God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 101

"Jiuqu Ni Lingcao?!" Xiao Tian swallowed his saliva. He had seen this thing in the system mall. It can improve life expectancy and greatly improve people's comprehension ability. It is not an exaggeration to call it a rare treasure. .

However, the exchange price is also terrifyingly high, a nine-curve inverse spirit grass, the system mall sells for 10,000 teacher points!

You must know that unlocking a Xianxia plane only requires 1500 teacher's points, which shows how precious the Jiuqu Ni Ling Grass is!

Seeing the five light green Qingxin Pills in the jade porcelain vase, Xiao Tian smiled a little more on his face.

No matter what he would draw out the last time, this bottle of Qingxin Pill alone made him worthwhile!

After carefully collecting the Qingxin Pill, Xiao Tian opened the last brocade box.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a chance to draw a random plane!"

"Good luck today," Xiao Tian heard the system prompt, and the smile on his face thickened.

No matter what plane will be drawn in the end, this reward alone means that at least 500 Shien points are available!


And while Xiao Tian stayed in the hut to draw the lottery, the Ghost King Zong also made moves.

In fact, the King of Ghosts had already begun dispatching the disciples of the King of Ghosts after his party in the Wilderness General Altar, preparing to join forces with the Wandu Sect, the Changshengtang and the Hehuan Sect to attack the Qingyunmen!

Before, he would wait for two days in the back mountain of Huqi Mountain. In addition to wooing Lin Jingyu, his other purpose was actually to get Xiao Tian to help.

However, although Xiao Tian did not agree to take the shot in the end, he also revealed a message to the King of Ghosts, that is, Baguio has the means to fight the Zhuxian Sword Array!

In other words, they have a way to at least protect themselves under the Zhuxianjian array!

And once the lives of Baguio and Lin Jingyu are threatened, Xiao Tian will take action personally!

The ghost king who got this answer naturally wouldn't worry about anything, so after answering the ghost king sect, he began to dispatch his disciples on a large scale, ready to send troops to Qingyun Mountain at any time!

Chapter 203 Under the Qingyun Mountain!

Half a month later, Qingyun Mountain came down.

Qingyun Mountain stretches for hundreds of miles, with undulating peaks and peaks. On weekdays, only white clouds surround the mountainside, and I don't know the true face of the mountain top.

The mountains are densely covered with forests, waterfalls and strange rocks, rare birds and animals, everything is available, the scenery is strange and steep, and the world is famous.

At the same time, Qingyun Mountain is also home to the famous cultivation sect-Qingyunmen!

Since the Qingyunmen patriarch established a school here, he has risen and fallen several times, and now he is a behemoth that both good and evil dared not ignore!

On weekdays, the disciples of the Demon Cult seldom step into the Heyang City under Qingyun Mountain, not to mention close to Qingyun Mountain.

It's just that today's situation is a little different!

Suddenly countless murderous demon monks appeared under the peaceful and peaceful Qingyun Mountain in the past, but anyone with some knowledge can recognize the identity of these demon cult disciples from the costumes of those demon cultivators!

In front of these demon cult disciples, there were four people standing. Although their expressions were plain, they exuded an aura that was hard to ignore.

"Brother Ghost King, your Ghost King Sect is really full of talents. Baguio has this level of strength at a young age. I won't say that Lin Jingyu is also a first-class wizard. The killing monk and Yanhui are equally good, really. Envy others."

An old man with green beard and hair on the far right of the team spoke with a hoarse voice, as if scratching an iron plate with his nails.

"Senior Poison God joked, and there are other people who taught Yao'er and this little brother Lin, I'm just stunned," the ghost king replied with a smile upon hearing this.

"Oh? I don't know He Fang Junjie, who can make the ghost king so admired by you? Is it possible that that person is more powerful than you?" Hearing the ghost king's words, the only woman among the four was a little surprised.

A faint jealousy flashed in the eyes of the ghost king.

This woman is Mrs. San Miao, the master of the Hehuan School, who is over half a hundred years old, but because of her successful practice in Hehuan School, she looks like a lady in her thirties and still has her charm.

And these three wonderful ladies have a strong sense of charm in every move, and if they are careless, they will be confused, ranging from trance, and at the same time under control!

"Mrs. San Miao joked. I think I can't compare with that person. It's not that I am arrogant. If I fight with that person, I'm afraid I will lose if I don't make ten moves!"

The Ghost King thought about the sword power that seemed to swallow the sky and the earth he felt on Huqi Mountain half a month ago, and some news that Baguio had revealed to him, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

When he first met Xiao Tian, ​​he still had the confidence to draw with Xiao Tian, ​​but right now, he thought he would not be Xiao Tian's opponent!

If Xiao Tian displayed the "Sura Dragon Slashing Technique", I am afraid he would not even be able to take a single move!

A vague look of horror flashed through the eyes of Poison God and Madam San Miao. They also knew the ghost king, knowing that with the ghost king's temperament, they would never do things that devalue themselves and others!

In other words, the strength of the person mentioned by the King of Ghosts may really have reached a terrifying level!

"Huh! Extinguish others' ambitions and destroy one's prestige," the one of the four who had never spoken before suddenly sneered, disdainfully said: "Ghost King, you have been famous for many years, how about you say this!

Your strength is also countable in the world. Ten strokes will defeat you, I am afraid that I and Senior Poison may not be able to do it together!

It's not that I am arrogant. If I join forces with Senior Poison God, it is not necessarily our opponent that the black-hearted old man is resurrected. Is it possible that he is better than the black-hearted old man?"

Chapter 204 The Private Action of Baguio and Lin Jingyu!

"If there is a chance in the future, Brother Yuyangzi will see the strength of that person," the ghost king smiled, not taking Yuyangzi's words to heart.

It's a waste of great talent!

Although the cultivation base is advanced, it is no better than him. However, in comparison, Changshengtang has no successors. Once Yuyangzi has any accident, Changshengtang will instantly become a second-rate force!

Under such circumstances, this Yuyangzi still had the dream of unifying righteousness and evil.

How can this make the ghost king look up to him?

"Humph!" Yu Yangzi snorted coldly, without speaking.

On the contrary, the Poison God stepped up to make the rounds and smiled: "Let's not mention the strength of the man that the ghost king said for the time being. This time, the four masters of the sacred religion gathered under this Qingyun Mountain, not for such a trivial matter."

As the oldest existence among the four, Poison God is unfathomable. When he speaks, Yuyangzi will sell him three points of face.

"Senior Poison God is right," the ghost king nodded and said, "Since the attack on Qingyunmen was initiated by Brother Yuyangzi, please ask Brother Yuyangzi to preside over the overall situation and give orders."

When Yuyangzi heard this, he was secretly proud of it, and smiled immediately: "Qingyunmen has been oppressing our holy religion for hundreds of years. Today, I must ask them for justice!"

Then Yuyangzi waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Shengjiao disciples follow the order and attack the mountain!"

Upon an order, the disciples of Changshengtang immediately responded loudly, and then the ghost kingzong, Wandu Sect and Hehuan Sect disciples also responded loudly under the sign of their master.

Then the disciples of the four main gates of the Demon Cult smashed toward Qingyun Mountain!

At the end of the disciple of the King of Ghosts, Baguio and Lin Jingyu quietly fell behind by half a step, separated from the large group, and walked along a small road to Qingyun Mountain.

"Senior Sister, would we be too risky like this?" Lin Jingyu held the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword with a hesitant expression.

Now that the four major sects of the Demon Sect are aggressively attacking the mountain, Qingyunmen will not fail to receive news. Now Qingyunmen must be heavily defended, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the dragon's den.

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