God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1498 Human Essence

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About Tomorrow's travel plan is so simple to determine it.

The film is temporarily annihilated, and the customer is also outside the team every day.

Luochuan, I heard that Gu Yunyi, Alien, almost a place to exclaim all the places where Qichuan is interesting.

The tour guide is the poetry.

There is such a local person when the tour guide is a very convenient thing.

It is a locator before at least.

It is an ordinary and plain day.

This is also true of the origin store.

Luochuan did not always monitor what happened in the origin store. He didn't do this. He was too lazy to do this.

As long as the brain has no problems, it will not violate the rules in the store.

Asked, the sage and the saint are all in the store, even if the people who are not tilted will be honest.

After all, in the origin store, identity and strength is not worth mentioning.

It is a customer who came to the originator, and there is nothing different from others.

"It's so boring." The demon purple moon is bored on the seat of holographic equipment, "and it is very quiet, it is a bit of a bit of the origin store."

"That will go back in advance." Alina said with Alinna chatting on the magical mobile phone and other Haibai, "The boss said it can be left."

"It's too far, you have to fly long." The demon purple mutter.

"You are not asking the realm of the ceremony?" Irea looked at her in confusion. "If you have a lot of roads, you can return to nine in the middle of the road."

"The words are true ..." The demon lost a potato chip in the mouth, sighed, "But don't you feel trouble, so far, fly to get more tired."

Irina thought about it, I feel that the demon purple is very reasonable.

"Right, do you see the boss?" Irea suddenly asked.

"No." The demon is shaken, "Yes, my sister didn't know where, I didn't see it in a afternoon."

"Maybe it is going to go out?" Inena guess the road.

"There is this possibility, forget it, no matter two." The demon is a helmet once again, "coming, glory."

"Don't you say it?"

"I just can't afford it once, I can't get it once, win, rest." The demon purple is getting more and more angry, and has begun to plan the next battle in the heart. How to abuse the opponent.

"Then you play." Irea wonts, there is nothing interest in this.

"Don't, a piece." The demon rushed to the arm of Irena.

"Well." Inenena sighed, "Win once."

"Well, I will not play once." The demon purple is looking back ...

Sleeping in the afternoon, Luochuan also had a lot of spirit, he certainly did not hurry.

Anyway, even if you go outside, it is also a play magic phone, it is better to stay here.

And the demon purple smoke did not rush him ...


According to the relationship between the two, this is normal?

What is weird.

"Boss, what are you thinking about?" The demon smoke saw Luochuan in a daze, couldn't help but curiose.

"Nothing." Luochuan recovered his thoughts that did not know where to fly and shook his head gently.

Today, the demon purple smoke wears a simple white long skirt, cars can see the smooth and white calf. If you don't wear shoes, he stepped on the wooden floor, it looks like a Pu Tong.

It is better because of the presence of the array, there is basically no such thing as the dust, and the spiritual power also has a clean role. The demon purple smoke naturally doesn't have to worry about this.

A purple long hair is scattered, with her movements slightly shake, face soft and beautiful, let people feel moving.

The demon purple smoke noticed Luochuan's gaze, playful blinking, smiled and asked: "The boss looks at me?"

Luochuan recovered his eyes and coughed: "Nothing."

The demon salastic smoke can not help but: "How have you always been this sentence?"

"Really nothing." Luochuan repeated again, he is resolutely will not admit that you look at it.

The essence of human beings is a complex, Luochuan is now in person with this matter.

Fortunately, there is no deliberate question in the demon purple smoke, but from her expression, Luochuan feels that she should guess what.

Guess, you guessed, see if your own clerk is wrong?

All in all, this is just a small episode in the afternoon.

Ended with Luochuan's conversation, the demon purple smoke was immersed in the world described in the text, and it should be very good from her expression.

The novel is able to affect people's mood, this is the same.

Looking at the characters under the pen is present in the text, the author seems to feel their joys and sorrows.

In fact, it is still the most died of people to die.

But the plot is forced, I have to do this, maybe this is the author's helpless bar ...

The demon purple smoke ignores themselves, Luochuan is not good to disturb her.

The sky outside is still overcast, and because the time is near the evening, it seems to be covered with a faint fog, several orphan Snow Maple stands in the snow, and it is a bit cold.

I watched the scenery outside the window quietly, Luochuan opened the magical phone.

If you are bored, you can see the magic mobile phone is definitely the best way to send time. If you don't know, the time will disappear.

Luochuan is very experienced.

When you are in the origin store, there is a magical mobile phone to see, the time is always too fast.

But carefully recall, it seems that something meaningful is nothing.

The mind is empty, I only feel that I have been ruined.

In addition, Luochuan also heard that it seems to have implemented a series of measures for the four universities.

For example, when you go to class during the day, you must take the magical phone.

Well ... There is a full-time appearance.

Fortunately, the campus life is already in the past.

Nowadays, life is falling, that is really comfortable.

It is occasionally feel a bit boring.

However, this small problem can be completely ignored.

The time is quiet, the sky is gradually dim, and the blue night is quietly disgraced from the sky.

At this time, the temperature should also drop a lot, but because the Snow Flock has a heating method, the room is still warm as spring, and the sligh can not feel the chill.

It's been so long, Luochuan is a bit hungry.

"I have dinner." Luochuan muttered a sentence, "I only had a lunch before I haven't received."

"Mainly the boss didn't do anything this afternoon." Said the demon purple smoke.

"Amount, it seems to be." Luochuan nodded, "It's not said to call my name directly."

"Mainly 'boss' called habit ..."

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