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In fact, the reason why Luochuan doesn't want to trouble, Anvia, is simple - afraid of trouble.

If it is true or final, let the Anva Ya's dragon go back with everyone.

It is indeed no problem, and it can be achieved from a realistic perspective.

But the premise is to block the ordinary people in Qichuan to avoid riots. After all, people who are not anywhere are eager to have seen the big faces of the residents of Jiuwei.

Then I have a collection, and all kinds of zero zero scattered things are quite troublesome.

It is more convenient to transmit light.

Directly from Xue Feng Pavilion will go back, do not cost time, not so many trivial matters of heterozing.

When shooting in the past, Jiang Napu returned to nine city, which was used.

"I think that the boss is too trouble." The demon purple smoke specifically guessed the reason.

"This is only part of the reason." Luochuan emphasized.

"Yes, part." The demon purple smile nodded, "What is the reason?"

"I just didn't say it, I can't get people."

"In fact, I feel that Anva is happy ..."

The two did not talk so much, and they were like the past.

It is warm in the plain.

Luochuan put down the magical mobile phone, couldn't help but hurt, and his eyes were somewhat dry.

Xu, didn't sleep well in the evening, even if you sleep over the morning, it is still a bit sleepy.

I want to sleep in the nap.

However, Luochuan's reason tells him that if it is really sleeping, I am afraid I will fall into a vicious circle.

I couldn't sleep in the nap, I couldn't sleep again. If I can't sleep, I can only watch the magic mobile phone, so it is equivalent to staying up late, I will get together tomorrow morning ...

Such cycle reciprocation.

Luochuan decided to avoid this situation.

If you are sleepy, you will be in the past, and it's not a big thing.

"The boss is sleepy?" The demon purple smoke noted the movement of Luochuan, she pointed to the big bed in the rear, said with a smile, "I will sleep here."

Luochuan caught in meditation.

Forget it, loop cycle, it is not a big deal.

Mainly, he really wants to sleep in a nap.

Some of the instinct of the body is not very good.

Well, it's right, just like this.

Luochuan nodded, got up from the sofa, I thought about it again: "I remember to wake me up, I slept for two hours, or I can't sleep at night."

"Well, I understand." The demon purple smile should be under.

The utensils provided in each room in Xuefeng Pavilions are basically similar, and of course, if they feel unsatisfactory, they can be exchanged.

The bedding used by the demon purple smoke should be brought by himself, the pale pink of the teenagers, and the bed is still placed in a few strange doll pillows.

Luochuan clearly remembers the preparation of the demon purple smoke before almost, but it seems that it doesn't use much.

Her room is almost the same, according to the words of the demon purple smoke, this is unpredictable.

If it is not Luochuan to stop, she even thinks about holding her bed to the space ring ...

I have to say that the space ring is a great invention, which has brought great convenience for the extraordinary people, eliminating the trouble of going out the big bag.

But the words were coming back.

In the origin store, Luochuan has only a few times to the demon purple room.

The reason is that it is also very simple. Luochuan is usually still sleeping when the demon purple smoke is getting up.

Even if Luochuan occasionally gets up, he will not be free to go to push the door to the pendant to smoke.

Inexplicably break into the room, there is always a feeling of challenge.

Shake your head, thrown these messy thoughts, Luochuan thought about it to see the demon purple smoke behind him: "I really sleep here."

The demon purple smoke is laughter: "Do yourself sleep."

I got the sure of the demon purple smoke, Luochuan came to bed and covered himself.

It is really much more comfortable than him, and there is a kind of faint fragrance.

I yawned, closed my eyes, and my awareness became blurred.

The demon purple smoke looks at the magical mobile phone in his hand, and it is reading the latest chapter of "Wu Bai", which has been written to "Connect" concept.

The so-called fire is a special flame, and different types have different special effects.

Gain soul, cultivate cheat, ultra-destructive power ...

There are twenty-three in the world, and they are the heaven and earth gods that countlessly refining pharmacists.

However, it is extremely violent, and it is very difficult to meet each other, and even if you see it, it is very difficult to use it.

Countless refining pharmacists have a lifetime, even even seeing is a luxury.

With the help of the old grandfather in the ring, the protagonist has set foot on the road to find the fire ...

Xu is because of information disturbance, this novel and the future generation of the novels written by Lin Hao Cream have a different sleek work.

Luochuan is of course aware of this, and he does not evaluate it.

New Haicheng is coming out, and then a number of different version of "Wu Bai Sky" is normal?

Because of the emergence of the fire, many readers have begun to discuss this matter, don't forget that the Tianyi mainland is also a fantasy world, and this extraordinary flame is not impossible.

"Is there anything in the world? "

"Affirmate! I have already packed the baggage to prepare to go to the southern Xinjiang's big desert! "

"Brothers all the way." "

"I asked the author, she said this is her fictional. "

"Oh, do you think I will believe? This world is definitely existed! "

"Maybe the fire is just a synonym of special flames, and many refining pharmacists in the drug valley have special flames ..."

About the intensity is high, many posts and dynamics are related to them.

It seems that these customers have confused fiction and reality.

Think about it, it is nothing wrong with it. After all, there are many special flames in the Tianyi mainland, and the deep sea ice is used.

So the discussion of customers is based on the discussion!

There is a saying, "You have a sentence, three uncles will be imprisoned tomorrow," because the reality in the notes has corresponding!

Cough, this can't say more.

The demon purple smoke has no idea, just feel interesting, anyway, she doesn't need this so-called fire, I will see it.

After she read the latest chapter, she thought about it, leaving her own point in the comment area.

The demon purple smoke puts down the magical phone, stretches your body, then looks backwards.

Luochuan covered the quilt, the side of the side was lying on the bed, breathing flat, seemed to fall asleep.

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