God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1015

"How can there be their aura here?" Xiao Tian's eyes condensed, and his perception can't go wrong. Although the aura on the Huaguo Mountain is vague, it is unique to the big disciple Sun Wukong he once accepted on the plane of the Westward Journey. Because of the unique aura derived from the cultivation of the Nine-turn Immortal Body, Xiao Tian couldn’t admit it at all!

What's more, in addition to Monkey King's aura, he also noticed the unique aura of Little Fox Hutu!

However, although Xiao Tian was puzzled, he didn't say much. He walked directly towards the interior of Huaguo Mountain. With his current cultivation base at the peak of the Holy Realm, he was confident that even the powerhouse of the fake and only true self would take action. Get out, so Xiao Tian was not too cautious.

The Huaguo Mountain in the original world where Xiao Tian is located is no different from the Huaguo Mountain that he saw on the special Westward Journey plane. The only difference is that the Huaguo Mountain on the special Westward Journey plane is thriving, while the original world The Huaguo Mountain was destroyed by the ancient war.

The fairy mountain, which was full of the spirit of heaven and earth, had long since become a piece of scorched earth, but to Xiao Tian's surprise was that he did not see any bones in the Huaguo Mountain.

It was not until Xiao Tian walked outside the Shuilian Cave that he discovered that there was actually a stone monument standing outside the Shuilian Cave, with densely engraved names on it. Beside the stone monument, a monkey in gold armor was leaning against a stone. The iron rod leaned on the stone stele, surrounded by a strong death spirit.

Obviously, that monkey had been dead for a long time, but because of his own strength was too tyrannical, even if he died for countless years, his body still remained intact.

"This should be the monkey in the original world, right?" Xiao Tian looked at the monkey in the gold armor and sighed casually, and walked directly into the water curtain cave.

He was able to perceive the Monkey King and Hu Tu on the special plane of Journey to the West in the Water Curtain Cave.

Passing through the already dry waterfall outside Shuilian Cave, Xiao Tian's figure appeared inside Shuilian Cave.

"So it's because of the spatial passage?" After entering the Shuilian Cave, Xiao Tian understood why he would perceive the aura of Hu Tu and the Monkey King on the special Westward Journey plane!

Because there is a space channel in the water curtain cave, the aura of Monkey King and Hu Tu is transmitted from the space channel!

"It seems that both Wukong and Hutu have broken through the limits of the world," Xiao Tian looked at the spatial passage, with a little smile in his eyes.

He could perceive the aura of Hu Tu and Monkey King getting closer and closer. Obviously, the two disciples he received on the special Journey to the West plane had already broken through the limits of the world and were coming to the main plane through the space channel.

Although Xiao Tian didn't know why this time the system did not remind him that Sun Wukong and Hu Tu had broken through the limits of the world, Xiao Tian did not go too far, but stood in the water curtain cave waiting for the arrival of Monkey and Hu Tu.

"It is detected that Sun Wukong and Hu Tu, the disciples of the host, successfully broke through the world limit. Will the host lead the disciples to the host's location?"

Just when Xiao Tian could faintly see Monkey King and Hu Tu in the space channel, the system prompt suddenly sounded in Xiao Tian's ears, making Xiao Tian stunned.

"It turns out that there will be a system prompt when you are about to pass through the space channel?" Xiao Tian can also be regarded as understanding the reason why the system did not prompt before, but now he is right before the space channel where Monkey King and Hu Tu are located, so naturally he won't be anymore. This extra act brought Monkey King and Hu Tu to his side.

"You don't need to be led," Xiao Tian shook his head and cast his gaze to the space passage in front of him.

Not long after Xiao Tian's voice fell, Monkey King and Hu Tu walked out of the space channel, and at first glance they saw Xiao Tian who was smiling at them!


When Sun Wukong saw Xiao Tian's figure, he couldn't help but said a little excitedly: "Disciple Wukong, I have seen Master!"

Hu Tu on the side also said excitedly: "Hu Tu has seen Master!"

"You don't need to be polite," Xiao Tian nodded lightly and smiled: "Your strength improvement speed is beyond what you expected as a teacher, yes, yes."

Xiao Tian was indeed a little surprised that Monkey King and Hu Tu were able to break the world limit so quickly. After all, the level of the special Journey to the West plane is not low, and its plane limit is also difficult to reach. Monkey King and Hu Tu can break through in a short time. The face limit really surprised Xiao Tian.

Monkey King just smiled when he heard the words, but Hu Tu looked around after leaving the space channel, and then couldn't help asking: "Master, where is this place? Why do you feel so familiar?"

Hearing Hu Tu's words, Monkey King couldn't help asking: "Junior Sister said well, this place is very familiar to my old grandson, just like Shuiliandong, but my old Sun's Shuiliandong is much more beautiful than this place! "

"This is the Huaguoshan Shuilian Cave," Xiao Tian said with a smile after hearing the words: "It's just another world, or the Huaguoshan Shuilian Cave of the world where the teacher is."

"Master's world?" Sun Wukong and Hu Tu couldn't help feeling a little excited when they heard Xiao Tian's words.

After breaking through the limit of the plane, they also learned about the existence of other worlds, and at the same time guessed that Xiao Tian was a powerhouse from other worlds!

