God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1016

In Hutu, his eyes widened, with a little surprise in his eyes.

She also did not expect that there would be an inexplicable reaction between Monkey King and the corpse of Monkey King in another world, and it attracted such a vision!

It didn't take long before Monkey King came back to his senses, looking at the huge stone monument, his expression was a little complicated.

"Brother, are you okay?" Hu Tu quickly asked when Sun Wukong recovered, for fear of what happened to Sun Wukong.

Monkey King shook his head and said with a complicated expression: "Junior sister, don't worry, I don't have any problems, but this time I got a great advantage..."

As he said, Monkey King pointed to the place where the body of Monkey King in another world was originally located, and said in a deep voice: "In the white light just now, there are not only my lifelong memories of another world, but also countless me in another world The cultivation base accumulated over the years..."

Hearing Monkey King's words, Xiao Tian's eyes narrowed slightly. The Monkey King who had just arrived in the original world was already at the initial stage of the Hunyuan realm. Now that the Monkey King who has obtained the original world has accumulated cultivation for countless years, I am afraid it will not be long before he can succeed. Step into the Holy Land!

What's more, what Sun Wukong gets is not only the cultivation base of the original Monkey Wukong, but also his lifelong combat experience and lifelong memory!

Chapter 2418 Kunpeng is attached!

"You are lucky," Xiao Tian glanced at Monkey King, but didn't say much, and hurried towards Beihai with Monkey King and Hu Tu.

Xiao Tian got the news from the Bull Demon King. The demon master Kunpeng was also one of the survivors of the Ancient World War I, now hiding in the eyes of Beihaihai.

Xiao Tian didn't know the difference between the demon master Kunpeng in the original world and the demon master Kunpeng he had met in the special Westward Journey plane, but he could be respected as a demon master by the demon clan, and Kunpeng's ability was naturally conceivable.

If it can persuade the demon master Kunpeng to join the Fengyun Academy, there are two monsters giants Kunpeng and the Bull Demon King, plus some talented monsters under the Bull Demon King, Fengyun Academy can completely set up another monster academy, dedicated to Teach the creatures of the monster race!

With the strength of the pinnacle of the Xiaotian Saint Realm, even with Sun Wukong and Hu Tu, who were only in the early stages of the Hunyuan Realm, it didn't take much time to appear above Beihai Haiyan.

In Xiao Tian's line of sight, there was a huge squid in the eyes of Beihai Sea, which was asleep, exuding an astonishing breath.

Although the aura that the kunyu exudes has not completely stepped into the holy realm, it is far beyond the average late-stage Hunyuan realm powerhouse. I am afraid that it will not be long before that kunyu can break through to the holy realm!

"Wukong, go and wake him up," Xiao Tian pointed at the Kunyu below and said to Monkey King.

Sun Wukong nodded and rushed directly into Beihaihai's eyes, and at the same time unabashedly released his own breath, pressing toward the giant scorpionfish.

Following Monkey King's movements, the sea around Beihai Haiyan suddenly shook. The next moment, the giant fish disappeared and was replaced by a figure shrouded in black robe.

The moment that figure appeared, he cast his gaze on Xiao Tian. He could perceive the terrifying power hidden in Xiao Tian's body. Compared with Xiao Tian, ​​the Monkey King who was arrogantly exuding his breath at this moment was just like an ant!

"Your Excellency, why did you come to Beihai?" Hei Pao Kunpeng looked at Xiao Tian and said in a deep voice.

Xiao Tian gave him a strong sense of oppression. Although Xiao Tian did not release any aura, he was more vigilant because of this.

"I'm here to invite the demon master to join the college I founded and teach the students of the college." Xiao Tian looked at Kun Peng and said in a calm tone.

"School?" Kunpeng raised his brows when he heard the words, and asked, "When will the Three Realms be able to open a school to teach immortals?"

As one of the powerhouses in the original world, the demon master Kunpeng is far more aware of the original world's situation than Xiao Tian. The original world is not without schools that teach mortals to practice, but the final fate of those schools is countless forces. Siege, and finally annihilated!

But Kunpeng regretted it as soon as he said it, because Xiao Tian could make him feel threatened. I am afraid that few people in the Three Realms are Xiao Tian's opponents. If Xiao Tian came forward to start a school, not many people would dare to target Xiao Tian!

"I didn't say that I was in the original world," Xiao Tian smiled after hearing this, and said with a calm face: "I wonder if the demon master has heard of the sea of ​​heavens and the battlefield of ten thousand worlds?"

"I have heard about the seas of the heavens, but I don't know about the battlefields of the ten thousand realms." Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the demon master Kunpeng pondered for a moment and asked: "Could it be that the academy that your Excellency said is in the seas of the heavens? What in the ten thousand world battlefield?"

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded and said faintly: "Since the demon master knows the existence of the sea of ​​heavens, we should also know that the world we live in is just one of the thousands of worlds in the sea of ​​heavens. There is nothing in the celestial sea at all."

The demon master Kunpeng nodded subconsciously, but did not speak.

"The Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms is the place where countless geniuses in the sea of ​​heavens gather. Only the top genius among the heavens and ten thousand realms can enter the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms..."

