some of the people, no matter what happened in life, what happened in the end.

When a moment is looking back, everyone will be surprised to find that he seems to have not changed.

Even if the appearance becomes bright and bright, the identity is not the past.

After all, the end of the child is still the first deciduous child, but he wrapped himself with a heavy disguise.

Anvilia took place to look at Luochuan, and then sighed: "In fact, I also want to give the boss, you will send some gifts."

"The heart is gone, the gift is free." Luochuan swayed, "I am not lacking."

Anvilia bite the teeth, she is not this!

And it seems that the boss doesn't seem to understand.

Forget it, she is an ordinary reader, and can only make suggestions for Luochuan, whether it is not asked at all.

Moreover, the boss looks like there is no outline on his mouth, and maybe it will set the next plot to the heart.

Just don't tell her.

It's too bad.

Although Luochuan has changed a lot in this period of time, but there is no change in the confidentiality for new things.

"The boss continued to be busy, I will go first." Anverah maintains the smile on his face, and Luochuan.

"Well." Luochuan nodded, continued to eat potato chips, and sent Anvera.

The magic mobile phone reads for a while, and now I feel that it means.

Moreover, it has passed the inadequate time, and there is a hunger in the abdomen of Luochuan.

The potato chips are only snacks, of course, can not be used to fill full.

So what should I eat for lunch?

Just now Luochuan has thought about this problem, but did not get an answer.

Three philosophical problems have plagued many people.

What's for breakfast? what's for lunch? What to eat for dinner?

Some people are two, because they don't come up soon, so I don't have breakfast.

Some people are four, because they don't sleep at night, so I have to eat late night.

So, Luochuan is basically not entangled in weekdays.

What do you eat if you do it, you can't pick it up.

"My sister, I am hungry." The demon purple moon swayed the arm of the demon purple smoke, it looks pitiful.

"When you are hungry, you will go out to eat." The demon purple smile, it seems that I don't understand the meaning of the demon purple. "

"The things outside are not delicious." The demon purple moon continued to sway the arm of the smoke.

"I remember that you came to the human world favorite thing is to find a variety of things." The demon purple smoke memories.

"This is different." The demon is like a moon, "At that time, the meal you did can be done so delicious ... Cough, I don't mean that."

"What does that mean?" The demon purple smoke and asked.

"Hey ..." The demon is like a moon, and it will not be able to think about what it should be said. "I said wrong, it is mainly, I haven't eaten what you did for a long time?"

"Isn't it just a few days ago?" The green kick next to him suddenly joked.

"How many days have you been in the past!" The demon is not refuted.

"Oh, it is also." The green appearance blinked, "I remember it."

The demon purple perceived the place where it is not placed, and the eyes are widened: "You don't call me!"

"It is mainly that you are not in the Shugege, which seems to be played with Gu Yunxi." The demon purple smile.

"That is to tell me on the magic mobile phone." The demon is immersed in regret.

"Isn't it a meal, it's not a meal." The green shoulders patted the Shoulder of the demon, "If you want to eat, let the purple smoke can't do it, do you think she will refuse?"

"Hey, it seems to be." The mood of the demon purple is happy.

The demon purple smoke listened to the words of the two, slightly helplessly shook his head, got up and got it in Luochuan.

Because of the reason for lunch, the short-lived hall has become quiet, Tang Yi, Anvilia and others have already went out.

"The boss has not eaten in the morning, what do you want to eat at noon? I will do it." The demon purple smoke said softly.

"You look at it." Luochuan Don, added another sentence, "I don't pick it up."

Familiar dialogue.

The demon purple smoke, she nodded: "OK, I know."

"I will come too!" The demon purple moon keeps the pace of the demon purple smoke.

"Do you do food?" The demon purple smoke asked curiously.

"Of course." The demon purple drills, "it's that simple, it is not a thing that has a hand, I just said that Ienna also said that I roasted."

"So, then it is good." The demon saber nodded, although it feels a bit wrong, but did not think too much, "You will don't add a chaotic."

"How can I call it!" The demon is very confident, "I will let my sister look at me in the cooking!"

"The line is row, wait and see ..."

Luochuan played a yawn, got up from the sofa, and stretched a lazy waist.

There are only a few people in the hall, and the atmosphere is also dead, and there is no vitality.

It seems that the holographic equipment in this evening is very burdened.

After all, a simple staying night is all in the virtual world. All two are completely different. Of course, if you sleep in the virtual world, you still say.

"Boss, do you play cards?" The step left into the song of Luochuan and shouted against him.

Anyway, it is also idle. Luochuan sorry should take the past, and then pay attention to the dark circle of the commented on the eye: "What did you do last night?"

"Can you still do it, isn't it to use holographic equipment?" The step is skilled and the slogan will answer the way.

Luochuan did not speak.

It is also possible to use holographic equipment.

In addition, the situation next to Jiang Shengshi followed the song of the song, and it was not bad, and he continued to hurt, and his face did not wake up.

"I have to sleep again in the afternoon." Jiang Shengshi said with his eyes.

Luochuan is a bit curious that they have done something in the virtual world, so I will ask: "Leisure mode."

"Well, Corlo World." The step is nodded, and the spin is revealing the expression of the secret of the gods. "What did you guess our boss?"

"How do I know." Luochuan shook his head, "The identity of you is player, I have no time to monitor you in the world."

Ruichuan, of course, has any privileges for monitoring any customers to use holographic equipment. He is too lazy to do these things, and it will definitely not go to the privacy of customers.

So in the face of the problem of walking, Luochuan does not know the answer at all.

"The land of chaos." The step is slowly said.

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