God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1497 This book is the main purpose

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During these times of the origin store life, the demon purple smoke is naturally inevitably affected by Luochuan.

It is basically fighting in the next day, basically doing other things to send time.

She is not interested in all kinds of superconscious science fiction weapons in the arena.

So in the face of this name in Luochuan, the demon purple smoke only felt doubts, did not understand why he said this.

"If the snow is loaded on the spaceship, just take a look -" Luochuan reached a finger refers to the ground, "Tianyi mainland is gone."

The demon purple smoke is obvious.

It seems that it does not understand the information contained in Luochuan discourse at all times.

I got a big continent ...

By the way, the boss seems to say that the Tianzhu mainland is a planet.

Du Shiger, from another meaning is the weapon of the planet ...

The demon purple smoke suddenly feels very dangerous in this world.

"Of course, this is just theory." Luochuan then said, "After all, no one will be free, play the planet as a fireworks."

This can be a little smile at all.

In order not to let Luochuan awkward, the demon purple smoke has a smile that is less natural.

"Moreover, the Tianyi continent has been stable for so long, will not be inexplicably encountered." Luochuan's words made the demon purple smoke.

Moreover, this is only a dream of the boss, and it does not explain what you can't.

"Then?" The demon purple smoke will be in the mood and asked curiously.

"At that time, they were very intense, I didn't know why they played." Luochuan shakes his head, "the rest is forgotten."

The demon purple smoke sighed, slightly disappointed.

"Just dreams." Luochuan said.

The demon purple smoke "Well", she hesitated, or couldn't help but put forward the problem: "Boss, do you really have those special sci-fi weapons?"

But the words, the demon purple smoke is a bit regret.

Luochuan is not open to ordinary customers on virtual equipment, and she is not very Tang Dynasty?

"I will ask, if the boss can't say, I don't care if I can't say it." The demon purple smoke is busy adding.

Just like Anva, some words are absolutely can't be said, and the demon purple smoke feels that Luochuan is definitely.

"Why can't I say?" Luochuan looked at the demon purple smoke, "Of course, if you come out, the Tianyi mainland must have a chaotic set."

"Amount, it is also." The demon purple smoke also understands that it is much more.

"There are different spirits in the sci-fi weapons and the Tianyi mainland. Most even if the ordinary people can easily use it. If a person from the small cultivation is not as deterrent, you feel that this world will become What look? "Luochuan asked.

The sci-fi weapon is completely a new concept in the Tianyi mainland. If it is a flooding, the turmoil of each racial civilization is a conservative estimate, and civilization is very fragile. When a little external force may lead to the civilization of the entire planet.

Luochuan, of course, understands this truth.

After all, he has seen a lot of novel movies.

As for other things that happen because of him, like Ji No regrets, the goods sold in the origin ...

Luochuan admits that these things have also had a small impact on the Tianzhu mainland.

As we all know, our main purpose of this book is to sell things and change the world.

As for Luochuan, he is only a matter of insignificant tools - at least it is like this.

No, I can't say that, although Luochuan is a little salted, it is also the protagonist.

Well, the demon purple smoke is another protagonist ...

"Hey ..." In the face of Luochuan, the demon purple looks up at the white roof, and finally shook his head, "I don't know."

"I don't know if I specifically, but the chaos is sure." Luochuan said.

And the demon purple smoke said the conversation, and the naphous mind has just woken a lot, and it should be terminated when the vicious circle should be terminated.

"What is the boss is ready to do?" The demon purple smoke poured a cup of tea in Luochuan.

Flower tea is naturally brought from the origin store, or the lasmaccae fantasy is specially learned to learn to Herman.

The water of the tea tea seems to have.

Luochuan didn't understand this, anyway, he felt that it was very delicious, and Co can be very different type, and the teeth are fragrant.

Like those foods made from demon purple smoke, there is basically the name and the ingredients used in Luochuan.

It is not important to him, it's delicious.

Say, the demon purple smoke is now like developing some obsessive disorder, and the food made must achieve the perfect level.

Forget it, there will be opportunities to talk to her later.

Luochuan has drank the tea and shakes his head. He has no plan, usually what to do.

Life is originally full of uncertain, only this will become more and more wonderful.

Just as he went to college, I didn't expect that I actually passed the same continent.

"I heard that Qichuan seems to have a flower show, do you want to see it tomorrow?" The demon purple smoke is ready to prepare.

"Flower Exhibition?" Luochuan has never heard of this, "like the Wanhua Expo of St. Nia?"

He made a clear remember this festival, and there was a lot of things happened, and what is annihilated, inexplicably.

And according to the usual novel routine, this will definitely happen.

According to the interpretation of the system, this situation uses professional discourse to explain that it should be referred to as information entanglement, which is the one of the system mentioned before going to the sea.

"Of course not, it is the event held by Qichuan Local Park." The demon purple smoke blinks, "accompany me to see it?"


Say, is this a demon smoke to ask him for the first time?

In fact, Luochuan is originally thinking about seeing the novel in the snow, what is playing a card.

But if you refuse, it is definitely.

"tomorrow morning?"

"Now, it's actually, but time is a bit late, I haven't been black after a long time."

"That's tomorrow, let's talk two?"

The demon purple smoke looks delicate looks at Luochuan: "The boss wants to call others?"

Luochuan coughs and coughs: "It is of course best, do we want to prepare?"

"Shouldn't need it, I have a lot of things in my space, and the boss doesn't have a lot of things in your belongings."

"Also." Luochuan nodded, I thought about it, "I really don't call others?"

The demon purple smoke has a deep breath: "You are deliberately in Luochuan ?!"

"Opening a joke ... and you are like this, I don't quite good."

The demon purple smoke spoke, and she can't help but laugh: "It is used to it ... but nothing seems to be different from other customers ..."

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