God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 100

Therefore, Baguio never thought about the possibility of not being able to complete the task, and directly asked about the final reward.

"What reward do you want?" Xiao Tian smiled, with a smile in his eyes.

"I have been a master for more than ten years. Master, you have never created a tactic specifically for me. Junior Brother Lin just started. Master, you have specially deduced a sword tactic for him. Are you too partial?"

Baguio looked at Lin Jingyu, her words filled with sourness.

"Do you want me to deduce a tactic for you?" Xiao Tian nodded when he heard this, and smiled: "Well, if you can complete this task, I will create a tactic for you!"

"What's the task?" Baguio asked with a smile after hearing Xiao Tian's answer.

"Simple," Xiao Tian said with a sharp light in his eyes, "I only need you to take one thing, and you will know it naturally when you attack Qingyun Mountain."

Baguio's expression shrank upon hearing this, and he hesitated, "Master, don't you want me to take Qingyunmen's Zhuxian Sword?"

"Not bad!" Xiao Tian nodded, "How about it, are you confident?"

"This... I'll do my best," Baguio is a little lacking in confidence. Even if she has the help of the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon, she can't say that she can face the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

After all, although the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon is invincible in the world, her cultivation level cannot maintain the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon to appear in this world for a long time.

Xiao Tian didn't say much when he heard the words, waved his hand, and said in a flat tone: "That's OK. I'm afraid the Ghost King Sect will leave soon. You might as well go back to the Ghost King Sect first."

Baguio nodded, pinched the Jue with his right hand, turning into a white light and flew towards the Altar of the Ghost King Zong.

When Baguio's figure disappeared in the back hill of Huqi Mountain, Xiao Tian looked at Lin Jingyu, the expression on his face did not show happiness or anger.

"Master?" Lin Jingyu asked hesitantly when Xiao Tian looked a little uncomfortable.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Xiao Tianzi looked at Lin Jingyu carefully and said lightly.

"I..." Lin Jingyu heard Xiao Tian's words, and suddenly asked, "Master, do you know something?"

Chapter 201 Lucky Draw Again!

"What are you referring to?" Xiao Tian's eyes drooped and said lightly: "Is it an old thing in Caomiao Village, or the reason you betrayed Qingyunmen?"

"Master, do you know what happened in Caomiao Village?" Lin Jingyu's eyes widened when he heard this, and he dared not say anything.

At the beginning, Caomiao Village was almost completely slaughtered. In addition to the murderer, there was also the Qingyun Gate close at hand. Not many people knew that it was. Now Xiao Tian mentioned things about Caomiao Village.

Could it be...

Lin Jingyu's agitated spirit only felt a chill coming from behind, and a faint red light flashed under his eyes.

"I do know," Xiao Tian nodded and said in shocking words: "I not only knew what happened in Caomiao Village, but I also fought against the person who slaughtered Caomiao Village back then!"

A biting murderous intent rose to the sky, Lin Jingyu's eyes were red, as if suppressing something, the right hand holding the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword couldn't help shaking, and the knuckles were a little white due to excessive force.

"Master, please tell the disciple who the murderer is!" Lin Jingyu paused, his words were as cold as nine cold winds.

"How about telling you?" Xiao Tian glanced at Lin Jingyu, and said in a bad mood: "I can only tell you that the person who fought with me at the beginning used the authentic Buddhism mentality."

"Buddha!" ​​Lin Jingyu trembled when he heard the words, gritted his teeth and said, "Tianyin Temple?"

"It should be from Tianyin Temple, but I don't know who it is," Xiao Tian nodded, suddenly shot, and pointed at Lin Jingyu's eyebrows.

A cool breath poured in from Lin Jingyu's eyebrows, suppressing the boiling killing intent in his body.

"Tu'er understands, I will ask myself personally!" Lin Jingyu slowly calmed down and said seriously: "Tu'er wants to attack Qingyunmen with Ghost King Sect!"

"With your current cultivation base, even if you learn the Shura Dragon Slashing Technique, you can only fight against the strong in the distraction stage. There are many strong in the Qingyunmen combined stage. How do you protect yourself?"

Xiao Tian looked at Lin Jingyu and said lightly.

"Ghost King Sect and Changshengtang and other sects are teaming up, should they be able to contain the Qingyunmen elders?" Lin Jingyu said after hearing this: "With the strength of the disciples, except for Lu Xueqi, no one should be my opponent. !"

"Since you are concerned, then I won't say much, but..."

Xiao Tian looked at Lin Jingyu, and said lightly: "If you lose to other Qingyunmen disciples, let alone my apprentice in the future, I can't afford to lose this person!"

"Disciple understand!" Lin Jingyu was shocked when he heard this, then gritted his teeth and said seriously.

"Go," Xiao Tian waved his hand and walked towards the hut.

When Lin Jingyu saw this, he stopped staying any more, pinched a sword tactic with one hand, and flew towards the direction of the General Altar of the Ghost King.


"This kid is really not worrying," Xiao Tian, ​​who sensed Lin Jingyu's departure from Huqi Mountain, suddenly sighed in the hut, "I hope nothing will happen."

Then Xiao Tian shook his head and said in his heart: "System, lottery!"

He now has three chances to draw a lottery that is useless. One was awarded by the fusion of the Shura Dragon Slashing Technique of Ultra-Limited Martial Arts, and the other two were rewarded by the previous trip to southern Xinjiang, killing the beast gods and conquering the Eight Wilds Fire Dragon. .

As Xiao Tian's voice fell, three brocade boxes emerged out of thin air, constantly rising and falling in front of Xiao Tian.

"I don't know if anything good will come out this time?" Xiao Tian took a deep breath, a look of expectation appeared in his eyes, and his right hand fell on one of the brocade boxes.

Chapter 202: Qingxin Pill!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 100 faculty points!"

As the system prompt sounded, the empty brocade box in front of Xiao Tian disappeared.

Xiao Tian's expression remained the same. It was considered a good reward to pay for the faculty points. Although 100 faculty points were not a lot, it was at least much more reliable than the "Jianghu Qinggong".

The right hand fell on the second brocade box, and the brocade box opened quickly, and a delicate jade porcelain vase suddenly appeared in Xiao Tian's hands.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a bottle of Qingxin Pill!"

"Clean Heart Pill?" Xiao Tian was taken aback, his expression a little confused.

He rarely took out the pill, except for a bottle of Bigu pill before, this was the second time he had pulled out the pill from the brocade box.

It's just that the effect of the bigu pill is a bit too tasteless for Xiao Tian, ​​so Xiao Tian has already eaten it as a jelly bean. I don't know what effect this Qingxin Pill has?

"System, what is this Qingxin Pill?" Xiao Tian asked in his heart.

While talking, Xiao Tian played with the jade porcelain bottle, then pulled out the cork, and a fragrant medicinal scent puffed my nose. Just sniffing the medicinal scent, Xiao Tian felt that his mind seemed to be clearer.

good stuff!

Xiao Tian's expression was shocked, knowing that the Qingxin Pill he pulled out this time was a rare treasure!

"The Qingxin Pill is made from the extremely precious Jiuqu Ni Ling grass as the main material, supplemented by 100 kinds of precious elixir, which can prolong lifespan, improve comprehension, and ensure the clearness of the spirit platform and prevent the evil spirits!"

The cold and mechanical voice of the system sounded in Xiao Tian's mind.

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