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Luochuan sleeps like a demon purple smoke has seen many times.

Compared with when you wake up, the lines on your face look softly a lot.

Xu Xi dreams, but also a few mouthfuls.

This makes the demon purple smoke can't help but laugh.

Now, Luochuan can say that there is no vigilance, ok, it seems to be this look at weekdays.

She is actually almost like Luochuan, and the two have never used their strength when they stay together.

For strong people in the realm of the respect, if the spiritual sensation is to spread, the whole city may be exaggerated, but the small half of the city is still more than enough.

However, no one will do this on weekdays.

So large range, the amount of information obtained is definitely extremely amazing.

Psychotics can be easily achieved, but the loss of heart is not ignored.

Of course, you can also choose to ignore this information, only care about what you want to find, this is only necessary to do this.

Just like the computer, if there is nothing important, it is basically in standby or shutdown. Who will be inexplicably inexplicable.

So most of them are only maintaining the most capable perception.

The demon purple smoke holds the chin and quietly looks at the sleeping Luochuan.

I don't know what I thought, there is a touch of light red, slightly, I have a little detrimental, seeing the latter, there is nothing to respond, this is light and comfortable.

Luochuan slept in the scent at this time.

He was a little sleepy, and he didn't know if his illusion, the shemale smoke bed seems to be much more comfortable than him.

I don't want to lie down.

After closing your eyes, the consciousness quickly got into sleep.

The dream is coming, and he watches everything with a third person.

There is a star of the stars, the flow of flowers is dark, and the glare of the glare in the virtual noise.

Countless spacecrafts are in the universe void, and the enemy of the dark is confront, and every space in the battlefield is flooded with vigorous energy.

Luochuan's sight has a deflection under certain strength.

At the edge of the battlefield, he saw that there was a man standing on the ship's bridge, she looked a woman, covered with a faint white ray, can't see the face.

From her actions, it seems to be a war in this universe.

So why did he dream of this strange scene?

A war story of this science fiction in a fantasy novel is good?

Ok, this slot can be ignored.

After all, this book is like this, I believe that the readers who have insisted that now have been used to it.

Luochuan knows now this is dreaming.

In this case, he has also encountered it before, so it is not very panic, but it looks at this scenario of sci-fi movie.

In fact, it is also guess about this.

According to the past experience, this seems to be the most information on the cosmic, but it is just to be perceived by him.

So, what is the woman wrapped in white?

Take the god of the technology route, and then now I have become the world of mystery routes ...

This amount of information is a bit big, Luochuan feels that he needs to be good, of course not now.

He is still dreaming.

I believe that many people have this experience, and the ten minutes of the class can be easily slept, and it is a complete dream.

It seems that it has been in the dream for a long time, but the reality is only ten minutes.

It is separated from the world.

After the scene of the battlefield, Luochuan dreamed a lot of other pictures, most of which had a macro.

The origin store basically has become known in the Tianli continent, and countless cultivars come, just to buy the goods of the origin store.

The store has expanded very large, and the type of goods has also become extremely very large. The key is that the key is that the taste is particularly delicious.


For the goods sold for the origin store, the taste is always in the primary status, and the effect is only attached.

Just Want to take a closer look at what the new products are all, faintly calling in his ear.

Luochuan is a bit unwilling to open his eyes, and the face of the demon purple smoke will be reflected in the line of sight.

"How long does I have slept?" Luochuan asked half his eyes.

"Almost two hours, don't you tell me you?"

"So sleepy, let me sleep again." Luochuan closed his eyes, and thought of seeing the dreams that could not continue.

"The boss didn't sleep, if you can't sleep again in the evening." The demon purple smoke said, and started the body of Luochuan.

When Luochuan is fascinated, nodded by hitting it, and the demon purple smoke will give it.

Luochuan sat quietly in bed for a few minutes, and the original cache was gradually clear.

The memory in the dream gradually woven, soon I couldn't mention it, only the incomplete screen was left.

Say what he wants to do in the dream?

Forget it, this is not important.

Luochuan hurts, deeply stretched a lazy waist, and smashed the eyes, and the residual sleep will disappear.

"Is the boss dreaming?" The demon purple smoke.

"Well, the strange dream." Luochuan got up from the bed, now in the noon sleep, I can't stay in bed.

"Can you tell me?"

"I haven't forgotten the difference ..." Luochuan played a yawn, tried to recall the scene in the dream, "There are two dials in the universe to play, the reason is not known, very lively."

The demon purple smoke has been waiting for a long time and didn't hear the next words: "Nothing?"


"It's so perfunctory." The demon purple smoke wrinkled, and it was a bit unsatisfactory.

"Don't you say it?" Luochuan is a bit helpless. "Anyway, the scene was very magnificent, right, do you know what a spacecraft?"

The demon purple smoke shakes his head, she is somewhat curious: "What is that, the name of a weapon?"

"Weapons ... can also be so understandable." Luochuan nodded, "simply put the carrier of various weapons, people drive it in the universe."

"What about power?" The demon purple smoke cares about this problem.

Luochuan thought about it, refers to the ground under his finger.

"What do you mean?" The demon smoke is unclear.

"The ruins of the Tower of the Trial Tower know?" Luochuan took an example.

The Tower of Trial includes a variety of superconstructed science and technology weapons, but are all stated by Luochuan to be unacceptable to ordinary customers.

The demon purple smoke is of course not here.

However, she is not interesting to this, and it will not be free to test the power of various scientific and technological weapons. After all, there is no way to get the real world.

"Know, the boss said what this is?" The demon purple god doubtfully, she has heard of this name.

But it is only limited to the name.

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