God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 102

He and Baguio quietly touched the mountain, if they were discovered by the Qingyunmen disciples, I am afraid it would be a thunderous blow from Qingyunmen!

"What are you afraid of?" Baguio smiled, and whispered in Lin Jingyu's ear: "Junior Brother Lin, you only came to Master's school. I don't know Master's temperament. Our Master is the one who protects shortcomings, I guess. He might be watching us somewhere in the dark right now!"

Lin Jingyu was stunned when he heard Baguio's words, and then smiled bitterly: "Sister, you are not afraid of master's blame afterwards?"

"Blame it?" Baguio curled his lips and said in a bad mood: "Master won't. He hopes that the two of us will turn the Qingyun Gate upside down, so that even if he comes out to save us last, his face will be related. He is the best face!"

Lin Jingyu didn't say anything any more when he heard this, but Xiao Tian hiding in the dark was rather dumbfounded.

Although Baguio's voice was not loud, he was so cultivated. Even though he was still some distance away from Baguio, he still listened to her without missing a word.

"This girl!" Xiao Tian shook his head, but said nothing.

Baguio was right, he did protect his shortcomings, otherwise he would not havetily descended from Huqi Mountain after receiving the news that the ghost kingzong disciples were heading towards Qingyun Mountain, and secretly followed Baguio and Lin Jingyu.

Chapter 205 On the Heavenly Peak!

Baguio and Lin Jingyu drove along the path to the Qingyunmen, but they avoided the Qingyunmen disciples who were guarded on the mountain road, and soon touched the Tongtian Peak.

On the other hand, the large forces of the four main gates of the Demon Cult, but because of the Qingyunmen disciples' obstruction, are still fighting hard on the mountainside at this moment.

"This is Tongtian Peak?" Baguio asked curiously, looking at the magnificent hall on the top of the peak.

The Qingyunmen powers both good and evil. As the main peak of Qingyunmen, Tongtian Peak is a forbidden existence in the hearts of the disciples of the Demon Cult. Even Baguio couldn't help but feel a little curious when he first visited this Tongtian Peak.

"Yes, here is Tongtian Peak," Lin Jingyu nodded, his expression a little more complicated.

After the Caomiao Village was slaughtered back then, he entered the Blue Cloud Gate. He had visited the Tongtian Peak many times, but he did not enter the Tongtian Peak as an enemy on that occasion like today.

"Who?!" Baguio and Lin Jingyu didn't go far when they were spotted by a Qingyunmen disciple, who immediately shouted.

"Junior Brother Lin?" Baguio glanced at Lin Jingyu, with a look of questioning in her eyes.

Lin Jingyu nodded without speaking.

When Baguio saw this, her heart was clear, and when she lifted her right hand, the sad flower fell in the sky, and a white light passed through the sky, hitting the Qingyunmen disciple, and the strange fragrance on the sad flower directly caused the Qingyunmen disciple to fall asleep.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him, I just let him go to sleep," Baguio said with a smile when seeing Lin Jingyu's complex expression.

"Thank you, Senior Sister," Lin Jingyu said in a low voice with a relaxed expression.

After all, he has been in Qingyunmen for many years, even if he finds that Cang Song is one of the people in black who appeared in Caomiao Village, these Qingyunmen disciples are innocent after all.

With his temperament, he couldn't do anything to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"Let's go, go to the Qingyunmen main hall, daddy and others have not taken any action right now, Qingyunmen elders should all be in the main hall," Baguio smiled and said.

Lin Jingyu nodded, and he held the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword in his hand, leading Baguio towards the Azure Cloud Gate Hall.

"It's really not worrying..." Seeing Baguio and Lin Jingyu walking towards the Qingyunmen Hall, Xiao Tian hiding in the dark couldn't help but feel a little headache.

He didn't expect Baguio and Lin Jingyu to be so bold!

With the strength of Baguio and Lin Jingyu, the ordinary Qingyunmen disciples encountered on the road were stunned by them before the warning was issued. The two quickly touched the Qingyunmen hall not far away.

But here, Baguio and Lin Jingyu can no longer be as relaxed as before.

Above the Bishuitan Hongqiao, a young man in white clothes is holding a long sword with a solemn expression, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings.