Now that they have reached the world where Xiao Tian is, the two of them are naturally excited.

Chapter 2417 Sun Wukong's chance!

"The world I live in is not as prosperous as you think. I am afraid that you will be disappointed later." Seeing the expressions of Hu Tu and Monkey King, Xiao Tian shook his head and said: "The world I live in is compared to the world you live in. It’s not much stronger, and the world I’m in suffered a catastrophe in ancient times. The strong fell out of nowhere, and the Huaguo Mountain became a ghost."

"Since the world where Master lives has Huaguoshan Water Curtain Cave, is there also Senior Brother and me in the world where Master lives?" Hu Tu was silent for a moment and couldn't help asking.

After learning that there are other worlds, Hu Tu has been thinking about this question, whether there will be another Hu Tu in other worlds, but the experience is completely different from her.

"You'll know later," Xiao Tian just smiled when he heard the words, and didn't say much, and walked directly out of the water curtain cave.

Seeing Xiao Tian's movements, Sun Wukong and Hu Tu quickly followed Xiao Tian and left the Shuiliandong.

When they walked out of Shuilian Cave, they saw the stone stele outside Shuilian Cave and the corpse beside it!

"Brother?" Hu Tu couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the corpse of the monkey in gold armor.

The corpse of the monkey leaning on the stone tablet was exactly the same as the Monkey King next to her. The only difference was that the corpse beside the stone tablet was already surrounded by death.

"Master, is this me in another world?" Monkey King looked at the monkey corpse that seemed to fall asleep, his tone inevitably fluctuated a little more: "Or if I didn't meet Master, the future will end. Will he be the same?"

"I said that the world I live in has suffered a change in ancient times. This monkey is one of the strong men who fell in the ancient times." Xiao Tian looked at Monkey King and said in a calm tone: "Don't worry, even if there is no mine. Existing, your future will not end in this way, and now you have already detached from the cause and effect of the original world, and there is no need to worry about these things."

Monkey King did not speak, allowing him to be bold, but when he saw his corpse in another world, his mood was still complicated.

"Master, what about me?" At this moment, Hu Tu couldn't help but get to Xiao Tian's side and asked, "Master, in the world where you live, there is another brother, isn't there another me?"

"I don't know if I'm a teacher," Xiao Tian shook his head when he heard this, and said in a calm tone: "I didn't participate in the first battle as a teacher, and I didn't know much about the first battle. At that time, there was another you in Huaguo Mountain. Even as a teacher, I don’t know."

Hu Tu couldn’t help feeling disappointed when he heard this, but he didn’t say much. He looked at the body of Monkey King in the original world next to the stone tablet. After a moment of silence, he couldn’t help but turn his gaze to Xiao Tian. He couldn’t help but ask, "Master, isn’t it? Can the method save the brother from another world?"

Xiao Tian shook his head. He had already sensed it. There was no soul in Sun Wukong's corpse. Obviously, in the first battle, Sun Wukong ended up in a frightened soul, leaving only this immortal creature. Physical body.

Hu Tu couldn’t help being disappointed when he heard the words. On the contrary, Monkey King patted Hu Tu’s head with a complicated tone: “Junior Sister, don’t care. In fact, even if Master can resurrect me in another world, I’m afraid he will not be willing to resurrect. ..."

While speaking, Monkey King pointed to the huge stone monument, which was a bit sentimental.

"The buried under this stele are probably all the monkey grandchildren of Huaguo Mountain. Even if Master resurrected me from another world, he would be a lonely man. It would be better to stay here with the monkey grandchildren."

Monkey King looked at the corpse of Monkey King in the original world leaning against the stone tablet with a heavy tone.

Moving in a different place, he would probably make the same decision if he faced this situation, and he even felt vaguely in his heart that he was not in another world because of the catastrophe that Xiao Tian said.

According to Monkey King, it is very likely that the self in another world was after the catastrophe that Xiao Tian said, and found that there was no way to resurrect the fallen monkey grandson, so he chose to sit down in despair. Next to this stele!

Hearing what Sun Wukong said, Xiao Tian nodded slightly, without speaking.

He also highly approves of Monkey King's statement, so even if he really has a way to resurrect the Monkey King in the original world, he will not try to resurrect him.

"Junior Sister, Master, if there is nothing urgent, I want to bury him before leaving Huaguo Mountain," Monkey King pointed to his corpse in another world next to the stone tablet and said to Xiao Tian and Hu Tu.

"There is nothing urgent to be a teacher," Xiao Tian nodded when he heard the words, and said in a calm tone: "Since you have this plan, then do it."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Monkey King stopped saying much, and walked directly to his corpse in another world next to the stone tablet. The moment Monkey King walked to the corpse next to the stone tablet, a cloud of dim white light appeared. From the rise of the corpse next to the stone tablet, it submerged into Monkey King's body, leaving Monkey King stunned in place, while the corpse next to the stone tablet was directly transformed into nothingness in a few short breaths!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Tian couldn’t help but be a little surprised. The way to become the only real self-skilled in the battlefield of ten thousand realms is to kill himself on other planes, absorb his own origin from other planes, and finally achieve the only real. I.

But like Monkey King, Xiao Tian had never heard of it before!

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