God-level system to teach the heavens

God-level system enlightens the heavens Chapter 1017

Obviously, the reason why Chang'e fell into a deep sleep was because of the death demon Enubis. If it were before, Xiao Tian was not sure whether he could wake Chang'e, but after discovering the reason why Chang'e fell asleep and the death demon god After Enubis was concerned, Xiao Tian had no doubt in his heart.

With his current cultivation base at the peak of the Holy Realm, even if the Death Demon in his heyday appeared in front of him, he could only be crushed by him. It is naturally impossible to cause any trouble to him if he was left behind by the Death Demon.

"Your Excellency can awaken the Fairy?" Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Wu Gang's eyes lit up, and he didn't hesitate to say: "If your Excellency can really awaken the Fairy Chang'e, then Wu Gang will be driven by you!"

Xiao Tian didn't know what to say when he heard this, he didn't know whether to sigh Wu Gang's affection or say Wu Gang was stupid.

However, since Wu Gang promised to let him drive as long as he could wake Chang'e, Xiao Tian naturally couldn't miss such an opportunity.

"Wukong, Hutu, you guys wait a moment here," Xiao Tianchong smiled at Sun Wukong and Hutu behind him, and said in a calm tone.

Upon hearing this, Monkey King and Hu Tu nodded quickly, but Xiao Tian stopped talking when he saw this, and walked directly towards the Guanghan Palace.

There was nothing in the Guanghan Palace, and in the center of the Guanghan Palace, there was a huge jade bed. An astonishing chill radiated from the jade bed and filled the Guanghan Palace.

On the jade bed, a pale fairy dressed in plain yarn lay quietly, surrounded by faint black air.

Around the jade bed, there is a golden enchantment, which covers the jade bed as a whole, preventing the black energy from spreading around.

Obviously, the golden enchantment was Wu Gang's method to prevent the spread of devil energy.

Xiao Tian smiled and shook his head, casually broke the golden barrier in front of him.

Outside Guanghan Palace, Wu Gang felt that the barrier he had arranged was broken, and he couldn't help but feel a little more worried.

Although he can perceive that Xiao Tian's strength is above him, he does not think that Xiao Tian can awaken Fairy Chang'e. After all, Fairy Chang'e fell asleep, but the ten demon gods that ravaged the heavens in ancient times!

"Great God Wu Gang, don't worry." Seeing Wu Gang's expression, Hu Tu couldn't help but persuade him: "Master's contribution to good fortune will definitely be able to awaken Fairy Chang'e."

She was adopted by Fairy Chang'e when she was traveling on the special plane of Westward Journey, so she has a good impression of Fairy Chang'e and Wu Gang in this world.

Wu Gang nodded, but the worry in his heart was undiminished. After all, that was the method of the Death Demon. He didn't know how many methods he had tried for countless years and couldn't wake Chang'e. Although Xiao Tian is strong, he may not have it in this regard. experience.

Xiao Tian in the Guanghan Palace naturally didn't know what Wu Gang was thinking. After breaking the golden barrier, Xiao Tian pointed directly at the center of Chang'e's eyebrows. Xiao Tian's fingertips faintly flashed with golden light, and he directly sank into the sea of ​​Chang'e. Among.

The next moment, the devilish energy surrounding Chang'e was like encountering a nemesis, the ice disappeared and the snow melted instantly, and Chang'e's pale face gradually became more bloody.

Soon, the devil qi in the surroundings was completely purified, and Xiao Tian retracted his finger and walked directly outside Guanghan Palace.

Outside the Guanghan Palace, Wu Gang saw Xiao Tian's figure appear, and instantly appeared in front of Xiao Tian, ​​and said eagerly, "I wonder if the fairy can wake up?"

"You can tell at a glance," Xiao Tian smiled, and said in a calm tone.

Wu Gang heard this, how could he suppress the doubts in his heart, and hurriedly walked towards Guanghan Palace. After a while, Wu Gang's surprise voice came from Guanghan Palace: "Fairy, you finally woke up!"

Hearing Wu Gang's voice, Xiao Tian smiled faintly. He knew that Wu Gang had succeeded in conquering. As for whether Chang'e was willing to go with him to the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, he didn't care much.

After all, Chang'e's cultivation base was not high. Only in the early stage of the Primal Realm, although he was a master in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, Chang'e was not good at fighting, and even if he was recruited into Fengyun Academy, he would not have much effect.

Not long after, Wu Gang and Chang'e walked out of Guanghan Palace and saw Xiao Tian standing outside Guanghan Palace. Without any hesitation, Wu Gang directly nodded at Xiao Tian and said in a deep voice: "I Wu Gang Whatever you say, from now on, I, Wu Gang, will be sent by your Excellency!"

Xiao Tian nodded, his gaze fell on Chang'e, who was on the side, without speaking.

"If seniors can see Chang'e's little strength, Chang'e is also willing to follow seniors," Chang'e said when Xiao Tian looked at him without any hesitation.

Chapter 2420 Return to the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield!

Three days later, on Lingtai Mountain.

Zhang Bairen Niu Demon King and others gathered here, waiting for Xiao Tian to appear.

Under the gaze of everyone, Xiao Tian and the three figures of Hu Tu and Sun Wukong quietly emerged. Even though this is not the first time everyone has seen Monkey King, they still feel a little emotional at this moment.

After all, the Monkey King in this world has fallen since ancient times. After countless years, they did not expect to see this monkey again. Although this monkey comes from another world, it is just like the Monkey King in their minds. No two, how can this make them feel uncomfortable?

"Are you ready?"

Xiao Tian glanced over Zhang Bairen and others, and said in a calm tone.