Xiao Tian looked at the demon master Kunpeng, and said in a calm tone: "The institutions established underneath are on the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the demon master Kunpeng's eyes condensed, and he couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

He had already learned something from Xiao Tian’s words about where the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield was. It was a place where countless geniuses from the heavens and the Ten Thousand Realms gathered. It was already extremely difficult for Xiao Tian to gain a foothold in the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield. Founded a school in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms?!

"It seems that I can't refuse it," the demon master Kunpeng didn't hesitate for long, and soon recovered, and said to Xiao Tian: "I can join the college you mentioned, but I have one condition."

"Demon Master, please tell me," Xiao Tian nodded, and said in a calm tone.

"I will give pointers to students from the Demon Race. If there is no Demon Race blood, I would not speak out," the demon master Kunpeng looked at Xiao Tian with a solemn expression.

"Yes," Xiao Tian nodded. He originally planned to let the two monster giants, Kunpeng and Bull Demon King, set up a monster academy specifically to recruit people from the demon clan of the heavens and ten thousand realms or who have the blood of the monster clan. Genius, then give pointers.

In the future, if there are more powerful members of the Demon Race to join Fengyun Academy, Xiao Tian also intends to arrange them in the Demon Race Academy. Therefore, after hearing the request of the Demon Master Kunpeng, Xiao Tian did not have any, so he agreed.

Seeing that Xiao Tian promised readily, Kunpeng couldn't help but smile a little more, then turned his gaze to Monkey King aside, and couldn't help but say: "If I remember correctly, this monkey should have fallen in ancient times. , Why is it here?"

Having said this, Kunpeng couldn't help looking at Xiao Tian and asked, "Could it be the magical powers displayed by fellow Taoists?"

In ancient times, when Monkey King fell, he was one of the witnesses. After all, Monkey King was also one of the strong monsters in ancient times, so he would naturally pay attention to Monkey King.

In fact, he had once persuaded Monkey King to go to Beihai to recover from his injuries, but he was rejected by Monkey King. The monkey finally chose to sit in Huaguo Mountain, which Kunpeng always felt regretful.

Now that a person who has long since fallen appears in front of him, how can Kun Peng not be confused?

"Wukong is not the person that the demon master knows," Xiao Tian shook his head when he heard the words, and smiled: "This is the disciple I accepted in another world. Since the demon master knows the sea of ​​the heavens, he should also know that it is in the sea of ​​the heavens. There are countless worlds in it, and there are many similar worlds among them. Wukong is the disciple I accepted in one of them."

Hearing Xiao Tian's words, the demon master Kunpeng reacted. He originally thought that the Monkey King in front of him was the Monkey King he was familiar with, but he didn't expect it to be a creature in another world!

And Xiao Tian was able to bring creatures from another world to the original world, which gave Kunpeng a deeper understanding of Xiao Tian's methods!

Chapter 2419 Conquer Wu Gang!

Seeing the demon master Kunpeng's expression, Xiao Tian just smiled and didn't say much.

Perhaps now the demon master Kunpeng would be shocked by his methods, but when he entered the battlefield of ten thousand realms, he would understand that this was just a small scene at all.

"Since the demon master has decided to join the Fengyun Academy, please arrange the things in your hands as soon as possible, and follow me to the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms in three days."

Xiao Tianchong demon master Kunpeng confessed, and then rushed towards the moon palace with Monkey King and Hu Tu.

Maitreya Buddha and Queen Mother of the West had Bodhi Patriarch and Zhang Bairen persuaded him to persuade him, and the Bull Demon King and Demon Master Kun Peng had agreed to join him to join Fengyun Academy. Now his final goal is the sleeping Chang'e in the Moon Palace and the one who has been protecting Chang'e in the Moon Palace. Wu Gang!

In other words, Xiao Tian's goal this time was Wu Gang, and as for Chang'e, it was just an object to be subdued for Wu Gang to join Fengyun Academy!

At Xiao Tian's speed, even if he didn't go all out, it only took half an hour to rush from Beihai Haiyan to the outside of the Moon Palace.

Outside the Moon Palace, a majestic man dressed in linen and holding an axe in his hand was already waiting here.

That man is naturally Wu Gang. As one of the great powers in the heavens, Wu Gang also stepped into the Holy Realm early, and the moment Xiao Tian returned to the original world, he was already aware of it, only because Chang'e was still sleeping in the moon palace. , Wu Gang was afraid that Chang'e would have an accident after he left. This was just watching the situation in the heavens from a distance outside the Moon Palace.

"Wu Gang already knows your purpose," Wu Gang nodded at Xiao Tian and said in a calm tone: "But Wu Gang has other important things and can only refuse your kindness."

"What if I can awaken Fairy Chang'e?" Xiao Tian smiled upon hearing the words, his eyes fell on the Guanghan Palace behind Wu Gang, with a little inexplicable smile on his face.

He was able to perceive the existence of demonic energy in Guanghan Palace, and that demonic energy was even more familiar to him, because he had fought against Enubis, the owner of the devilish energy, on the plane of the sky!

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