"Brother Xiao..." Lin Jingyu muttered to himself with a complicated expression when he saw the young man.

"Who?!" Although Lin Jingyu's voice was not loud, Xiao Yi was already full of energy. He heard Lin Jingyu's voice and immediately followed the sound.

"Junior Brother Lin?!" Xiao Yicai was also shocked when he saw Lin Jingyu, and quickly asked: "Junior Brother, where have you been these days? Uncle Cang Song has sent out disciples to inquire about you!"

"Cangsong..." When Lin Jingyu heard Cangsong's name, the red light in his eyes was fleeting, and he was quickly suppressed by him. He shook his head and said nothing.

When Xiao Yi saw Lin Jingyu not speaking, he frowned. Just as he was about to say something, a slender figure suddenly appeared in his sight, standing beside Lin Jingyu, looking at him with a smile.

"This is... the demon girl! Junior Brother Lin, how could you be with this demon girl?!" The moment Xiao Yi saw Baguio, his expression suddenly changed and he shouted!

Chapter 206 Lin Jingyu VS Xiao Yicai!

Lin Jingyu looked at Xiao Yicai, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "I just want an answer!"

Xiao Yi was stunned when he heard the words, and a deep doubt appeared on his face: "The answer?"

"Yes, the answer!" Lin Jingyu paused: "The temple village was full of people back then, I want to know who the murderer is!"

"This... Junior Brother Lin," Xiao Yicai said with a wry smile: "I also know about the Caomiao Village. It's just that Junior Brother, you are now mixing up with the Demon Cult Demon Girl to ask for answers on Tongtian Peak. It is a bit Meng Lang."

Speaking of Xiao Yi, he paused, and said earnestly: "Junior, your talent is amazing, but you have less experience. Don't be confused by this demon girl."

"Confused?" Lin Jingyu's face rose with a deep sarcasm, and said lightly: "How can I be wrong if I see it with my own eyes?"

After finishing speaking, the Seven-Star Long Yuan Sword in his hand shook, pointing at Xiao Yicai, and said coldly: "Senior Brother Xiao, I don't want to shoot you, it's too late to let go!"

"Hey!" Xiao Yicai heard an inexplicable smile on his face, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold light faintly flashed in his eyes.

"Junior Brother Lin, you are too underestimating me. I admit that you are the best choice for your talent, brother, but brother, after all, how old are you?"

Xiao Yicai looked at Lin Jingyu and said coldly: "Well, I will capture you and give it to Master Cang Song!"

As he said, the seven-star sword in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath, and there was a crisp sound of the sword, Xiao Yi looked at Lin Jingyu with a grim expression: "Let's do it!"

"You so-called righteous disciples are really interesting. They are squeaky and crooked for a long time, and finally they have to fight!" Baguio sneered, sad flower glowing with dim white light, ready to fight at any time.

"Senior Sister," Lin Jingyu shook his head, raising his right hand slightly, and the Seven-Star Long Yuan Sword trembling lightly, emitting crisp sword sounds.

"I understand," Baguio smiled at Lin Jingyu's movements and took two steps back.

"You call her senior sister?!" Xiao Yi only heard Lin Jingyu's words, his eyes were even more cold, and the sword light was faintly vomiting on the Seven Star Sword.

Lin Jingyu stopped answering, and pinched a sword tactic with his left hand, and an astonishing sword force suddenly emerged from him. It was so fierce that people couldn't help but stand upright.

Xiao Yi only felt that Lin Jingyu in front of him seemed to have become an extremely sharp sword, and his sharp sword intent stabbed him in pain.

"What an amazing sword technique!" Xiao Yicai was shocked, but his hand movements did not slow down at all. The Seven Star Sword waved again and again, and countless sword shadows stabbed Lin Jingyu.

Although he didn't know what sword art Lin Jingyu was using, he also understood that Lin Jingyu must not be allowed to use it, otherwise, with his strength, I'm afraid he really can't handle it!


Lin Jingyu screamed, and blue veins burst out on his arms, and his robe went silent.

A stunning sword light appeared on this Tongtian Peak, like a meteor across the sky, slashing towards Xiao Yicai!

The sword light collided with the sword shadow that Xiao Yi had selected, like boiling soup splashing snow, and the sword shadow in the sky melted like snow under the sunlight!

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