This time he returned to the original world to gain is not too small. Originally, he just wanted to recruit Patriarch Bodhi into Fengyun Academy, and then take a few strong people from the original world and leave, but he did not expect that this harvest would be so. rich!

Bodhi Patriarch, Bull Demon King, Demon Master Kunpeng, Wu Gang, and Maitreya Buddha, these five are all in the early stages of the Holy Land. Although Queen Mother West has not yet entered the Holy Land, she is only one step away. Only Fairy Chang'e is weaker. Some, only in the early stage of the Hunyuan Realm, but Chang'e was originally accepted by Xiao Tian in order to let Wu Gang join the Fengyun Academy. It could only be regarded as a gift, so Xiao Tian didn't care too much about Chang'e's strength.

"All arrangements have been made," Patriarch Bodhi said with a smile.

Three days are enough time for them to arrange things properly, not to mention that they will not be unable to return to the original world in the future. There is a space channel leading to the original world in the battlefield of ten thousand realms, and they can return to the original world through the space channel at any time. Therefore, they only need to explain that their disciples should not slacken their minds during their absence.

The Bull Demon King was even more straightforward. Even though he had left Jilei Mountain, there were Red Boy and Princess Iron Fan sitting in town, and the demons under his command did not dare to make any trouble.

As for Maitreya Buddha, Queen Mother of the West, the demon master Kun Peng, Wu Gang, Chang'e, and others, there is no need to worry about them, and there is no need to explain anything. Naturally, there will be no problems at this moment.

Xiao Tian didn't say much when he saw it, and he directly tore open the space in front of him. A spatial crack appeared out of thin air, and the magnificent Fengyun City could be vaguely seen from the spatial crack.

With the strength of the peak of Xiaotian Sacred Realm, it is naturally not difficult to open up a spatial channel leading to the battlefield of ten thousand realms. Although Pancheng has a channel to the original world, it will take some time to rush from Pancheng to Fengyun City. Naturally, it is not direct. The spatial passage leading to Fengyun City came quickly.

After the space channel was opened, Xiao Tian led Hu Tu and Monkey King directly into the space channel, while Zhang Bairen and others only smiled when they saw it, and followed Xiao Tian into the space channel.

Soon, Xiao Tian and his entourage appeared in Fengyun City. Cang Xuan, who noticed the aura of an unfamiliar Saint Realm powerhouse, flew out of Fengyun Academy. After seeing Xiao Tian in front of Zhang Bairen and others, Cang Xuan's expression also changed. A lot easier.

"Cang Xuan has seen the dean, deputy dean Zhang," Cang Xuan nodded at Xiao Tian and Zhang Bairen, then his eyes fell on the bull devil and the others, with some doubts; "I don't know who these are?"

"This is Patriarch Bodhi," Xiao Tian pointed to Patriarch Bodhi behind him, and said with a smile: "This is the best at teaching disciples and will also be the vice president of Fengyun Academy from now on."

"I have seen Bodhi Dao friends," Cang Xuan nodded at the Bodhi Patriarch, seeing Patriarch Bodhi dressed as a Taoist.

The Patriarch Bodhi didn’t say much when he heard the words. He cultivated himself to smelt Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. It’s no problem calling him a Taoist friend. Besides, he doesn’t actually care about Buddhism and Taoism. Too much entanglement in the matter.

"These two are the Demon Master Kunpeng and the Bull Demon King," Xiao Tian then pointed to the Demon Lord and the Demon Master Kunpeng, and said, "I plan to establish a Monster Race Academy in the academy to recruit people with the blood of the Monster Race. Geniuses, these two are the deans and vice deans of the Monster Race Academy, and they are responsible for the management and guidance of those geniuses who have the blood of the Monster Race."

"I have seen friend Kunpeng, friend Dao Niu," Cang Xuan nodded at the bull demon king and demon master Kunpeng, he could detect the amazing power hidden in the demon master Kunpeng and the bull demon king.

Although both were in the early stages of the Holy Realm, Dan Dan Cangxuan didn't think he was the opponent of the demon master Kunpeng and the Bull Demon King.

"My old Niu is a vulgar person, fellow Taoists don't need to be like that," the Niu Demon King said after hearing the words.

Kunpeng on the side also nodded, and said in a calm tone: "My demon clan doesn't care about these rituals. From now on, everyone will be colleagues. Daoists don't need to be like this."

Xiao Tian ignored the words of the Bull Demon King and Kun Peng. His eyes fell on the Maitreya Buddha, Queen Mother West and Wu Gang Chang'e behind him. After a while, he pointed to Maitreya Buddha and continued: "This is Maitreya Buddha. You will join the college. If this person has any requirements in the future, you can deal with it at your discretion. If you feel that you can’t make decisions, please notify me.”

Cang Xuan nodded. From Xiao Tian's words, it was not difficult for him to tell that even if so many holy realm experts joined Fengyun Academy, his status would still not be greatly impacted, so Cang Xuan couldn't help but have a few more on his face. Divorce.

After all, he was only in the early stage of the Holy Realm. With the addition of Zhang Bairen and many early stage experts in the Holy Realm, his cultivation is already very inconspicuous. The only advantage is that he is one of the veterans of Fengyun Academy!

Seeing Cang Xuan's expression, Xiao Tian smiled, and did not speak.

Those veterans who helped him establish Fengyun Academy will naturally not treat him badly. Although those instructors who have not stepped into the Holy Realm will inevitably lose their status in the future, Xiao Tian will also guarantee that their treatment will not be too bad, and it is like Cang Xuan. It was even more impossible for Xiao Tian to treat a veteran who stepped into the Holy Realm like this.

This time I also used Cang Xuan to tell the other veterans of Fengyun Academy that as long as they do their best for Fengyun Academy, he Xiao Tian will not treat them badly!

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